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Runat: A Tiny Replacement for Crontab as cli command


Welcome to Runat, a CLI tool that offers a simple and efficient way to replace crontab. It provides a reliable solution for various use cases, including running it inside containers, when crontab is broken, for security compliance, and anything else you may need.


Runat is easy to install via pip. You can install it using the following command:

pip install runat


To learn more about Runat's options, you can type runat --help. The following optional arguments are available:

Usage: runat [OPTIONS]

  A tiny replacement for cron for different usages.

  Args:     cron (str): Cron-like syntax string.     do_ (str): List of
  command or shell script.

  -c, --cron TEXT  Cron like syntax "22 23 * * *"  [required]
  -d, --do TEXT    List of command or shell script  [required]
  --help           Show this message and exit.


Here's how you can use Runat:

runat --cron "01 23 * * *"  --do "cd /srv/;bash | tee  -a /var/log/cleanTemp.log"

Example Output

Here's an example of what Runat's output might look like:

runat --cron "01 23 * * *"  --do "cd /srv/;bash | tee  -a /var/log/cleanTemp.log"
> The next run  in 23.0 hours, 59.0 minutes, 56.0 seconds

Installation via PyPI

To install Runat via PyPI, simply run the following command:

pip install runat


Runat includes a number of helpers in the Makefile to streamline common development tasks. You can set up your development environment using the following steps:

### create a virtualenv for development
$ make virtualenv

$ source env/bin/activate

### run runat cli application
$ runat --help




If you want to work on local file, you should mount it to the container using -v.

To build and distribute Runat using Docker, you can use the following commands:

$ make docker

$ docker run -it runat --help


Runat is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

Author Information

The tool was originally developed by Ali Saleh Baker.