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update. 日本語のヘルプメッセージを英語に書き換えて、多言語対応できるように対処する。
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blacknon committed Jul 10, 2023
1 parent a519fdc commit aaeeee9
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Showing 2 changed files with 116 additions and 37 deletions.
74 changes: 37 additions & 37 deletions pydork/
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Expand Up @@ -7,14 +7,14 @@

from .sub_commands import run_subcommand
from .engine import ENGINES
from . import messages

from pkg_resources import get_distribution
from datetime import datetime

import copy
import argparse

# TODO: 日本語のヘルプメッセージを英語に書き換えて、多言語対応できるように対処する。
# TODO: returnではなくyieldに切り替えて、返り値をgeneratorにすることである程度途中状態でも状況を見れるような仕組みとする

Expand All @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
def main():
# parserの作成
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()

# ENGINESに`all`を追加
Expand All @@ -41,107 +41,107 @@ def main():
"type": str,
"nargs": "?",
"default": "",
"help": "検索文字列(クエリ)",
"help": messages.help_message_query,
"args": ["-f", "--file"],
"action": "store",
"type": str,
"default": "",
"help": "検索文字列(クエリ)が書かれているファイル",
"help": messages.help_message_op_file,
"args": ["-F", "--template_file"],
"action": "store",
"type": str,
"default": "",
"help": "検索文字列(クエリ)が書かれているテンプレートファイル(jinja2)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_template_file,
"args": ["-V", "--template_variable"],
"action": "store",
"type": str,
"default": "",
"help": "テンプレートファイル(jinja2)で使用する変数セット(json)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_template_variable,
"args": ["-t", "--search_type"],
"default": ["google"],
"choices": engines_list,
"nargs": "+",
"type": str,
"help": "使用する検索エンジンを指定",
"help": messages.help_message_op_search_type,
"args": ["-l", "--lang"],
"default": "ja",
"choices": ["ja", "en"],
"type": str,
"help": "言語を指定",
"help": messages.help_message_op_lang,
"args": ["-c", "--country"],
"default": "JP",
"choices": ["JP", "US"],
"type": str,
"help": "国を指定",
"help": messages.help_message_op_country,
"args": ["-P", "--proxy"],
"default": "",
"type": str,
"help": "プロキシサーバーを指定(例:socks5://hogehoge:8080, https://fugafuga:18080)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_proxy_server,
"args": ["-j", "--json"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "json形式で出力する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_json,
"args": ["-k", "--insecure"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "sslエラーを無視する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_insecure,
"args": ["-s", "--selenium"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "Selenium(headless browser)を使用する(排他: Splashより優先)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_selenium,
"args": ["-S", "--splash"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "Splash(headless browser)を使用する(排他: Seleniumの方が優先)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_splash,
"args": ["-b", "--browser-endpoint"],
"default": "",
"type": str,
"help": "Selenium/Splash等のヘッドレスブラウザのエンドポイントを指定(例: localhost:8050)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_browser_endpoint,
"args": ["-B", "--browser"],
"default": "firefox",
"choices": ["chrome", "firefox"],
"type": str,
"help": "Seleniumで使用するBrowserを指定",
"help": messages.help_message_op_browser,
"args": ["--color"],
"default": "auto",
"choices": ["auto", "none", "always"],
"type": str,
"help": "color出力の切り替え"
"help": messages.help_message_op_color,
"args": ["--cookies"],
"default": "~/.pydork_cookies",
"type": str,
"help": "使用するcookieファイルの格納先ディレクトリのPATH(各検索エンジンごとでcookieファイルを個別保存)"
"help": messages.help_message_op_cookies_dir,
"args": ["--delete-cookies"],
"type": bool,
"help": "検索クエリ実行ごとにCookieを削除する"
"help": messages.help_message_op_delete_cookies,

Expand All @@ -150,38 +150,38 @@ def main():
"args": ["-T", "--title"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "検索結果のタイトルをセットで出力する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_title,
"args": ["-0", "--nullchar"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "null characterを区切り文字として使用する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_null_char,
"args": ["-n", "--num"],
"default": 300,
"type": int,
"help": "検索結果の取得数を指定する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_num,
"args": ["--start"],
"type": lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d'),
"help": "期間指定(開始)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_start,
"args": ["--end"],
"type": lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d'),
"help": "期間指定(終了)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_end,
"args": ["--debug"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "debugモードを有効にする",
"help": messages.help_message_op_debug,
"args": ["--disable-headless"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "Seleniumでheadlessモードを無効化する(手動でのReCaptcha対応時に必要)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_disable_headless,
Expand All @@ -191,43 +191,43 @@ def main():
"args": ["-T", "--title"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "検索結果のタイトルをセットで出力する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_title,
"args": ["-p", "--pagelink"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "画像ファイルがあるhtmlのURLも出力する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_image_pagelink,
"args": ["-0", "--nullchar"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "null characterを区切り文字として使用する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_null_char,
"args": ["-n", "--num"],
"default": 300,
"type": int,
"help": "検索結果の取得数を指定する",
"help": messages.help_message_op_num,
# {
# "args": ["--start"],
# "type": lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d'),
# "help": "期間指定(開始)",
# "help": messages.help_message_op_start,
# },
# {
# "args": ["--end"],
# "type": lambda s: datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d'),
# "help": "期間指定(終了)",
# "help": messages.help_message_op_end,
# },
"args": ["--debug"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "debugモードを有効にする",
"help": messages.help_message_op_debug,
"args": ["--disable-headless"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "Seleniumでheadlessモードを無効化する(手動でのReCaptcha対応時に必要)",
"help": messages.help_message_op_disable_headless,
Expand All @@ -237,17 +237,17 @@ def main():
"args": ["--jap"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "日本語の文字を検索キーワードに追加してサジェストを取得"
"help": messages.help_message_op_suggest_jap
"args": ["--alph"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "アルファベット文字を検索キーワードに追加してサジェストを取得"
"help": messages.help_message_op_suggest_alph
"args": ["--num"],
"action": "store_true",
"help": "数字を検索キーワードに追加してサジェストを取得"
"help": messages.help_message_op_suggest_num
Expand Down
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions pydork/
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Expand Up @@ -8,3 +8,82 @@
* commandでのhelp messageを英語・日本語対応させるためのテキストデータを持つモジュール.

