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Service level README template

Rachel Hagerman edited this page Apr 25, 2023 · 26 revisions

[Example](link to example) <-- Delete this sentence from template

[short service name] code examples for the [short SDK name]


High-level description of the purpose of the folder

Service blurb, taken from the landing page for the service, such as S3. For longer blurbs, use only the first 1 - 2 sentences.

⚠️ Important

  • Running this code might result in charges to your AWS account.
  • Running the tests might result in charges to your AWS account.
  • We recommend that you grant your code least privilege. At most, grant only the minimum permissions required to perform the task. For more information, see Grant least privilege.
  • This code is not tested in every AWS Region. For more information, see AWS Regional Services.

Code examples

Each section contains a list of the relevant types of code examples available for the service, sorted alphabetically by title. <-- Delete this sentence from template


If there are language-level prerequisites that apply to all examples, put them in the language level README (see template), and link to it as one of the prerequisites for the service level. <-- Delete this sentence from template

Get started

  • [Hello service](relative link to code example)

Single actions

Code excerpts that show you how to call individual service functions.

  • [Abbreviated title of code example (to match SOS), using imperative form of verb](relative link to code example)(API command)


Code examples that show you how to accomplish a specific task by calling multiple functions within the same service.

  • [Title of code example](relative link to code example)

Cross-service examples

Sample applications that work across multiple AWS services.

  • [Title of code example](relative link to code example)

Run the examples


Minimum instructions required to run examples. This varies from language to language. <-- Delete this sentence from template


⚠️ Running the tests might result in charges to your AWS account.

Minimum instructions required to run tests. <-- Delete this sentence from template

Additional resources

  • [Service Developer Guide](link to developer guide)
  • [Service API Reference](link to service API reference)
  • [SDK API reference guide](link to this service's section in the SDK API reference guide)

Copyright, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0