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[Not under Development] Complete health challenges with friends.


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Complete health challenges with friends.

Project Status

This is a very experimental project in its early stages. It is currently under casual development by just myself in my spare time.

TODO(Arie): List features / roadmap once I ship a janky-but-working prototype.


The project is developed with Postgres, Elixir, Phoenix, and LiveView.


  • Install correct Elixir/Erlang versions in .tool_versions with asdf install.
  • Copy .env-template to .env and fill in environment variables. Then, source .env to set in shell.
  • Install dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Assuming you already have Postgres installed, create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup.
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server or inside a REPL with iex -S mix phx.server

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


  • Run all tests with mix test
  • Run a specific test with mix test test/open_book_web/view_utils_test.exs
  • This project takes advantage of elixir doctests which are an easy way to write tests in documentation. Refer to view utils to see an example.



I deploy on I mostly followed the simple instructions on the Phoenix fly deploy guide.

Some helpful commands:

  • fly deploy

  • fly status

  • fly logs (tail)

  • fly ssh console

    • Will require fly ssh issue first to get ssh certs
    • Once you have a console, app/bin/open_book remote to open up IEX connected to the prod instance.
    • As always use IexHelpers is a helpful macro for getting all common imports.
    • From there, you have a console to prod, eg: Repo.all User...


In production we use logflare to retain and analyze our logs. The dashboard is here.

You can enable logging to logflare in dev (to test logs are as expected). Refer to .env-template to see the ENV variable flag to flip. The dev dashboard is here.

You can search in logflare with Logflare Query Language, eg:

  • m.level:"info"
  • m.level:"error"
  • "[EVENT]"
  • "[EVENT]" m.current_user:<some_user_id>