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Customer Deposit Factory

The CustomerDepositFactory smart contract allows Incent Loyalty to create a series of uniquely addressed deposit contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Each of these deposit contracts can be provided to customers and when customers send ethers to their deposit contract, their ethers will be split via the factory contract in a 0.5%/0.5%/99% ratio into 3 Ethereum addresses.

Table of contents

Deposit Contract Creation And Gas Usage

From the testing of the deposit contracts, the following gas is required for the different number of deposit contracts being created when calling the createDepositContracts(uint256 number) function:

Number of deposit contracts created Gas usage
1 206,398
10 1,717,330
20 3,412,810

Creating more than 20 deposit contract in the one transaction may result in an error due to the block gas limits.

JSON RPC Interaction With This Contract

Creating New Deposit Contract Addresses

The createDepositContracts(uint256 number) function signature follows:

> web3.sha3('createDepositContracts(uint256)').substring(0, 10)

Append the 0 padded number of deposit contracts to be created, for example to create 20 deposit contracts:


Set The Funding Closed Flag

The setFundingClosed(bool _fundingClosed) function signature follows:

> web3.sha3('setFundingClosed(bool)').substring(0, 10)

Append the 0 padded boolean flag 0 (off) or 1 (on), for example to close off the funding:


To Filter For The DepositContractCreated Topic

The DepositContractCreated(address indexed depositContract, uint256 number) event signature follows:

> web3.sha3('DepositContractCreated(address,uint256)')


{"address":"0xebb2634dd3194ba6d75eeb049cd0f73bf9801d95","blockHash":"0x028a9a4c7556b8f5b020e6b624673b78dd5fefa3730e8113e3896e57dd713dd0","blockNumber":10,"data":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001","logIndex":0,"removed":false,"topics":["0x17b39befb027a95f2f3423ca18f3d98ce369297f24316ebfd763c3b543989477","0x00000000000000000000000059da4a4d09575d187478f468ffda04fc1e8675aa"],"transactionHash":"0x2ced2259477af3b351cd85932b62593dbb059af1734859760bceb6c29f4d705b","transactionIndex":0} {"address":"0xebb2634dd3194ba6d75eeb049cd0f73bf9801d95","blockHash":"0x33edb2eefee1a6009046a71c725b9e16b6a72298f160b7cc438127b4efbc4ad3","blockNumber":14,"data":"0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002","logIndex":0,"removed":false,"topics":["0x17b39befb027a95f2f3423ca18f3d98ce369297f24316ebfd763c3b543989477","0x0000000000000000000000007e3527064e2b1441956ed786ad58d18b9e3fcf10"],"transactionHash":"0xa963e7556e522dfc21cf83d4041f761a5adf99b712c36e36770607ef4f59b0ff","transactionIndex":0}

In the event data above, the deposit accounts created 0x59da4a4d09575d187478f468ffda04fc1e8675aa and 0x7e3527064e2b1441956ed786ad58d18b9e3fcf10 are encoded in the second topics parameter with 0 padding.

To Filter For The DepositReceived Topic

The DepositReceived(address indexed depositOrigin, address indexed depositContract, uint256 _value) event signature follows:

> web3.sha3('DepositReceived(address,address,uint256)')



In the event data above, the account depositing ethers 0x0055fbc1ada89056088c75eaf50400af6756ae61 is encoded in the second topics parameter with 0 padding.

And the _value parameter is encoded in the data parameter:

> new BigNumber("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008e087d455911b400", 16)
> web3.fromWei(new BigNumber("8e087d455911b400", 16), "ether")
> new BigNumber("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008e087d455911b400", 16).div(1e18)

To Filter For The FundingClosed Topic

The FundingClosed(bool fundingClosed) event signature follows:

> web3.sha3('FundingClosed(bool)')

The first event has fundingClosed set to true


The second event has fundingClosed set to false


Testing And Results

The test cases can be found in test/ and the results from this test in test/test1results.txt.

Security Audit

You can find the security audit here.

Deployment Checks

After deployment of the contract to the Ethereum blockchain, double check the configuration data - DEPOSIT_DATE_FROM, DEPOSIT_DATE_TO, incentAccount, feeAccount and clientAccount.

Enjoy. (c) Incent Loyalty Pty Ltd and Bok Consulting Pty Ltd 2017. The MIT Licence.