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Awawa edited this page Aug 22, 2023 · 12 revisions

How to compile project using Github Action and change the speed or pinout for your board.

To use latest version of HyperSerialESP32, you need latest HyperHDR v19 or newer and to use Github Action to build a custom firmware follow the steps in the order.

If you do not follow the correct order given in the manual, the Github Action may not trigger after saving changes to the configuration file. Then you need to re-save/commit some new changes to trigger the build process if the Github action was finally enabled.

  1. Fork the project. You will commit all changes to your forked repository.


  1. Enable your fork Github Action


  1. Make your changes to platformio.ini file


  1. Turn on the online editor


  1. Change default speed (-DSERIALCOM_SPEED=2000000) to desired speed.

  1. Change pinout (-DDATA_PIN=2 -DCLOCK_PIN=4) to desired pinout. -DCLOCK_PIN is used only for SPI leds, not for sk6812 or ws2812b.

  1. Save changes (at the bottom of the page)


  1. After few minutes download your firmware

