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Python scripting library for plotting (and analyzing) G4Beamline program ascii output.

This library provides a soft interaction wall between G4Beamline and scientists.

It doesn't use OOP, only functions. The function mostly manipulates 2D and 1D numpy arrays under the hood and also returns numpy arrays that can be manipulated directly by scientists.


See for documentation, including installation, usage and development.

Basic set up

Set your virtual detector to output ascii text format


virtualdetector Det radius=15.875 length=1 color=1,1,1 material=Vacuum


virtualdetector Det radius=15.875 length=1 color=1,1,1 material=Vacuum format=ascii

Set your output file name by placing your detector and renaming it


place Det z=5921


place Det rename=desired_file_name z=5921


from g4blplot import g4blplot as plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

particle_type = "pi-"

# raw data that potentially encompass multiple particles
raw_data = plot.add_text_file("desired_file_name.txt")

# get the data that is only related to pion-
data = plot.extract_particle_data(raw_data, particle_type)

# get the x position and x angle of pion-
x = plot.get_feature(data, 'x')
xp = plot.get_xangle(data)

# make a plot
pos_fig, pos_axes = plt.subplots(1, sharex=True, sharey=True, layout="constrained", subplot_kw=dict(projection="scatter_density"))

# scatter it
plot.scatter_plot(pos_axes, x, xp)
plot.save_figure(pos_fig, "position vs angle.pdf")