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Bob Familiar edited this page Apr 9, 2016 · 22 revisions

#Release Notes

New Repo Content - 04.09.2016

I have released a new set of content to support the concepts outlined in the book. The content is organized as a 5 module hands on lab workshop that focuses on automation, microservices and IoT.

Automation Script Updates

I updated all of the Automation Scripts to use v 1.0.2 of the Azure PowerShell CmdLets. This means that all of the PowerShell commands are not compliant with Azure Resource Manager (ARM). The one exception is the script that deploys the AlarmWorker Cloud Service which uses the Service Management version of the Azure commands.

IMPORTANT: To use the ARM scripts, you MUST log in using the Login-AzureRMAccount command. The one exception is the the AlarmWorker deployment script. To run that script, you must log in using the Add-AzureAccount command.

##Testing the Biometrics Dashboard

The instructions on testing the Biometrics Dashboard were not included in Chapter 5. An exercise 11 should have been included. Once you have completed exercise 10, you can follow the instructions below to test the dashboard. Note that making these changes will increase the cost of what you have running in Azure. To avoid extensive additional cost, you can dial back the scale settings to free once the test is complete.

  1. Navigate to the Biometrics_RG Resource Group. Expand so that you can see all the resources listed as part of the group.
  2. Click on either the biometrics dashboard or the biometrics API web site.
  3. Click Settings and select App Service Plan.
  4. Click on Pricing Tier, set the level to B1 and save.
  5. Go back to the Settings blade and select Scale. Note that this may take a minute or two to update.
  6. Navigate to the Biometrics Dashboard.

As long as the BioMax Simulator is running, the dashboard application will continue to retrieve the most recent events by calling the Biometrics API and update the dashboard using SignalR. You should see the three maps update with device locations and the sliders move up and down as the aggregate measurements change over time.

##Service Fabric Code Sample The ServiceFabric sample is now called RefMService. To test it you will need the Service Fabric Developer Preview SDK and a running cluster. You will also need to update the RefMController class with your DocumentDb and Redis connection string information.

##Hands-On Labs for IoT Hub I have added a set of Hands-On Labs that leverage the reference implementation and use modified automation scripts to create a version of the solution that uses IoT Hub. These labs are offered as a 1-day seminar by BlueMetal if you are interested.

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