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Ospost is a post scheduling for Instagram that can help you to plan your posts to publish them on a specific date on instagram. Ospost is develop with Flask, JavaScript, Bootstrap and it uses the Instagram Graph API.


  1. Log In with facebook

    Before the user logs in, need to have the following:

    • An Instagram Business Account.
    • A Facebook Page connected to that account

    In the log in dialog process, the user select an instagram account that will be use, and the facebook page connected to that account.

    This will give Ospost an user access token that contains the permissions to post on that instagram account.

  2. Create post (schedule a post)

    To create and schedule a post, user does the following:

    • Select the media (only image are supported: jpg, jpeg)
    • Crop image if needed
    • Enter a caption (optional)
    • Enter a datetime (a date greater than present date, and no longer than 50 days)
  3. Edit

  4. Remove post

  5. Publish post

    To publish a post on instagram, the user can use publish now or wait for the cron job to publish it on the specified date.

  6. Delete account

Files structure

    |-- css/
        |-- styles.css
        |-- cropImage.css
    |-- js/
        |-- utils.js
        |-- cropImage.js
        |-- loginPage.js
        |-- homePage.js
        |-- postAddPage.js
        |-- postEditPage.js
    |-- login/
        |-- index.html
    |-- home/
        |-- index.html
    |-- post/
        |-- add.html
        |-- edit.html
    |-- account/
        |-- index.html
    |-- error.html
    |-- layout.html
    |-- privacy_policy.html
    |-- ospost.db

HTML files


The login page display a Facebook login button where the user can log in with their Facebook account. The login is processed using the Facebook JavaScript SDK in loginPage.js file.


The home page contains the HTML code to display each post scheduled by the user using jinja syntax.

In homePage.js file we attach two event to each post:

click event that redirect the user to view and edit the post.

long-press event that allows the user to change the dates between two posts by dragging and dropping the post using sortablejs.

See long-press-event.


The post/add page contains the HTML code that allow the user to create a post.

The page contains four important element:

input file user select the image file to be uploaded.

input datetime-local user select a date where the post going to be publish.

textarea user enter a caption for the post.

button to create post.

In postAddPage.js the user inputs are processed using formData to send data to the backend with fetch API.


The post/edit page contains the HTML code to display a form that allow the user to change post date and caption.

In postEditPage.js there are some client validation for date input. Again the data is processed using formData and send with fetch API.


In that page the users can see and delete their account.


That page contains the main template for other pages.


That page help to show errors such like 404, 400, etc...


That page contains a privacy policy that are required when using facebook login.

Python files

This file contains the most important: the flask app and its configuration settings, as well as routes and functions to proccess each request that are send from the client side. Also contains the logic to connect with the models, proccess and save incoming data to the database.



Render login page and proccess login request.

# Render login page, proccess login request
@app.route("/login", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def login():
    # GET: Render login page
    fb = {"version": os.getenv("FB_VERSION"), "app_id": os.getenv("FB_APP_ID")}
    return render_template("login/index.html", fb=fb)

from the Javascrip Facebook SDK we received ig_account_id and a short-lived access_token

# Received from POST
ig_account_id = request.json["ig_id"]
temp_access_token = request.json["authResponse"]["accessToken"]

Then we chage the short-lived access_token to a long-lived access_token by sending a GET request to the Graph API endpoint:{fb_app_id}&client_secret={fb_app_secret}&fb_exchange_token={access_token}.

# Get long-live access token.
    fb_endpoint = os.getenv("FB_ENDPOINT")
    fb_app_id = os.getenv("FB_APP_ID")
    fb_app_secret = os.getenv("FB_APP_SECRET")

    url = f"{fb_endpoint}oauth/access_token?grant_type=fb_exchange_token&client_id={fb_app_id}&client_secret={fb_app_secret}&fb_exchange_token={temp_access_token}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    json_response = response.json()
    long_access_token = json_response["access_token"]
except requests.RequestException:

The long-lived access_token is needed because it lasts for 60 days, while the short one only lasts for a couple of hours. If the user wants to schedule a post, we ensure that the selected date is no longer than 50 days, thus, when the publish post function is triggered, the access_token is still valid to publish the post.

Finally, we search the user by its ig_account_id in the database. If user exists, we update the access_token. If user doesn't exist, we create a new user.

