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Full stack for building performant REST APIs using Scalatra, reactivemongo + extensions, json4s, Swagger, WireMock

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Scalatra Rest Template

This template represents a blueprint for an integrated stack of technologies that can be used to build RESTful APIs with as little boilerplate code as possible.

Like with Spring-Boot, (integration-)tested and documented REST resources can be built with low effort and few lines of code. The stack is optimized for quick prototyping of REST resources around a domain model. Domain models are built as case classes. JSON/BSON transformations, CRUD respositories, CRUD integration tests are added as simple one liners or by extending predefined traits.

Validation of incoming JSON with json schema and endpoint access restriction with JSON Web-Tokens.


These are the core technologies used

  • Scalatra as the (servlet 3.0 based) core environment for running the application and defining rest resources
  • Reactivemongo driver and Reactivemongo-extensions as the storage layer middleware. This implies usage of Mongodb as data storage
  • Swagger integration adds convenient documentation support to any REST endpoint. For all registered REST services a Swagger 2.0 spec will be generated at runtime and exposed under a universal api-doc endpoint. This enables use of Swagger-UI for each endpoint
  • Scalatest for fluent test writing using either BDD or simple flat spec like structuring of tests. Integration tests with embeddedmongo and WireMock are included as well.
  • Scaldi is used to wire service dependencies. It's a very powerful DI framework with beautiful syntax
  • Typesafe Config is integrated with Scaldi to provide a convenient way of externalizing general and environment specific properties in HOCON or any other format supported by the config library.
  • Fullstack JSON: REST resources consume and produce JSON, the database stores BSON and the test fixtures are written in...JSON!
  • JSON WebToken support with additional integration security constraint checks configurable per route


  • Reactively futuristic: Support for scala.concurrent.Future is built into persistence and REST layer by default. Being reactive with Futures and Akka across entire stack is easily possible
  • Easy CRUD: CRUD repository, CRUD REST resource (and related tests) are (quasi) one liners - it's done by composing traits
  • Convenient test infrastructure
    • BDD style assertions, Feature spec like test suite
    • Automatic handling of setup and teardown tasks
    • Json Fixtures for specifying any of the test data
    • Test coverage reports using scoverage
    • Integration test environment with embedded MongoDB, embedded Jetty



sbt can be started with a parameter to tell the application which config file to use. Without this parameter the default is application.conf (as described in [Typesafe Config Guide]

For testing environment this is

$ sbt -Dconfig.resource=application.testing.conf

Test your setup

To compile the project and run the included test suite. This will download embeddedmongo and run unit as well as integration tests

$ ;clean;test

To launch the app in a jetty container do

$ container:start

Open http://localhost:8080/api-docs in a browser to verify that the container is up and running.

You need a mongodb running on the port as specified in application.conf or the config file you are using. Recommendation: Use docker pull tutum/mongodb


Activate automatic recompile and update of server:

$ ~ ;copy-resources;aux-compile

Run all tests

$ test 

Run unit tests only

$ test-only com.github.bennidi.scalatrest.unit.* 

Run integration tests only

$ test-only com.github.bennidi.scalatrest.integration.*    

Run tests with coverage instrumentation. Reports are found in /target/scala-xxx/coverage-reports folder

$ ;coverage;test;coverageReport 

Generate documentation (ScalaDoc). Generated site will be located in /target/scala-xxx/[api|test-api] folder

$ doc
$ test:doc

OPTIONAL: The stack uses Swagger 1.0 for documentation of APIs. To make use of the Swagger features, you can use Swagger UI. Either you use it online or you maintain a local copy (recommended). Clone Swagger-UI into a directory different from your repository.

$ git clone

You can then open swagger-ui/dist/index.html in your preferred browser.

Handling CSV based imports

There is no direct support for csv imports anywhere in the template code. The data format supported by the template is JSON. To import a .csv file, it has to be transformed into a valid JSON. This can easily be done with a simple node.js tool, called csvtojson.

The converter tool expects column headers to contain the mapping from the flat CSV line to a (possibly) nested JSON object. Each column header can be a path expression pointing to the target property of where to store the value of the column.

  • Install the tool using npm
  • Add desired column headers to your CSV
  • Feed the csv into the tool and wait for the JSON to appear on the other side


This template constitutes an exemplary integration of technologies that can be used as a basis for building REST resources. It DOES NOT redistribute source code or binaries of any of its upstream dependencies as it not a bundled artifact.


Project dependencies

Framework Version sbt-coordinates License
Scalatra BSD
Reactivemongo + extensions Apache 2
flapdoodle-oss embed mongo No license given
Scaldi Apache 2
Swagger Apache 2
json4s Apache 2
wiremock Apache 2
scalaj-http Apache 2
Typesafe config Apache 2
Jetty Apache 2
logback EPL v1.0 and LGPL 2.1


Full stack for building performant REST APIs using Scalatra, reactivemongo + extensions, json4s, Swagger, WireMock






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