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This repository contains the code of the core archeun platform, which includes,

  • User account and organization provisioning
  • Authentication service
  • oAuth platform for other archeun services



  • Python 3.9.x (tested on 3.9.x version only) version installed. A virtual environment setup is recommended.
  • A mysql database server

Setting up the development environment

Please follow the below instructions on how to set up the system for development

  1. Clone the repository.

    git clone
  2. Install the python dependencies by running the below command inside the codebase root.

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Navigate to the /archeun/client directory and install the required client-side libraries

    npm install
  4. Build the tailwind css into the static directory

    npm run build-css
  5. Make sure the database connection settings match your local values. The default settings can be found in <codebase>/archeun/archeun/settings.yml You can set up your own values here.

         'default': {
             'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
             'NAME': 'archeun',
             'USER': 'root',
             'PASSWORD': '1234',
             'HOST': 'localhost',
             'PORT': '3306',
  6. Start the mysql server and create an empty database with the value you specified for the NAME attribute in the above settings

  7. Prepare and push the migrations into the database by running the below 2 commands inside the codebase root

    python makemigrations
    python migrate
  8. Create a super user who can log into the admin site. Follow the prompts by giving necessary information.

    python createsuperuser
  9. If everything goes well, spin up the development server by running the below command

    python runserver
  10. This will start the development server and, the system can be accessed at The home page will not work at the moment.

  11. Navigate to the and log into the system by providing the super user credentials we created in step 7.

User provisioning related urls

You can use the below screens for provisioning users (create accounts, password reset, etc.)

Authentication related routes are defined under core/auth

  1. Form to create user accounts

  2. Login form

  3. Password reset form

User related routes are defined under core/user. These screens are only accessible by a logged-in user

  1. User profile: core/user/profile

OpenID Connect related functionality

  1. Once the super user logs into the admin site, there will be a section called OPENID CONNECT PROVIDER
  2. Under that section there will be 4 sub menus,
    1. Authorization Codes
    2. Clients
    3. RSA Keys
    4. Tokens
  3. For now, we will click on the Add button beside the Clients menu item and try to create a new OIDC enabled client.
  4. Fill the form with the below information
    • Name: Provide a name for the client
    • Owner: Keep blank or select a user
    • Client Type: Select the client type that matches your use case (Confidential clients are capable of maintaining the confidentiality of their credentials. Public clients are incapable.)
    • Response Types: Select the appropriate ones. For development purposes select all
    • Redirect URIs: Specify the urls to be used as the login success callbacks of your client app
    • JWT Algorithm: This is the algo used to encode ID Tokens. Select RS256 as the default.
  5. Save the form
  6. Now, from the client, set up an url like below, which upon clicking on, will redirect the user to the archeun login page.
    for eg: email profile&state=123123

Email settings

  1. In order to test/develop any feature that requires sending emails, we should have a test email server.
  2. Django provides out of the box solutions to handle email sending, but it does not provide an SMTP server to receive emails.
  3. As a workaround we can use the 'dumb' SMTP server provided by the python.
  4. In the terminal execute the below command.
    python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
  5. This will start an SMTP server and listen on the port 1025, for any incoming emails.
  6. No we need to set up the django settings to send out any emails to this SMTP server.
  7. We can easily do this by setting the below two attributes in the file.
    EMAIL_HOST = 'localhost'
    EMAIL_PORT = 1025
  8. Please note that this is a bare minimum implementation of an SMTP server which is intended to use only in a development environment