# Search user by Instagram Account Id
user = User.query.filter(User.ig_account_id == ig_account_id).first()
if user != None:
    # Update user access token
    user.access_token = long_access_token
    # Insert new user
    user = User(access_token=long_access_token, ig_account_id=ig_account_id)

# Set session
session["user_id"] =
session["ig_account_id"] = ig_account_id

# Get back to view with ok
return jsonify({"ok": True})


Log out user


Render home page, change posts order

@app.route("/", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def index():

Render home page

# GET: Render post page
posts = Post.query.filter(Post.user_id == session.get("user_id")).order_by(

# Format date for client side
for p in posts: ="%b %d, %I:%M %p")

# Return page
return render_template("home/index.html", posts=posts)

When we change posts order, sortablejs give us an index and an old index of the posts whose order was changed in the container, we send those index to python.

const data = {
    "start": {"index": oldIndex},
    "end": {"index": newIndex},

Then we get the indexes in python to reflect the change in the database.

start_index = request.json["start"]["index"]
end_index = request.json["end"]["index"]

# Get all post from current user order by date
posts = Post.query.filter(Post.user_id == session.get("user_id")).order_by(

# When dragged post start from (left side or top) and dropped to (right side or bottom)
if start_index < end_index:
    for i in range(start_index, end_index):
        # Swap post date
        temp = posts[i].date
        posts[i].date = posts[i + 1].date
        posts[i + 1].date = temp

        # Swap post in list
        temp = posts[i]
        posts[i] = posts[i + 1]
        posts[i + 1] = temp

    # Update changes in database

# When dragged post start from (right side or bottom) and dropped to (left side or top)
    start_index = start_index + 1
    end_index = end_index + 1
    for i in reversed(range(end_index, start_index)):
        temp = posts[i].date
        posts[i].date = posts[i - 1].date
        posts[i - 1].date = temp

        temp = posts[i]
        posts[i] = posts[i - 1]
        posts[i - 1] = temp



Render add page and save post.

# Render post/add page, add new post
@app.route("/post/add", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def add():

Clear any HTML tag in caption for security reason, then encode it to be placed in the url when the publish api endpoint is call.

Validate date making sure that it's greater than present date and no longer than 50 days.

Get file and generate a random filename, then save it in a folder named the same as the user ig_account_id inside of uploads folder.

# POST request
# Get date and caption
date = request.form.get("date")
caption = request.form.get("caption")

# Convert iso date to date
date = datetime.fromisoformat(date)

 # Check date range
if date <
    # return message: Date must be in the future
elif date > ( + timedelta(days=50)):
    # return message: Date must be less than 50 days

# Clear HTML tags.
caption = re.sub("<[^<]+?>", "", caption)

# Encode characters
caption = urllib.parse.quote(caption, safe="")

# Get file
for file in request.files.values():

    # Get extension file
    ext = filename[len(filename) - 4:]

    # Generate random filename
    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + ext

    # Create folder with ig_account_id if not exist
    resource_path = os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER_RELATIVE"], session.get("ig_account_id"))
    if not os.path.exists(resource_path):
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:

    # Save file, filename))

# Save post in database
user_id = session.get("user_id")
post = Post(date=date, caption=caption, filename=filename, user_id=user_id)

# Schedule post with apscheduler
scheduler.add_job(publish_post, args=[], trigger="date", run_date=date, id=str(

# Notify client with ok message
# From client redirect to post page with flash message
flash("New post scheduled", "info")
return jsonify({"ok": True})


Render edit page. edit post caption and date and change apscheduler job to the new date.


Remove a given post from database as well as image from uploads folder and job.


Allow the user to publish a scheduled post using Post Now button


Render account page and let the user modify account details


Allow users to delete their account and all data ever saved in the database.


Render privacy policy page.


A function that serve image to the view from uploads folder

def send_file(filename):
    return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER_RELATIVE"], session.get("ig_account_id")), filename, as_attachment=True)


A function that handle 413 status code returned by flask when file is over the stablished limit.

def large_file_error(error):
    return jsonify({"ok": False, "msg": "File is too large"})

This file contains models classes specification for our database.

This file contains helper functions like publish_post, http_request and login_required function from cs50 finance project.

The publish_post function contains the code to publish the post on Instagram.

When the user creates a post, an apscheduler job is added to run the publish_post function on a given date.

# Schedule post with apscheduler
scheduler.add_job(publish_post, args=[], trigger="date", run_date=date, id=str(

publish_post takes a post_id, that will give us the post, user. The next step is to copy the post image that is in uploads folder to static/tmp/ folder (as a requirement of the API, the resource needs to be in a public server). After that, we send a POST request to the API to create a container for the post, that includes the image_url and caption. We then keep sending GET request to check the container status every 4 seconds until the container status is FINISHED. Then we proceed to publish the cotainer by sending a POST request to the API to publish the post on instagram. If everything goes well, the last step is to delete the post from the database and file from uploads and static/tmp folder.

def publish_post(post_id):

    # Dont try to post on instagram on development mode
    if os.environ.get("FLASK_ENV") == "development":
        print("Your post would be publishing on instagram right now...")
        return True

    from models import db, Post, User
    from app import app
    with app.test_request_context():
        post = Post.query.filter( == post_id).first()
        if not post:
            print("No post was found")
            return None

        user = User.query.filter( == post.user_id).first()
        if not user:
            print("No user was found")
            return None

