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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 30, 2023. It is now read-only.


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Provide a simple slf4j backend.

Defaults to JSON output to stdout.

brolog is intended for containers. Logging to files or other fancy stuff is not supported.


I wanted something simple that works well in containerized environments.

  • No file appenders
  • No config file
  • JSON output
  • Includes MDC and additional key value pairs in the JSON log entry.


There is a simple human-readable logger that is only intended for unit tests. Using json output when running tests in the IDE is just not ideal.

Just set the system property brolog.simple.mode or the environment variable BROLOG_SIMPLE_MODE to true.

Gradle example

test {
    systemProperty("brolog.simple.mode", "true")

Shell example

BROLOG_SIMPLE_MODE=true ./gradlew test




Use the environment variableBROLOG_ROOT_LEVEL to configure the root log level.

For logger levels define environment variables with the prefix BROLOG_LEVEL_.

Read JSON log files on the CLI

Try fblog


./gradlew publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository