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This was my way of improving this code. I'm sure it's not the best way

How would you make the following method more readable?

double GetPaymentAmount()
    double result;
    if (_isDead) result = GetDeadAmount();
        if (_isSeparated) result = GetSeparatedAmount();
            if (_isRetired) result = GetRetiredAmount();
            else result = GetNormalPayAmount();
    return result;

First, we create a Person class with a Status property that represents the status of the person using an enum

public class Person
    public PersonStatus Status { get; set; }

    public enum PersonStatus { Separated, Retired, Dead }

Then, create a Payment class with a method called GetPaymentAmount that receives a Person and determine the type of payment using a switch statement based in the Status of that Person

public class Payment
    public double GetPaymentAmount(Person person)
        switch (person.Status)
            case Person.PersonStatus.Dead:
                return GetDeadAmount();

            case Person.PersonStatus.Retired:
                return GetRetiredAmount();

            case Person.PersonStatus.Separated:
                return GetSeparatedAmount();

                return GetNormalPayAmount();

Don't forget to implement those methods

In this example the implementation really does not matter

private double GetDeadAmount()
    throw new NotImplementedException();

private double GetSeparatedAmount()
    throw new NotImplementedException();

private double GetRetiredAmount()
    throw new NotImplementedException();

private double GetNormalPayAmount()
    throw new NotImplementedException();

Is the following code easily maintainable? How would you improve it?

class Product
    public decimal Price()
        if (UOM.Equals("grams"))
            return Quantity * 6m / 1000;
        if (UOM.Equals("bottle"))
            return Quantity * 3m;
        if (UOM.Equals("bag"))
            var total += Quantity * .2m;
            var setsOfFour = Quantity / 4;
            total -= setsOfFour * .15m; //discount on groups of 4 items
            return total;
        return 0m;

In this example, i decided to use an enum for the name of the products. But in real word examples, you'll have thousands of different products and this is not a good idea

First, in the Product class, create an enum that contains the names of the products

public class Product
    public enum ProductName { Grams, Bottle, Bag }

Then, create a method called Price that receives a ProductName and the quantity of that product and returns the calculated price using a switch statement

public decimal Price(ProductName name, int quantity)
    switch (name)
        case ProductName.Grams:
            return quantity * 6m / 100;

        case ProductName.Bottle:
            return quantity * 3m;

        case ProductName.Bag:
            return quantity * .2m - (quantity / 4 * .15m);

            return 0m;

Mmm, I think this line is still causing confusion

    case ProductName.Bag:
        return quantity * .2m - (quantity / 4 * .15m);

For some reason, this Product has a discount. Why not write a method that calculates the discount of a product based in the quantity needed?

private decimal GetDiscount(int quantity)
    return quantity / 4 * .15m;

And we use it to apply a discount to a product

    case ProductName.Bag:
        return quantity * .2m - GetDiscount(quantity);

Now, our Product class looks like this

public class Product
    public enum ProductName { Grams, Bottle, Bag }

    public decimal Price(ProductName name, int quantity)
        switch (name)
            case ProductName.Grams:
                return quantity * 6m / 100;

            case ProductName.Bottle:
                return quantity * 3m;

            case ProductName.Bag:
                return quantity * .2m - GetDiscount(quantity);

                return 0m;

    private decimal GetDiscount(int quantity)
        return quantity / 4 * .15m;

How would you improve the maintainability of the following code?

class Employee
    private int _type;
    static final int ENGINEER = 0;
    static final int SALESMAN = 1;
    static final int MANAGER = 2;
    public double MonthlySalary { get; set; }
    public double Commission { get; set; }
    public double Bonus { get; set; }
    public Employee(int type)
        _type = type;
    public int GetPaymentAmount()
        switch (_type)
            case 0:
                return MonthlySalary;
            case 1:
                return MonthlySalary + Commission;
            case 2:
                return MonthlySalary + Bonus;
                throw new RuntimeException("Incorrect Employee");

In this example, I could have used an enumeration for each type of employee. But I decided to use some advantages of object-oriented programming

As we see, an Employee has a type and a different payment amount

Type Payment
Enginner MonthlySalary
Salesman MonthlySalary + Commission
Manager MonthlySalary + Bonus

Ok, let's write. First, create a Employee class that has some properties

public class Employee
    public double MonthlySalary { get; set; }
    public double Commission { get; set; }
    public double Bonus { get; set; }

Then, create a method called GetPaymentAmount

public double GetPaymentAmount()
    // ???

But, how do we know what the payment is for each type of Employee? We don't want to use a switch statement again

Let's make our class abstract and set the GetPaymentAmount method as virtual to let each type of employee define his own GetPaymentAmount

public abstract class Employee
    public double MonthlySalary { get; set; }
    public double Commission { get; set; }
    public double Bonus { get; set; }

    public virtual double GetPaymentAmount()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

Now we can create a type of employee as a class and that can inherit from the Employee class

Each class must define its own GetPaymentAmount (using override)


public class Engineer : Employee
    public override double GetPaymentAmount()
        return MonthlySalary;


public class Salesman : Employee
    public override double GetPaymentAmount()
        return MonthlySalary + Commission;


public class Manager : Employee
    public override double GetPaymentAmount()
        return MonthlySalary + Bonus;

Now, we can add a new type of Employee without modifying anything


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