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Example Django Docker

This is a hello world app that is written in Python, using Django framework, packaged using Docker.

✨ Quick Start in Docker

$ git clone
$ docker-compose up --build

At this point, the app runs at localhost:8000

Generating a Django project

Installing Python

Make sure to have Python installed and its package manager, pip.

python --version
pip --version

If the above command yields an error, install Python.

Debian-based distributions (Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip

Red Hat-based distributions (CentOS, Fedora, etc.)

sudo yum install python3 python3-pip

Other Linux distributions

Refer to your Linux distribution's documentation for how to install Python.

Installing Django

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual environment

source venv/bin/activate 

Install Django

pip install django

Then you can import Django in your code.

import django

Creating a Django project

django-admin startproject project-name

Code-base structure

project-name/           # The project's root directory
├───hello_world/        # The project's app directory
│   ├───     # Module for the app
│   ├───         # ASGI entrypoint
│   ├───     # Django settings
│   ├───         # URL patterns
│   └───         # WSGI entrypoint
├───           # Django's management script
└───requirements.txt    # Requirements for the project


This is packaged by using the Python container image as a base, copying the source code and installs necessary dependencies of this app and adds a startup script.


There are 2 modes for running this project, "development" and "production", It's up to the developers to define how their apps would behave under development environment and production environment. For example, development mode may use SQLite as a database whereas in production, the app will use PostgreSQL.

In production, Gunicorn is used as the server, Nginx is used for serving static files and bytecodes will be generated from the source code for faster startup whereas in development, a development server from Flask is used.


docker-compose up --build


Docker images can be customized using environment variables or customized during build time using build arguments.

Environment Variables

Key Description
POSTGRES_HOST Hostname of the database server.
POSTGRES_USERNAME Username that will be used to log in into the database server.
POSTGRES_PASSWORD Password that will be used to log in into the database server.
POSTGRES_PORT Port number that is used to connect to database server.
POSTGRES_DBNAME Database that will be used for storing data.

Build Arguments

Key Description
PYTHON_VERSION The version of Python that will be used for building this image, note that Python 2 is not supported.


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