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The idea behind this library is to allow the access through
`config.port` dot notation to object data.


My main problem was when accessing API data.

        "products": [
                "name": "Shoe"

Imagine this is the result from an API. Usually to be sure that the data is what I want I'm gonna need to do:

$result = r(); // imagine this is the result from an API with the json message abobe
if(is_object($result) && property_exists($result, 'hits')){
    if(is_object($result->hits) && property_exists($result->hits, 'products')){
        $whatiwant = $result->hits->products;

This is really time consuming. I just needed a way to do something like:

$d = \Alr\ObjectDotNotation\Data::load(r());
$whatiwant = $d->get('hits.products');

Note: In PHP7 you can just use $var = $something ?? $something2; but if you need to do this dynamically it becomes harder to do.


You can try a demo here


Requires composer and PHP5.6+

$ composer require alrik11es/object-dot-notation


When the property is not found a null will be returned.

Take this object as example:

    "config": {
        "port": "1234",
        "url": ""


$d = \Alr\ObjectDotNotation\Data::load($mixed);
echo $d->get('config.port'); // 1234
echo $d->{'config.port'};
echo $d->config; // ['port'=>1234 ...]

Array and array search

For other kind of uses you're gonna need to get a position of an array or search and get the first value of array.

Take this object as example:

    "config": [{
        "port": "80",
        "url": ""
        "port": "90",
        "url": ""

You can use this way to access the information:

$d = \Alr\ObjectDotNotation\Data::load($mixed);
echo $d->get('config[0].port'); // 80
echo $d->{'config[port=90|first].url'}; //


You can use filters for the array selection process.


IMPORTANT NOTE: Actually you can only use |first filter, use it always because it's going to be needed on future versions to avoid compatibility problems.

Advanced filters