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This repository contains work related to the BigEarthNet dataset


The BigEarthNet dataset serves as a valuable resource for Earth Observation (EO) research, providing a large-scale Sentinel-2 satellite images dataset. The notebooks in this repository encompass various implementations, updates, and experiments performed on this dataset.



  • Model_10K.ipynb: Notebook detailing updates and experiments on the BigEarthNet dataset with a subset of 10,000 samples.
  • Test.ipynb: Notebook focusing on testing and validation procedures within the BigEarthNet project.
  • ViewImages_earthpy.ipynb: Private Notebook for Viewing Sentinel 2 Images, utilizing EarthPy library for visualization.
  • install_everything.ipynb: Comprehensive notebook covering the setup and installation procedures required for working with BigEarthNet data.
  • model_resnet50_Adam.ipynb: Implementation of Resnet50 with Adam Optimizer for analyzing and processing BigEarthNet data.
  • multi_label wiki.ipynb: Notebook demonstrating the handling of multi-label classification within the BigEarthNet dataset.
  • preprocess_images_till_10K.ipynb: Notebook detailing data preprocessing steps until the first 10,000 samples.
  • test_model.ipynb: Notebook dedicated to testing a specific model with the BigEarthNet dataset.


Python Libraries and Modules:

The following Python libraries are used in this project:

  • numpy
  • json
  • matplotlib
  • PIL (Python Imaging Library)
  • glob
  • earthpy
  • rasterio
  • plotly
  • torch
  • torchvision
  • scikit-image
  • torch.nn
  • time
  • os
  • cv2 (OpenCV)
  • copy
  • sklearn.model_selection
  • torchvision.utils

These libraries provide various functionalities for numerical computations, data manipulation, visualization, machine learning, image processing, and model handling.

Work Description

The notebooks within this repository encompass a wide range of tasks and experiments related to the BigEarthNet dataset:

  • Data Exploration and Preprocessing: Several notebooks focus on exploring and preprocessing the dataset, ensuring it is ready for model training and analysis.
  • Model Implementations: Notebooks like model_resnet50_Adam.ipynb detail specific models implemented for analyzing BigEarthNet data, such as Resnet50 using the Adam Optimizer.
  • Testing and Validation: The repository includes notebooks dedicated to testing and validation procedures, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of models.


Each notebook serves a specific purpose within the BigEarthNet project. Ensure dependencies are installed as detailed in install_everything.ipynb. The notebooks can be run sequentially to understand and replicate the experiments conducted.


This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0.