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RShiny app to display statistics for the Ansible Collections


This app is a Shiny application, built as an R package using Golem and deployed as a Docker container in ShinyProxy.


The app draws data from GitHub - the list of repos that it indexes is currently contained in a CSV file. See the crawler-config directory for details on the format.

(N.B. The crawler is likely to move to its own repo at some point).

Shinyproxy Config Block

As a Docker container, the app gets it's configuration via environment variables from ShinyProxy. An example block:

- id: collections-survival
  display-name: Survival Metrics for Ansible Collections
  description: Analysis of various time-to-event metrics for the Ansible Collections
  container-image: collections-survival
    DBUSER: test
    DBPASS: test
    DBPORT: 27017
    DBNAME: ansible_collections