import os

lang = os.getenv('LANG')

if lang == 'ja_JP.UTF-8':
description = "各種検索エンジンから指定したクエリの結果(url)およびSuggestを取得する"

# common_args_map
help_message_query = "検索文字列(クエリ)"
help_message_op_file = "検索文字列(クエリ)が書かれているファイル"
help_message_op_template_file = "検索文字列(クエリ)が書かれているテンプレートファイル(jinja2)"
help_message_op_template_variable = "テンプレートファイル(jinja2)で使用する変数セット(json)"
help_message_op_search_type = "使用する検索エンジンを指定"
help_message_op_lang = "言語を指定"
help_message_op_country = "国を指定"
help_message_op_proxy_server = "プロキシサーバーを指定(例:socks5://hogehoge:8080, https://fugafuga:18080)"
help_message_op_json = "json形式で出力する"
help_message_op_insecure = "sslエラーを無視する"
help_message_op_selenium = "Selenium(headless browser)を使用する(排他: Splashより優先)"
help_message_op_splash = "Splash(headless browser)を使用する(排他: Seleniumの方が優先)"
help_message_op_browser_endpoint = "Selenium/Splash等のヘッドレスブラウザのエンドポイントを指定(例: localhost:8050)"
help_message_op_browser = "Seleniumで使用するBrowserを指定"
help_message_op_color = "color出力の切り替え"
help_message_op_cookies_dir = "使用するcookieファイルの格納先ディレクトリのPATH(各検索エンジンごとでcookieファイルを個別保存)"
help_message_op_delete_cookies = "検索クエリ実行ごとにCookieを削除する"

# other_map
help_message_op_title = "検索結果のタイトルをセットで出力する"
help_message_op_null_char = "null characterを区切り文字として使用する"
help_message_op_num = "検索結果の取得数を指定する"
help_message_op_debug = "debugモードを有効にする"
help_message_op_disable_headless = "Seleniumでheadlessモードを無効化する(手動でのReCaptcha対応時に必要)"
help_message_op_start = "期間指定(開始)"
help_message_op_end = "期間指定(終了)"
help_message_op_image_pagelink = "画像ファイルがあるhtmlのURLも出力する"

# suggest_map
help_message_op_suggest_jap = "日本語の文字を検索キーワードに追加してサジェストを取得"
help_message_op_suggest_alph = "アルファベット文字を検索キーワードに追加してサジェストを取得"
help_message_op_suggest_num = "数字を検索キーワードに追加してサジェストを取得"

description = "Obtain results (url) and Suggest for a specified query from various search engines"

# common_args_map
help_message_query = "search string(query)"
help_message_op_file = "File containing search strings(queries)"
help_message_op_template_file = "Template file (jinja2) containing search strings (queries)"
help_message_op_template_variable = "Variable set (json) used in template file (jinja2)"
help_message_op_search_type = "Specify which search engine to use"
help_message_op_lang = "Specify language"
help_message_op_country = "Specify country"
help_message_op_proxy_server = "Specify proxy server(example: socks5://hogehoge:8080, https://fugafuga:18080)"
help_message_op_json = "Output in json format"
help_message_op_insecure = "ignore ssl errors"
help_message_op_selenium = "Use Selenium (headless browser). (exclusive: takes precedence over Splash)"
help_message_op_splash = "Use Splash (headless browser) (exclusive: Selenium is preferred)"
help_message_op_browser_endpoint = "Specify the endpoint for headless browsers such as Selenium/Splash (example: localhost:8050)"
help_message_op_browser = "Specify Browser to use with Selenium"
help_message_op_color = "Switching color output"
help_message_op_cookies_dir = "PATH of the directory where the cookie files to be used are stored (cookie files are stored separately for each search engine)"
help_message_op_delete_cookies = "Delete cookies on every search query execution"

# other_map
help_message_op_title = "Output a set of search result titles"
help_message_op_null_char = "Use null character as delimiter"
help_message_op_num = "Specify the number of search results to retrieve"
help_message_op_debug = "Enable debug mode"
help_message_op_disable_headless = "Disable headless mode in Selenium (required for manual ReCaptcha support)"
help_message_op_start = "Search period (start)"
help_message_op_end = "Search period (end)"
help_message_op_image_pagelink = "Also output the html URL where the image files are located."

# suggest_map
help_message_op_suggest_jap = "Add Japanese characters to search keywords to get suggestions"
help_message_op_suggest_alph = "Add alphabetic characters to search keywords to get suggestions"
help_message_op_suggest_num = "Add numbers to search keywords to get suggestions"

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