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Base16 Vim Minimal

My fork of the Base16 Vim template. This fork has a number of improvements:

  • Faster because it uses the actual Vim commands rather than defined functions.
  • Cleaner because it doesn't unnecessarily override highlight groups. It also doesn't set colors for highlight groups that don't exist. The upstream template does that with, for example, Bold and Italic.
  • Includes a fix for a Neovim bug with CursorLine (neovim/neovim#9019).
  • Instead of having the generated themes in the colors/ directory as upstream does, they are distributed using GitHub releases.

This fork does not support base16-shell. This is because I don't use it and I don't think it is possible to add support for it in the way I wrote the template. It also isn't necessary now that Vim has support for termguicolors.


Download the tar.xz file from the latest release and unpack it. Choose the colorschemes you want and put them in ~/.vim/colors or ~/.config/nvim/colors, depending on whether you are using Vim or Neovim.


If you want to do some local customization, you can add something like this to your ~/.vimrc.

" The autocmd definition has to be before the colorscheme command.
augroup base16_additions
    autocmd ColorScheme base16-*
        \ hi clear MatchParen
        \ | hi clear SpellCap
        \ | hi Comment guifg=#B2B2B2 ctermfg=249 gui=italic cterm=italic
augroup END

colorscheme base16-classic-dark

Future development

See If you have any improvements to suggest, feel free to open an issue.