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Basically as much of a dot net port of moment.js as necessary


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This library aims to port as many bits of functionality from moment.js as is necessary. A few have been ported thus far FromNow, From, ToNow, To, StartOf, EndOf and CalendarTime. Attempts are also being made to add some functionalities that might not exist in moment.js.

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Example Usage


var dateTime = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);
var relativeTime = dateTime.FromNow(); // 2 years ago


var past = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);
var future = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
var relativeTime = past.From(future); // 3 years ago


var dateTime = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
var relativeTime = dateTime.ToNow(); // in one year


var past = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1);
var future = new DateTime(2021, 1, 1);
var relativeTime = past.From(future); // in 2 years


var date = DateTime.Parse("5/1/2008 8:30:52 AM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var startOfMinute = date.StartOf(DateTimeAnchor.Minute);	//01/05/2008 08:30:00"
var startOfHour = date.StartOf(DateTimeAnchor.Hour);		//01/05/2008 08:00:00" 
var startOfDay = date.StartOf(DateTimeAnchor.Day);		//01/05/2008 00:00:00"
var startOfWeek = date.StartOf(DateTimeAnchor.Week);		//27/04/2008 00:00:00" (previous month)
var startOfMonth = date.StartOf(DateTimeAnchor.Month);		//01/05/2008 00:00:00"
var startOfYear = date.StartOf(DateTimeAnchor.Year);		//01/01/2008 00:00:00"


var date = DateTime.Parse("5/1/2008 8:30:52 AM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var endOfMinute = date.EndOf(DateTimeAnchor.Minute);	        // 01/05/2008 08:30:59
var endOfHour = date.EndOf(DateTimeAnchor.Hour);		// 01/05/2008 08:59:59
var endOfDay = date.EndOf(DateTimeAnchor.Day);		        // 01/05/2008 23:59:59
var endOfWeek = date.EndOf(DateTimeAnchor.Week);		// 03/05/2008 23:59:59
var endOfMonth = date.EndOf(DateTimeAnchor.Month);		// 31/05/2008 23:59:59
var endOfYear = date.EndOf(DateTimeAnchor.Year);		// 31/12/2008 23:59:59


Calendar Time supports creating formats for displaying the return string. The format works in the standard DateTime format string manner

var startDateTime = new DateTime(2012, 12, 12);
var sameDay = new DateTime(2012, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0);
var endDateTime = new DateTime(2012, 12, 13);
var calendarTime = startDateTime.CalendarTime(endDateTime); // Tomorrow at 00:00 AM
calendarTime = endDateTime.CalendarTime(startDateTime); // Yesterday at 00:00 AM
calendarTime = startDateTime.CalendarTime(sameDay); // Today at 12:00 PM


UnixTime supports retrieving the number of seconds or milliseconds that have elapsed since the unix epoch

var dateTime = new DateTime(1971, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
var millisecondsElapsed = dateTime.UnixTimestampInMilliseconds(); // 31536000000
var secondsElapsed = dateTime.UnixTimestampInSeconds(); // 31536000

First and Last Date in a week supports retrieving the first or last day in a week given a specific DateTime

date.FirstDateInWeek()  // 27/04/2008 00:00:00 (previous month)
date.LastDateInWeek()   // 03/05/2008 00:00:00

The example above uses the current CultureInfo for the system in use, to specify a CultureInfo, has an overloaded method that takes takes CultureInfo as an argument date.FirstDateInWeek(someCultureInfo).


