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Add refund reports
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NicolasDorier committed Apr 19, 2024
1 parent f4aafd5 commit d4afe0e
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Showing 3 changed files with 177 additions and 1 deletion.
44 changes: 43 additions & 1 deletion BTCPayServer.Tests/UnitTest1.cs
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Expand Up @@ -3022,7 +3022,7 @@ internal static async Task CanUploadRemoveFiles(UIServerController controller)

[Trait("Selenium", "Selenium")]
[Trait("Integration", "Integration")]
public async Task CanCreateReports()
using var tester = CreateServerTester(newDb: true);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3130,6 +3130,48 @@ public async Task CanCreateReports()
var invoiceIdIndex = report.GetIndex("InvoiceId");
var oldPaymentsCount = report.Data.Count(d => d[invoiceIdIndex].Value<string>() == "Q7RqoHLngK9svM4MgRyi9y");
Assert.Equal(8, oldPaymentsCount); // 10 payments, but 2 unaccounted

var addr = await tester.ExplorerNode.GetNewAddressAsync();
// Two invoices get refunded
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
var inv = await client.CreateInvoice(acc.StoreId, new CreateInvoiceRequest() { Amount = 10m, Currency = "USD" });
await acc.PayInvoice(inv.Id);
await client.MarkInvoiceStatus(acc.StoreId, inv.Id, new MarkInvoiceStatusRequest() { Status = InvoiceStatus.Settled });
var refund = await client.RefundInvoice(acc.StoreId, inv.Id, new RefundInvoiceRequest() { RefundVariant = RefundVariant.Fiat, PaymentMethod = "BTC-CHAIN" });

async Task AssertData(string currency, decimal awaiting, decimal limit, decimal completed, bool fullyPaid)
report = await GetReport(acc, new() { ViewName = "Refunds" });
var currencyIndex = report.GetIndex("Currency");
var awaitingIndex = report.GetIndex("Awaiting");
var fullyPaidIndex = report.GetIndex("FullyPaid");
var completedIndex = report.GetIndex("Completed");
var limitIndex = report.GetIndex("Limit");
var d = Assert.Single(report.Data.Where(d => d[report.GetIndex("InvoiceId")].Value<string>() == inv.Id));
Assert.Equal(fullyPaid, (bool)d[fullyPaidIndex]);
Assert.Equal(currency, d[currencyIndex].Value<string>());
Assert.Equal(completed, (((JObject)d[completedIndex])["v"]).Value<decimal>());
Assert.Equal(awaiting, (((JObject)d[awaitingIndex])["v"]).Value<decimal>());
Assert.Equal(limit, (((JObject)d[limitIndex])["v"]).Value<decimal>());

await AssertData("USD", awaiting: 0.0m, limit: 10.0m, completed: 0.0m, fullyPaid: false);
var payout = await client.CreatePayout(refund.Id, new CreatePayoutRequest() { Destination = addr.ToString(), PaymentMethod = "BTC-CHAIN" });
await AssertData("USD", awaiting: 10.0m, limit: 10.0m, completed: 0.0m, fullyPaid: false);
await client.ApprovePayout(acc.StoreId, payout.Id, new ApprovePayoutRequest());
await AssertData("USD", awaiting: 10.0m, limit: 10.0m, completed: 0.0m, fullyPaid: false);
if (i == 0)
await client.MarkPayoutPaid(acc.StoreId, payout.Id);
await AssertData("USD", awaiting: 0.0m, limit: 10.0m, completed: 10.0m, fullyPaid: true);
if (i == 1)
await client.CancelPayout(acc.StoreId, payout.Id);
await AssertData("USD", awaiting: 0.0m, limit: 10.0m, completed: 0.0m, fullyPaid: false);

private async Task<StoreReportResponse> GetReport(TestAccount acc, StoreReportRequest req)
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions BTCPayServer/Hosting/BTCPayServerServices.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -368,6 +368,7 @@ public static IServiceCollection AddBTCPayServer(this IServiceCollection service
services.AddSingleton<IPayoutHandler>(provider => provider.GetRequiredService<BitcoinLikePayoutHandler>());
Expand Down
133 changes: 133 additions & 0 deletions BTCPayServer/Services/Reporting/RefundsReportProvider.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
#nullable enable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using BTCPayServer.Client.Models;
using BTCPayServer.Data;
using Dapper;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace BTCPayServer.Services.Reporting
public class RefundsReportProvider : ReportProvider
private readonly BTCPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings _serializerSettings;
private readonly DisplayFormatter _displayFormatter;

