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LegendaryGenerator Setup

angelo1235 edited this page Jan 3, 2021 · 11 revisions

Initial setup:

This setup wiki page will not cover all items inside the plugin, This wiki is made for the purpose of learning to understand the workings of LegendaryGenerator and it's config files to provide a smoother setup.

We will begin the setup of LegendaryGenerator inside the legendarygenerator.conf\

Setting your Legendary Spawn Period.

Upon opening the legendarygenerator.conf file, you will find a small list of settings.


Now as you can see the Min is set to 50, while Max is set to 80.
This means that every 50 minutes there is a 30 minute long period where the plugin will randomly spawn 1 Legendary Pokémon. Once a Pokémon is spawned within those 30 minutes, it will reset it's timer back to 50 minutes until a new 30 minute window opens up.

Setting up the whitelist and blacklist

Normal Biome spawning
Copy/Paste the conf file below into your custom-spawn-settings.conf

Biomes {
    Blacklist {}
    Whitelist {}
Custom-Spawns {}
# This list is for allowing Pixelmon's broken ass default spawner to spawn the legendaries defined inside of it..if you choose to do so for some strange reason
Dimensions {
    Blacklist {}
    Whitelist {}
Worlds {
    Blacklist {
    Whitelist {}

The Meltan in the Black and Whitelist of the example given above has been added there to prevent the Generations version from spawning Meltan's as a Legendary Pokémon every XX spawn window, and it allows Pixelmon to spawn a Meltan normally due to the Whitelist.


To edit all the messages and find the special perms on the message types, open the messages.conf.
All perms are handled by Luckperms and can easily be added to groups.\

When a message appears to double broadcast for a group, you can add the default perm:
legendarygenerator.broadcast.default to the Default group.
legendarygenerator.broadcast.donor to a bought or won rank.
and legendarygenerator.broadcast.staff to your staff ranks.
To disable the messages from Duplicating you can add context to perms. Example:
perms setup

Of course this will need to be duplicated at staff ranks.

Cleaned messages file for easier use

Broadcast-Messages {
    Messages {
        "legendarygenerator.broadcast.default" {
            Chat-Message-Hover {
                Text="&6&l%pokemon-hover% &7has spawned near &e&l%player%!"
Capture-Messages {
    Messages {
        "legendarygenerator.broadcast.default" {
            Text="&6The &eLegendary &6was captured!"
Despawn-Messages {
    Messages {
        "legendarygenerator.broadcast.default" {
            Text="&eThe &6Legendary &efled!"
Fail-Messages {
    Messages {
        "legendarygenerator.broadcast.default" {
            Text="&eThe &6Legendary &edidn't spawn!"
Hover-Text {
    Messages {
            "&cLevel: &e%level%",
            "&cAbility: &e%ability%",
            "&cIVs: &e%ivs%",
            "&cNature: &e%nature%"
Kill-Messages {
    Messages {
        "legendarygenerator.broadcast.default" {
            Text="&eThe &6Legendary &ewas defeated!"

GCES and LegendaryGenerator

To learn more about GCES add-on options and plugins please go here.

Recreating the LastLegend command.

First of all, Grab the plugin SimpleCommands
Now all you need, is this piece of config code for the plugin:

Nucleus is a requirement for this as it uses a /sudo command.

            console-command="sudo {player} legendgen list"