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Poker Master Tool

Open-source poker hand calculator available on

Table of contents

General info

This project has been written to a develop fast open-source hand calculator for Texas Hold'em as an Engineering Thesis. It uses TwoPlusTwo evaluator for calculating hand ranks. The repository contains unit and performance tests, Docker image with Docker Compose for quick start and configured CI/CD with GitHub Actions.

Application view


The Application is split into 3 projects:

  • Node.js backend application built with Typescript and Express.js framework
  • Frotend written in pure JavaScript and Webpack bundler located in frontend directory
  • C++ Addon with TwoPlusTwo table generator in addon directory


  • Responsive web application for Poker Texas Hold'em odds calculator up to 9 players
  • Displaying the number of enumerated combinations and hand rank probability for each player
  • Support for Death Cards
  • Request caching on the backend side
  • Logging requests with log retention politics stored inside logs directory

Quick start with Docker

Turn on Docker and in your terminal run:

docker-compose up

App will be listening on http://localhost:3000.


To install the application you should have installed Node 16 version, make and g++ complier.

Next, follow consecutive commands:

npm install 

npm run build:all

npm run start

The app will be listening on http://localhost:3000.

Unit and performance tests

Unit tests are written in Jest testing framework.

To run unit tests run:

npm run test

if you wish to get a coverage report you run npm run test:coverage.

To run performance tests for addon run:

npm run test:performance

if you wish to print results and manually validate results run npm run test:performance:printResults.


To serve a frontend by the backend application you should build the frontend first using npm run build:frontend. After that you can run the backend development server with:

npm run dev

When you work on the frontend you may wish to dynamically rebuild the project. To run the frontend development server run:

npm run dev:frontend


You can check out the full license here

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.