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Ashley Trinh edited this page Nov 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

We need help

  • Help us by filing bugs and requesting features. There are lots of things that can/should be added to this project that I haven't had time to file yet 😞
  • If you want to work on an issue, go ahead and assign it to yourself!!!


This was created for Open Source Day at Hackbright Academy. However, you don't have to be a Hackbrighter to contribute! You don't even have to be new to open source (we do ask that you be considerate of this and give space to newcomers).

We do use a backend stack that Hackbrighters are familiar with, which includes:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Python 3 (Flask, SQLAlchemy)


Using labels

Help is wanted on all issues

If you don't see the help wanted label on an issue and no one has assigned themselves to the issue, help is definitely wanted.

The help wanted label is for signalling that you'd like additional collaborators on an issue. Maybe you've assigned yourself to an issue and you're too busy to finish it. Throw the help wanted label on there!

If someone has already committed to working on an issue, do not work on that issue without their consent.

What do not code and python mean?

not code gives people who

  • don't write code
  • don't want to write code because they've just finished working on their personal projects

the opportunity to make a contribution!

python means that you'll probably need a general understanding of Python to embark on an issue.


Warning: pedagogical stuff below?

Code Literacy

Programming is kind of like painting (the writer comes from a fine arts background). It's hard to become a great artist without looking at art - great art, bad art, mediocre art, art that you don't understand - because that's how you develop your own opinions and thoughts about your work.

To write good code, you should read code. Bad code. Good code. Code that you don't completely understand. It's normal to look at code that you don't completely understand and find something that you can improve about it!

Be Confidently Audacious

Have opinions about code. Voice your opinions about how things Should Be Done. You're never too inexperienced to have valuable ideas.