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docker-rails - Docker image for Rails development

Version License

Docker Hub: anamba/rails-dev

Based on Phusion's excellent, developer-friendly passenger-docker image (based on 20.04 LTS aka Focal). Includes fullstaq ruby, which offers improved performance and reduced memory usage.

Primary use cases:

  • CI (e.g. Bitbucket Pipelines)
  • Local development, VS Code Dev Containers



  • MRI Ruby 3.2.2 + Rubygems 3.5.6
  • MRI Ruby 3.1.4 + Rubygems 3.5.6
  • MRI Ruby 3.0.6 + Rubygems 3.5.6
  • MRI Ruby 2.7.8 + Rubygems 3.4.22
  • Fullstaq Ruby 3.2.2
  • Fullstaq Ruby 3.1.4
  • Fullstaq Ruby 3.0.6
  • Fullstaq Ruby 2.7.8
  • Passenger 6.0.20
  • Node 18 + yarn (if you need Node 16, use the latest 1.4 version)
  • rvm stable

Working dir is /home/app/myapp (user is app).


Versioning originally followed passenger-docker, but no longer.

1.5.3: Rebuild 1.5.2: Rebuild 1.5.1: Rebuild 1.5: Added Ruby 3.2, removed 2.6; Node 16 -> 18 1.4.1: Added Ruby 3.2 1.4: Added Ruby 3.1, removed 2.5 1.3: Added Ruby 3.0, removed 2.4; Node 14 -> 16 1.2: Bionic -> Focal; Node 12 -> 14 1.1: Added Ruby 2.7, removed 2.3; includes latest bundler out of the box 1.0: Original release

How to use

Add to nginx vhost steps to Dockerfile (optional):

RUN rm -f /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
COPY /docker/conf/nginx-vhost.conf.template /etc/nginx/

Example docker-compose.yml:

version: '3'

    image: anamba/rails-dev:1.5
      - ./:/home/app/myapp
      - /home/app/myapp/log                        # you probably want to keep log and tmp in volumes
      - /home/app/myapp/tmp                        # (especially if your working copy is in Dropbox, etc.)
      - gems:/usr/local/rvm/gems                   # if you want to keep a single gem cache
    image: mysql:8.0
      - /var/lib/mysql

    image: redis:6.0

    external: true

From there, you can run docker-compose up to start the containers, then, in a separate terminal:

docker-compose exec -u app web bash -l  # user login shell
docker-compose exec web bash -l         # root login shell

You'll want to create aliases or simple shell scripts to save yourself some typing.


(notes for myself)

docker build --no-cache -t anamba/rails-dev:latest .

# optional: test and make sure everything is installed as expected
docker run -it anamba/rails-dev:latest bash -l

docker tag anamba/rails-dev:latest anamba/rails-dev:1.5.3
docker tag anamba/rails-dev:latest anamba/rails-dev:1.5
docker push anamba/rails-dev:latest

docker push anamba/rails-dev:1.5.3
docker push anamba/rails-dev:1.5