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Offline version of Kinefly that can run on Windows/Linux without ROS

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Offline version of Kinefly for Windows/Linux without ROS


Benifly is based on Kinefly software developed by Steve Safarik, which was designed for tracking tethered insect kinematics in real time. While Kinefly is designed for ROS, which requires a Linux based OS, Benifly only requires Python 2, so any recent Windows OS is appropriate. Benifly maintains the majority of Kinefly's core functionality, including virtually all image processing algorithms and error handling. However, instead of taking in an image stream from a camera in real-time, Benifly reads in previously recorded video files (tested for .avi,.mp4, & MATLAB .mat data).

The BMSL Lab also maintains a Kinefly repository that has been tested for Ubuntu 16.04 & ROS Kinetic and Ubuntu 18.04 & ROS Melodic.


Benifly is by no means a finished & bug-free software. If you try hard enough, it can be broken.


Benifly is simply a collection of Python classes and functions that can be called to perform various computer vision alogorithms, thus there are no special installion requirements. The repository should simply be cloned into a directory of your choosing, and the Python path should be set to include all modules in the main Benifly directory. It is highly reccomended that users install an integrated development environment (IDE) to manage modules and packages (Pycharm & Visual Studio work well).

Benifly requires the following external Python packages:

  • opencv-python (for various image processing tasks)
  • h5py (to load .mat files)
  • numpy (to handle numeric data & calculations)


It is recommended that users start by reading Kinefly documentation to understand the basic functionality of the software.

Users should start with the script This constructs a Benifly object and calls it's methods. The user can specify which video files to feed to Benifly, where to save the output, and what specific method they would like to use (detailed below). Once the user becomes familiar with how Benifly works, he or she can write their own version of this script to suit his or her data processing needs.

The user can set the following variables:

  • root: directory where video files are located
  • targetdir: directory to save output
  • vidname: name of the video data variable in the .mat file (necessary for MATLAB videos only). The video should be stored as a 3D greyscale video matrix.

It is recommended that root & targetdir be different directories to avoid possible naming conflicts.

Main Classes & Methods

Currently, the main class has five methods that can be called.

1. loopMat(root, file, vidname)

Will continuously track a MATLAB .mat video in a file located in the root with filename file until stopped by the user. There is no output, which is useful for setting masks & other parameters before tracking. The input parameter vidname must be the MATLAB variable that the video is stored under. Note that the video must be in grayscale form (3D matrix).

2. runMat(root, file, vidname, targetdir)

Works just like like loopMat(), but will track a video stored in a .mat file and output data to the targetdir(tracking only runs once & is no longer continuous).

3. loopVid(root, file)

Works just like like loopMat(), but takes a video format file (.avi, .mp4, .mov, etc.) instead of a .mat file.

4. runVid(root, file, vidname, targetdir)

Works just like like runMat(), but takes a video format file instead of a .mat file.

5. loopLive()

Works just like loopMat() but reads in an image stream from the first default usb camera device. Not very useful right now, but can be used for debugging if video files are not loading.


Benifly methods that save data (runMat(),runVid()) output two files:

  • filename.csv: contains the head, abdomen, aux, and left & right wing angles for all frames of the input video. Outputs that are not set to be tracked default to nan. There are other Benifly variables that are not currently designed to be saved, such as the radii & gradients for each body part.
  • filename.avi: the saved Binefly video feed with tracking illustrations (default frame rate is 60Hz)

For both output files, filename will be the same as the name of the video file fed to Benifly.

Setting & Saving Parameters

The params.json file in the Benifly root directory stores all startup information for the GUI and tracking methods. Everytime a parameter is changed in the Kinefly GUI (such as a mask location), this information will be dumped to the file. The user can also edit this file to change parameters before startup. .json files are not especially readable/editable in text format, so a .json viewer may me helpful. If Benifly cannot find this file on startup, then default paramters will be used and a new params.json file will be created.

A params.json file is included in the root folder for reference, but it is recommended that users delete this and create their own from defaults. This will prevent a few possible issues.

Exiting the GUI

Do not use the X in the top right corner. This will cause problems. Instead click the the exit button on the top left.

General Notes

The paramter output_fps sets the frames per second of the output video (default=60).

Benifly vs Kinefly

  • Kinefly ROS commands (help, gui_on, gui_off, exit) are not functional.
  • Kinefly's data visualization & performance tracking services are currently unavaiable, but this may change in the future.
  • Kinefly's LED Panels Control & Voltage Output functionality is not included.
  • Benifly's wing-beat-frequency detcector (aux mask) will not return the true WBF becuase the play back rate is presumably not the same as the rate that the video was recorded.


If Benifly is returning any errors similar to "outside of range", "index", or "size" erros, this is most likely because you have a smaller sized video and the masks are set outside the pixel range. This error can occur in Kinefly as well. To solve this, edit the params.json: turn tracking off for all body parts & change the positions of the mask points to lie within your pixel range. This may be automated in the future. Alternatively, increasing the scale_image parameter can help in dealing with smaller sized videos.

Example error:


Other Resources

The scripts folder includes the MATLAB function ImportBenifly.m to import Benifly generated .csv files into the MATLAB workspace, as well as an example script to call this function and plot the kinematic data (PlotKinematics.m)


Input Frame:

A frame from a video of a rigidly tethered fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) in a visuomotor task.


Output Frame:

This image is also a good reference for how to set the left, right, head, and aux masks. The abdomen mask is also shown, but this example video is not set up for abdomen tracking.


Tracked Kinematics (abdomen off):

Head using area tracker, wings using edge tracker.



Offline version of Kinefly that can run on Windows/Linux without ROS







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