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Data pipeline infrastructure for digital skills provider analytics dashboard

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Bootcamp Benchmark

Setting Up Staging

In order to create your own deployed resource group and resources, follow these steps:

  1. Create a free Azure account,

  2. Add users and assign users to a group for ease of permissions granting (contributor access at the subscription level allows users to interact with all resource groups and resources in the subscription for getting started). Make a note of the user group Object ID for use in step 8,

  3. Create an App Registration via the portal and make a note of the App Registration Service Princial Object ID for use in step 8,

  4. Install AZ CLI tools and log in by running az login,

  5. Create a backend to hold the terraform state by running make setup_tf_backend

    • this will deploy infrastructure to a separate resource group in Azure that is responsible for holding the Terraform state for the Bootcamp Benchmark project.
    • it will also create a that will hold the required config to connect to this backend.
  6. Create a Power Automate Flow to process function error handling by following the steps in 'Creating Power Automate Flow',

  7. Create a service principal by following the steps in 'Adding Secrets to GitHub' and check secrets are in the GitHub repos,

  8. Update the variable values (names of resources to be deployed) in az.variables_stag.tfvars and az.variables_prod.tfvars, note:

    • Resource Names often have to be globally unique,
    • dev_group_obj_id is taken from the portal for the user group set up in step 2,
    • app_registration_sp_object_id should also be taken from the portal from step 3, note: this is the App Registration Service Principal Object ID and not the App Registration Object ID,
  9. Opening a PR to main will trigger tf-plan.yaml and result in a comment on the PR to show the Terraform plan,

  10. Pushing to main will trigger deploy.yaml and both the resource group and resources will then be visible in the Azure portal.

Publishing tags

make tag v=patch, make tag v=minor and make tag v=major will all publish new semver tags.

Creating Power Automate Flow

The HTTP POST URL of a Power Automate Flow trigger can be used whenever a function fails to trigger a customised response, eg sending a Slack message. After accessing Power Apps:

  1. Go to flows,
  2. Make new flow, give it a name
  3. Go to the next step and select HTTP request as a trigger
  4. Save the flow, this will generate the URL.
  5. Do whatever you want with the output of the http request trigger in the flow editor

Make sure you copy the HTTP POST URL of the trigger and save it in a local .env with the name of EXCEPTION_ACTION_GROUP_SERVICE_URI.

Adding secrets to GitHub

This process will add both sensitive variables required by Terraform and Azure credentials to GitHub secrets.

First, make sure your local .env file has a value for EXCEPTION_ACTION_GROUP_SERVICE_URI as per the steps in 'Creating Power Automate Flow'. Then add a second variable called PSQL_PASSWORD which will be the admin password for the Azure PSQL database.

Then, run the following command in the terminal to receive a clientSecret (along with other credientials which can also be found in the portal):

az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "{App Name}" --role contributor \
      --scopes /subscriptions/{subscriptionID} \

Be sure to copy the clientSecret as it is not visible in the portal! Then make a local creds.json with the following properties:

    "clientId": "<GUID>",
    "clientSecret": "<GUID>",
    "subscriptionId": "<GUID>",
    "tenantId": "<GUID>",

Finally, check the GH_INFRA_REPO and GH_FUNC_REPO variables in before running make creds to deploy the relevant secrets to both the infra and functions repos that are needed by the deployment workflows.


Alerts and Action groups have most of their settings defined in the variables files, however the query for the log alert is set in the file, to take advantage of Terraform's multi-line string capability.

The current setup for the alert is a 15 minute window (param: "ExceptionAlertTimeWindow") checked every 15 minutes (param: "ExceptionAlertFrequency"). If an alert occurs, it will not trigger again for another 15 minutes (param: "ExceptionAlertMuteDuration").


Data pipeline infrastructure for digital skills provider analytics dashboard




