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End-to-end web UI tests

Uses headless-browsers and Selenuim Grid in docker-compose.

Produce beautiful reports with allure.

Read more in my blog.

Allure test report

  • Test report example:
  • when run on GitHub Actions, an Allure report is created and uploaded on github pages: Allure report


To start Selenium Grid and Allure reporter run:

docker-compose up -d

Your Selenium Grid console will be at http://localhost:4444/ui/.

The reports are available at http://localhost:8800.

Run tests

Tests should save results in folder allure-results mounted to the Docker container with Allure reporter.

Install dependencies (note: there are two dots), run all tests from tests folder and create allure report:

. ./

Our tests have a parameter --host to specify the URL of the tested web application - see pytest hook pytest_addoption in

For example, to test run:

scripts/ --host=

This will fail because there is no word "Python" on the Google main page, unfortunately.