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Tool used to format, improve and verify code to BDE guidelines


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BDE Verify - A Static Checker for C++

Bde_verify is a static analysis tool that verifies that source code adheres to the BDE coding standards.

The online documentation for bde_verify can be found at

Build Instructions

Supported Platforms:

  • Linux x86
  • SunOS sparc
  • Windows
  • MacOS (Darwin)


  • llvm/clang 14.0 (see below for instructions)
  • gcc >= 7 (Linux and SunOS)
  • Clang >= 9 (Darwin/MacOS)
  • Visual Studio >= 2015 (Windows)
  • nsis with large-string overlay (Windows, more details below)
  • cmake >= 3.4.3
  • gnu make
  • aspell (package libaspell-dev)

Bde_verify incorporates llvm/clang-14.0 libraries. These may already be installed on the build machine. If not, they can be installed (in the Bloomberg environment) using dpkg, or built from source on Windows.

Bloomberg Environment

Installing bde_verify sources

# We will place bde_verify source code here
export BVSRC=/path/to/bde_verify/source/directory
mkdir -p ${BVSRC}
git clone -b master bbgithub:bde/bde_verify ${BVSRC}

Installing refroot

export DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT=/path/to/refroot
refroot-install --arch=amd64 --refroot-path=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT} --config=${BVSRC}/debian/control

Configure bde-verify (bbcmake)

mkdir _build; cd _build
bbcmake -64 -G Ninja -DClang_DIR=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT}/opt/bb/lib/llvm-14.0/lib64/cmake/clang/  ../

Alternatively, with plain cmake:

mkdir _build; cd _build
export CXX=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT}/opt/bb/bin/g++
export CC=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT}/opt/bb/bin/gcc
cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/bb -DClang_DIR=${DISTRIBUTION_REFROOT}/opt/bb/lib/llvm-14.0/lib64/cmake/clang/ -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m64 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE ../

Build & install bde-verify

cmake --build .
DESTDIR=/path/to/install/dir cmake --install .

Test bde-verify

cd ${BVSRC}
DESTDIR=/path/to/install/dir/opt/bb/  make -f Makefile.test_only check

Installing LLVM/Clang Sources

If you are doing this on a Bloomberg development machine, follow the instructions at to configure git for access to github securely through an https proxy.

Note: this requires a great deal of free disk space.

# We will place LLVM/Clang source code here
export LCSRC=/path/to/llvm/source/directory
mkdir -p ${LCSRC}

# Clone the LLVM/Clang repositories
git clone ${LCSRC} 
cd ${LCSRC}
# Checkout llvmorg-14.0.1 
git checkout tags/llvmorg-14.0.1 -b llvm14

Building LLVM/Clang

External references:

Below is the configuration line that enables clang and clang-tool-extra projects required by bde-verify:

mkdir _build; cd _build
# This is a configuration line for cmake that contain all relevant information (see description of defines in llvm howto).
# In order to use different compiler, use CXX/CC variables to point to compilers:
cmake --build .
cmake --install .

On Windows

Install the NSIS packaging system:

#  We refer to version 3.02.1 here, but newer versions should work.
#  Navigate to <>
#  The installer is named <nsis-3.02.1-setup.exe>.  Download and run it.
#  Download the large-strings overlay <>.
#  Open that archive and extract its files on top of the installed ones.

Set build directory:

# We will build LLVM/Clang here
export LCBLD=/path/to/build/directory
mkdir -p $LCBLD

Configure and build, and install llvm:

cmake $LCSRC/llvm
cmake --build . --target package --config MinSizeRel

# The result is an executable named LLVM-5.{...}-win32.exe
# Run it to install LLVM/Clang.  When asked, set the path for all users.

Building bde_verify

On Windows

Set build directory:

# We will build bde_verify here
export BVBLD=/path/to/bde_verify/build/directory

Configure, build, and install bde_verify

cmake $BVSRC
cmake --build . --target package --config MinSizeRel

# The result is an executable named bde_verify-{...}-win32.exe
# Run it to install bde_verify.  When asked, set the path for all users.

# Now build the Visual Studio bde_verify add-in

cmake --build . --target bde_verify_vsix --config MinSizeRel

# The result is $BVBLD/bde-verify-vs/BdeVerify.vsix
# Running that file installs the extension into Visual Studio.
# (It installs its own private copy of the bde_verify executable.)


Tool used to format, improve and verify code to BDE guidelines




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