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CI DockerPulls DockerStars


To use this docker container you should this execute this command:

$ docker run -d -e GIT=http[s]://[GIT_PATH]/.git aquelatecnologia/host-nodejs

then run a docker logs [CONTAINER_ID] to see if it is all ok.

Connect to Docker

As it's not possible to dynamically expose ports from the container I choose to expose 8081. If you need to change this for any reason you can both fork this project or just map your local port to the 8081 like this.

-p [LOCAL_PORT]:8081

If you use sock file to connect to your NodeJS, you can map a volume to the file or folder and just forget about the 8081 port.

-v [LOCAL_PATH]:/var/app/src/[PATH_TO_SOCKFILE]

Run step

By default the bootstrap script will only run on pre-run command:

$ npm install

If you need to run yours custom scripts at pre-run phase all you have to do is to map a script folder and name your scripts in order of execution (internally the bootstrap will run each *.sh file inside this script folder, so to run in the correct order is recommended that once you run ls commands the files are ordered correctly).

-v [YOUR_SCITPS_PATH]:/var/app/scripts/


  • All scripts run from the APP_PATH context/folder. So is not needed to add path or context to them.

  • The $ npm install command is not called if you define your custom scripts, this has to handled by your scripts.

After all these steps the bootstrap will run $ npm start to run your app.


To define you git remote repository all you have to do is add an EVN for that

-e GIT=http[s]://[GIT_PATH]/.git

Password protected git

In case you have a password protected git add username and password to the GIT variable.

-e GIT=https://[USER]:[PASS]@[GIT_PATH]/.git

Do not forget to encode your user and password if any of them has special characters.

SSH Key protected git

In case you have a ssh key protected git share with the container you ssh GIT keys and config file

-v [YOUR_SSH_PATH]:~/.ssh/

Changing Default Branch

By default, the Bootstrap script will use master as it default branch. If you need to change that, just add an ENV for this.


Custom PATHS

If for any case you need to change the default path for the app or the scripts folder you can do that by adding an ENV for those.

App folder (default: /var/app/src)


Scripts folder (default: /var/app/scripts)



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