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A PHP library for setting up database fixtures, heavily inspired by FactoryGirl.

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Add the following to a composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "matthewpatterson/carpenter": "*"

Then, run composer install.


Defining Factories

Factories are free-form classes, allowing for a lot of flexibility in their definition. All you need to make a class a factory is the @Factory annotation. For example, consider this factory that won't really do much of anything:

use Carpenter\Annotation\Factory;

/** @Factory("stdclass") */
class BoringFactory

Factories can exist anywhere in your code base. However, you will need to call Carpenter\Factory::discoverFactories() prior to using them, for example in a testing bootstrap script.

Using Factories

There are two ways to use a factory: build() and create(). Both will give you an instance of the fixture you're looking for; the difference is that create() will also persist the fixture to a data store.

When invoking build() or create(), you must supply, at a minimum, the name of the factory to use. The name of the factory is derived from factory's unqualified classname. For example, \Project\Fixture\UserFactory becomes User.

$user = Carpenter\Factory::build('User');
$persistedUser = Carpenter\Factory::create('User');

A Basic Factory

The most basic thing you can do with a factory is to define properties with static values. Simple define a public instance property, and every fixture will have the value you assign to it.

use Carpenter\Annotation\Factory;

/** @Factory("\Project\Model\User") */
class UserFactory
    public $firstName = "John";
    public $lastName = "Doe";
    public $email = "[email protected]";
    public $status = "new";

$user = Carpenter\Factory::build('User');
$user->firstName == "John"; // true
$user->lastName == "Doe"; // true
$user->email == "[email protected]"; // true
$user->status == "new"; // true

Overriding Properties

A UserFactory is all well and good, but what if you want our user to have a slightly different status? You can provide an array of overrides when building and creating the fixture.

$user = Carpenter\Factory::build("User", ["status" => "verified"]);
$user->firstName == "John"; // etc.
$user->status == "verified"; // true

Dynamic Properties

Property values can also be generated dynamically, making it easy to generate random data with a tool such as Faker. All you need is a public instance property and a public instance method of the same name. Of course, you can still supply override values if needed.

use Carpenter\Annotation\Factory;

/** @Factory("\Project\Model\User") */
class UserFactory
    public $firstName;

    public function firstName()
        $faker = Faker\Factory::create();
        return $faker->firstName;

$user = Carpenter\Factory::build('User');
$user->firstName == "Quincy";

$user = Carpenter\Factory::build('User', ["firstName" => "George"]);
$user->firstName == "George";


Modifiers (similar to FactoryGirl traits) define a group of properties and are especially useful for complex domain models. To create a modifier, simply add the @Modifier annotation to a public instance method. Modifiers act by mutating the instance of the class. When calling build() or create(), you can specify modifiers which will be applied in the order given.

use Carpenter\Annotation\Factory;
use Carpenter\Annotation\Modifier;

/** @Factory("\Project\Model\User") */
class UserFactory
    public $admin = false;
    public $roles = [];

    /** @Modifier */
    public function admin()
        $this->admin = true;
        $this->roles = Roles::getAll();

    /** @Modifier */
    public function moderator()
        $this->roles = ['delete_posts', 'edit_posts', 'ban_users'];

$adminUser = Carpenter\Factory::build('User', 'admin');
$moderatorUser = Carpenter\Factory::build('User', 'admin', 'moderator'); // Will have $admin == true but the roles of a moderator
$otherModerator = Carpenter\Factory::build('User', 'admin', ["roles" => ["ban_users"]]); // Will have $admin == true but only the ban_users role


Adapters build the correct fixture and persist it to a data store. Currently, there are two adapters available:

  • ArrayAdapter
  • DoctrineAdapter


The following values should be set prior to using Carpenter. You can do this, for example, in a testing bootstrap script.

  • Carpenter\Configuration::$adapter - The adapter to use for building fixtures
  • Captenter\Configuration::$factoryPaths - An array of paths to search for factories


This project is in its very early stages. As such, pull requests and isues are always welcome via Github.


A PHP library for setting up database fixtures







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