Returns the date of the next Thursday.

var date = DateTime.Parse("5/1/2008 8:30:52 AM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
date.Next(DayOfWeek.Thursday) // 08/05/2008 08:30:52

Returns the 3rd next Thursday use

date.Next(DayOfWeek.Thursday, 3) // 22/05/2008 08:30:52


Returns the date of the previous Friday.

var date = DateTime.Parse("5/1/2008 8:30:52 AM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
date.Last(DayOfWeek.Friday) // 25/04/2008 08:30:52

Returns the 3rd previous Thursday.

date.Last(DayOfWeek.Thursday, 3) // 10/04/2008 08:30:52


Fluently returns the final day of the week in a month or year given a date

var date = DateTime.Parse("5/1/2008 8:30:52 AM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
// final monday in may 2008
date.Final().Monday().InMonth(); // 26/05/2008 00:00:00

// final sunday in 2008
date.Final().Sunday().InYear();  // 28/12/2008 00:00:00


Fluently returns a formatted string for a given date. if no format string is provided the format defaults to the ISO-8601 standard with no fractional seconds.

var dateTime = new DateTime(1971, 01, 01, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
date.Format(); // 1971-01-01T00:00:00+00:00
date.Format("yyyy MMM dd"); // 1971 Jan 01


Determines if a given date falls in a leap year.

var dateTime = DateTime.Parse("1992-02-01");
dateTime.IsLeapYear(); // True

var dateTime = DateTime.Parse("1900-02-01");
dateTime.IsLeapYear(); // False


Checks in a timezone-safe manner whether two dates are the same

var one = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-01T23:00:00-01:00");
var another = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-02T03:00:00+03:00");
one.IsSame(another); // True

var wrong = DateTime.Parse("1900-02-01");
wrong.IsSame(one); // False


Checks in a timezone-safe manner whether one date comes before another

var one = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-02");
var another = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-03");
one.IsSameOrBefore(another); // True

var wrong = DateTime.Parse("2022-02-01");
one.IsBefore(wrong); // False


Checks in a timezone-safe manner whether one date is the same as or comes before another

var one = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-02");
var another = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-03");
one.IsSameOrBefore(another); // True

var same = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-02");
one.IsSameOrBefore(same); // True

var wrong = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-01");
one.IsSameOrBefore(wrong); // False


Checks in a timezone-safe manner whether one date comes after another

var one = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-03");
var another = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-02");
one.IsAfter(another); // True

var wrong = DateTime.Parse("2022-02-01");
one.IsAfter(wrong); // False


Checks in a timezone-safe manner whether one date is the same as or comes after another

var one = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-03");
var another = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-02");
one.IsSameOrAfter(another); // True

var same = DateTime.Parse("2022-01-03");
one.IsSameOrAfter(same); // True

var wrong = DateTime.Parse("2022-02-01");
one.IsSameOrAfter(wrong); // False


The methods from the class RelativeTime that return a string now accept an optional parameter ci of the type CultureInfo.

This optional parameter is used to retrieve the corresponding string resources from the main assembly (for english/invariant culture) or the satellite assemblies for other cultures.

If the ci parameter for an unsupported language is passed in, the library falls back to the invariant culture (english).

If the ci parameter is not passed in, or it is null, the library uses the culture returned by the static method CultureWrapper.GetDefaultCulture.

The value returned by this method is in turn controlled by the value of the property CultureInfo.UseCurrentThreadCultureAsDefault.

  • When true, GetDefaultCulture returns the CultureInfo associated with the running thread.
  • When false, the value specified in the CultureWrapper.DefaultCulture property is returned.

Examples using localization


var dateTime = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);
var relativeTime = dateTime.FromNow(new CultureInfo("es")); // 6 años atrás (spanish culture)


var past = new DateTime(2017, 1, 1);
var future = new DateTime(2020, 1, 1);
var relativeTime = past.From(future, new CultureInfo("ru")); // 3 years ago (russian culture -unsupported-, so fallback to invariant is used)


var dateTime = new DateTime(2024, 1, 1);
var relativeTime = dateTime.ToNow(new CultureInfo("es")); // en un año (spanish culture)

Adding additional resources for localization

Currently, the library contains english and spanish resources for localized strings.

If you want to contribute with support for more languages, just add the corresponding String.[language identifier].resx to the root folder, and use the as a guide to fill the key-value pairs.

Be sure to set the Build Action of the .resx file to Embedded resource to avoid problems resolving the string resources.


Basically as much of a dot net port of moment.js as necessary








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