        # Move image to static/tmp/ directory
        src = os.path.join("uploads", user.ig_account_id, post.filename)
        dst = "static/tmp/"

        # Create destination directory
        if not os.path.exists(dst):

        # Move img to tmp/
            copy2(src, dst)
        except Exception as e:
            return None

        # Image url
        image_url = os.getenv("APP_URL") + os.path.join(dst, post.filename)

        # Get facebook endpoint
        fb_endpoint = os.getenv("FB_ENDPOINT")

        # Create IG Container ID
        url = f"{fb_endpoint}{user.ig_account_id}/media?image_url={image_url}&caption={post.caption}&access_token={user.access_token}"
        response = http_request(url, "POST")
        if response is None:
            return None

        container_id = response["id"]

        # Check container status
        url = f"{container_id}?fields=status_code&access_token={user.access_token}"
        status = "IN_PROGRESS"
        try_index = 1
        try_times = 10
        wait_time = 4
        while (status != "FINISHED"):
            if try_index == try_times:
                return None

            response = http_request(url, "get")
            if response is None:
                return None

            status = response["status_code"]
            try_index += 1

        # Publish Container
        url = f"{fb_endpoint}{user.ig_account_id}/media_publish?creation_id={container_id}&access_token={user.access_token}"
        response = http_request(url, "POST")
        if response is None:
            return None

        ig_media_id = response["id"]

        if ig_media_id:
            print("media was published")
                # Delete media from static
                os.unlink(os.path.join(dst, post.filename))

                # Delete media from upload directory
                resource_path = os.path.join(app.config["UPLOAD_FOLDER_RELATIVE"], user.ig_account_id)
                os.unlink(os.path.join(resource_path, post.filename))
            except OSError as e:
                return None

            # Delete post form database

            return True
            print("Fail to post media")
            # Send an email to user

            return False

Database file


A sqlite database file generated by SQLAlchemy for saving data in development mode.

Javascript files


Contains javascript functions that help to validate inputs on the client side, make http request with fetch API and contains helper for javascript dates format.

function validateInput(inputEl)
function showInputError(inputEl)
function getIsoDate(date)
function addDays(date, days)
async function request(url, method, data=null)


A Javascript class that implements the cropperjs library. The user could try to create a post with an image whose width or height is too large or Instagram does not support the aspect ratio.

According to the Instagram API docs, image specification are the following:

  • Format: JPEG
  • File size: 8 MB maximum.
  • Aspect ratio: Must be within a 4:5 to 1.91:1 range
  • Minimum width: 320 (will be scaled up to the minimum if necessary)
  • Maximum width: 1440 (will be scaled down to the maximum if necessary)
  • Height: Varies, depending on width and aspect ratio
  • Color Space: sRGB. Images using other color spaces will have their color spaces converted to sRGB.
class CropImage
    imageFile;                      // <-- image file
    imageEl;                        // <-- image element
    cropper;                        // <-- cropper instance
    cropBtn;                        // <-- button to cropp image
    removeImageBtn;                 // <-- button to remove image
    toggleCropBoxBtn;               // <-- button to toggle the cropbox of cropperjs
    container;                      // <-- container where the cropper will be render
    imageElWrapper;                 // <-- container that wrap image element
    inputFileWrapper;               // <-- container that wrap input file
    MAX_WIDTH_SIZE = 1080;          // <-- Max size in width
    MAX_HEIGHT_SIZE = 1440;         // <-- Max size in height
    MIN_SIZE = 320;                 // <-- Min size (width, height)

    // Get container where cropper will be render
    // Get inputFileWrapper to hide it when image is loaded
    // and show it when image is remove
    // Get image
    constructor(container, inputFileWrapper, image)
        this.imageFile = image;
        this.container = container;
        this.inputFileWrapper = inputFileWrapper;

    // Create elements, render cropperjs with image

    // Remove image from container

    // Toggle cropbox (show/hide)

    // Create and display aspect ratio buttons

    // Crop an image with its corresponding aspect ratio
    cropImage(e, imageSize)

    // Check if loaded image is supported, if not, it will force the user to crop it

    // Get a new size for image to be cropped.
    getNewImageSize(image, aspectRatio)


This file contains a code provide by API to use Javascript SDK for facebook login button. And a http request with fetch API to /login route.


Contains the javascript code that set event listener to each code. And use sortablejs library to move the post between then.


Get and send data to backend when user is creating a new post. And also here is where cropperjs is used to allow the user to crop the image.


Get and send data to backend when user is editing a post.

CSS files


Contains the css styles for the app.


Contains the css style for the javascript class that implements cropperjs.


Ospost is a post scheduling for Instagram






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