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Releases: awslabs/aws-cloudsaga

Updates to install package and documentation

25 Feb 20:27
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  • README file to reflect new installation instructions
    • AWS CloudSaga is used via pip3 installer

Credit to Mark Beacom @mbeacom for this release.

Initial Release!

22 Feb 23:50
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Introducing AWS CloudSaga, an open source tool for simulating security events in AWS.

AWS CloudSaga is for customers to test security controls and alerts within their Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, using generated alerts based on security events seen by the AWS Customer Incident Response Team (CIRT).

Security controls and best practices are published for securing AWS accounts, however, customers look for mechanisms to test security and incident response within their AWS environments, in order to protect themselves against known security events.

AWS CloudSaga is for customers who want to test their environment against documented security events from the AWS CIRT. Using AWS CloudSaga, simple scenarios that mimic actual security events can be run against a customer's environment, testing the customer's response plans and defenses when these events occur, and improve defenses of their AWS environment from the results.