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Frontend practice

Currently I am doing Frontend Mentor challenges. You can find my solutions at my profile. Feel free to leave a comment or give it a like.

This is a monorepo - a single git repository shared by a number of projects. All the solutions are located in the projects directory.

Built with

  • Npm workspaces - managing dependencies
  • Lerna - a monorepo manager
  • ESLint, Stylelint, Prettier - linting & formatting
  • Husky, Lint Staged - cleaning code before each commit
  • Commitizen, Commitlint - following conventional commits spec

To find out which libraries/frameworks are used in a particular project check its package.json or readme.


Npm v7 comes with Node.js v15+, so if you have a previous version of Node make sure Npm is updated to v7.

Run locally

  1. Get the repo
git clone
  1. Install dependencies
cd frontend-practice
npm ci
  1. Run development server for a particular project
npm run -w <project> start
# or
cd projects/<project>
npm start

You can find the project names inside projects directory or by executing npm run list.


The scripts in the root package.json work for all projects but must be invoked from the repo root. Also there are some scripts in each projects' package.json.