private ViewDefinition CreateDefinition()
return new ViewDefinition
Fields = new List<StoreReportResponse.Field>
new("Date", "datetime"),
new("InvoiceId", "invoice_id"),
new("Currency", "string"),
new("Completed", "amount"),
new("Awaiting", "amount"),
new("Limit", "amount"),
new("FullyPaid", "boolean")
Charts =
new ()
Name = "Aggregated amount",
Groups = { "Currency" },
HasGrandTotal = false,
Aggregates = { "Awaiting", "Completed", "Limit" }
public override string Name => "Refunds";

public ApplicationDbContextFactory DbContextFactory { get; }

public RefundsReportProvider(
ApplicationDbContextFactory dbContextFactory,
BTCPayNetworkJsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings,
DisplayFormatter displayFormatter)
DbContextFactory = dbContextFactory;
_serializerSettings = serializerSettings;
_displayFormatter = displayFormatter;
record RefundRow(DateTimeOffset Created, string InvoiceId, string PullPaymentId, string Currency, decimal Limit)
public decimal Completed { get; set; }
public decimal Awaiting { get; set; }
public override async Task Query(QueryContext queryContext, CancellationToken cancellation)
queryContext.ViewDefinition = CreateDefinition();
RefundRow? currentRow = null;
await using var ctx = DbContextFactory.CreateContext();
var conn = ctx.Database.GetDbConnection();
var rows = await conn.QueryAsync(
SELECT i."Created", i."Id" AS "InvoiceId", p."State", p."PaymentMethodId", pp."Id" AS "PullPaymentId", pp."Blob" AS "ppBlob", p."Blob" AS "pBlob" FROM "Invoices" i
JOIN "Refunds" r ON r."InvoiceDataId"= i."Id"
JOIN "PullPayments" pp ON r."PullPaymentDataId"=pp."Id"
LEFT JOIN "Payouts" p ON p."PullPaymentDataId"=pp."Id"
WHERE i."StoreDataId" = @storeId
AND i."Created" >= @start AND i."Created" <= @end
AND pp."Archived" IS FALSE
ORDER BY i."Created", pp."Id"
""", new { start = queryContext.From, end = queryContext.To, storeId = queryContext.StoreId });
foreach (var r in rows)
PullPaymentBlob ppBlob = GetPullPaymentBlob(r);
PayoutBlob? pBlob = GetPayoutBlob(r);

if ((string)r.PullPaymentId != currentRow?.PullPaymentId)
AddRow(queryContext, currentRow);
currentRow = new(r.Created, r.InvoiceId, r.PullPaymentId, ppBlob.Currency, ppBlob.Limit);
if (pBlob is null)
var state = Enum.Parse<PayoutState>((string)r.State);
if (state == PayoutState.Cancelled)
if (state is PayoutState.Completed)
currentRow.Completed += pBlob.Amount;
currentRow.Awaiting += pBlob.Amount;
AddRow(queryContext, currentRow);

private PayoutBlob? GetPayoutBlob(dynamic r)
if (r.pBlob is null)
return null;
Data.PayoutData p = new Data.PayoutData();
p.PaymentMethodId = r.PaymentMethodId;
p.Blob = (string)r.pBlob;
return p.GetBlob(_serializerSettings);

private static PullPaymentBlob GetPullPaymentBlob(dynamic r)
Data.PullPaymentData pp = new Data.PullPaymentData();
pp.Blob = (string)r.ppBlob;
return pp.GetBlob();

private void AddRow(QueryContext queryContext, RefundRow? currentRow)
if (currentRow is null)
var data = queryContext.AddData();
data.Add(_displayFormatter.ToFormattedAmount(currentRow.Completed, currentRow.Currency));
data.Add(_displayFormatter.ToFormattedAmount(currentRow.Awaiting, currentRow.Currency));
data.Add(_displayFormatter.ToFormattedAmount(currentRow.Limit, currentRow.Currency));
data.Add(currentRow.Limit <= currentRow.Completed);

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