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A drupal site generator tool written for myself for playing around with drupal sites.

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Drupal site generator - DSG


This tool is writtem for building drupal applications. The tool contains a script file with the commands that I use.


I wanted to play around with the civicrm application, I have checked the documentation, the system requirements, and i decided to install it on a drupal 8 site. After installing the stuff in the browser a couple of time, I decided to find a way to install it without the browser. According to the drupal documentation it is possible to install the site with composer and drush commands.


To be able to use the civicrm and drupal softwares, i had to install some other softwares as dependencies. The civicrm and drupal applications are PHP based, but for civicrm, the v7.3 is recommended, so that I can't use the latest, PHP (7.4). The server machine is an old laptop, with ubuntu 16.04 os. The development server is running on that machine. The necessary packages are already installed there. The following php packages were installed: php7.3 php7.3-cli php7.3-fpm php7.3-mysql php7.3-json php7.3-opcache php7.3-mbstring php7.3-xml php7.3-gd php7.3-curl php7.3-intl Due to the postgresql database is not supported by the civicrm, the mysql packages were also installed: mysql-server mysql-client

DSG - Drupal Site Generator CLI

This tool is implemented in the file. The tool management is action and flag based. It handles the following actins and flags:


For selecting the action what we want to do. Currently the following actions are supported:

  • add-to-www-user action changes the permission of the target directory. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "add-to-www-user" -s --local-deploy-target ".." --project-name ""
  • apache-config action creates the necessary configuration file, based on the template (apache.conf.template). Then it copies it to the apache directory, enables the config, restarts apache. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "apache-config" -s --project-name "" --apache-conf-dir "/etc/apache2"
  • ci-build action builds a drupal app in ci environment. This app could be used for testing other stuff like drupal modules or other extensions. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "ci-build" -s --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" \
        --db-name "drupal" --db-user-name "drupaluser" --site-admin-user-name "admin" \
        --site-admin-password "admin" --apache-conf-dir "/etc/apache2" --db-host "localhost" \
        --db-port "3306" --root-db-user-pw "$ROOT_DB_USER_PW" --local-deploy-target "/var/www/html" \
        --composer-app "composer1"
  • composer-config action calls composer config command in the project directory. If the composer application is not installed, it fails.
./ "composer-config" --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" \
	--composer-config-key "extra.enable-patching" --composer-config-value "true"
  • composer-require action calls composer require command in the project directory. If the composer applciation is not installed, it fails.
./ "composer-require" --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" \
	--composer-project "civicrm/civicrm-asset-plugin:~1.1"
  • composer-require-with-deps action calls composer require -W command in the project directory. If the composer applciation is not installed, it fails.
./ "composer-require-with-deps" --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" \
	--composer-project "civicrm/civicrm-asset-plugin:~1.1"
  • configure-mysql action starts and enables the mysql daemon with systemctl command. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "configure-mysql" -s
  • create-composer-project action calls composer create-project command with drupal/recommended-project:8.x package to the directory.
./ "create-composer-project" --project-base-path ".." --project-name ""
  • create-database-mysql action drops the database if exists, creates a new one, grants all priv. to the database user and flushes the privileges. The action is done in the name of the given mysql user.
./ "create-database-mysql" --root-db-user-pw "passwd" --root-db-user-name "root" \
	--db-user-name "drupaluser" --db-name "drupal"
  • create-user-mysql action creates the db user if not exists and sets its password. The action is done in the name of the given mysql user.
./ "create-user-mysql" --root-db-user-pw "passwd" --root-db-user-name "root" \
	--db-user-name "drupaluser" --db-user-pw "drupaluserpasswd"
  • install-civicrm-l10n action downloads the l10n files of the given civicrm version, unpacks it, copies the necessary files to the civicrm-core directory inside the vendor directory of the project, finally it cleans up. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "install-civicrm-l10n" -s --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" \
	--civicrm-version "5.29.1"
  • install-composer action downloads the composer installer, installs the composer under the /usr/local/bin directory, then it cleans up. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "install-composer" -s
  • install-cv action downloads the cv (civicrm cli) application, moves it under /usr/local/bin/ directory, and gives execute permission to it. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "install-cv" -s
  • install-drush action requires the drush package with composer. Under the hood, it calls composer-require action with drush/drush as package.
./ "install-drush" --project-base-path ".." --project-name ""
  • install-mysql action installs the mysql packages (mysql-server, mysql-client) with apt-get command. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "install-mysql" -s
  • install-php action install the php and the necessary extensions with apt-get command. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "install-php" -s -p "7.3"
  • local-deploy action copies the project application to the www directory and setups the owner of the copied directory. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "local-deploy" -s --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" \
	--local-deploy-target "/var/www/html"
  • remove-project action cleans up the project from the www directory, also from the project directory. Then it removes the apache config from the apache directory if it was deployed and restarts the apache services. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "remove-project" -s --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" \
	--apache-conf-dir "/etc/apache2"  --local-deploy-target "/var/www/html"
  • run-cv-install action installs the civicrm core module. Unfortunately this action seems to be buggy. After the installation the site is broken. The action changes the permission of the web/sites/default directory in the project directory. It installs the module with the cv application, then it changes back the directory permissions. The action fails if the cv is not installed. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "run-cv-install" --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" -s
  • run-drush-config-set action calls drush config-set command in the project directory. It sets the given key in the given config to a given value.
./ "run-drush-config-set" --project-base-path ".." --project-name "" \
	--drush-config-name "" --drush-config-key "name" \
	--drush-config-value "The site"
  • run-drush-install action installs the drupal site with the drush tool in the project directory.
./ "run-drush-install" --project-base-path ".." --project-name ""
  • secure-install-mysql action runs the mysql_secure_installation command. The sudo flag has to be set for this command.
./ "secure-install-mysql" -s

--sudo or -s

It enables the sudo mode, that we need for some commands.

--php or -p

With this flag, the php version could be updated. It is used in the install-php action.


This flag manages the root user name of the database. It is used in the create-user-mysql and create-database-mysql actions. If this flag is not set in the actions, it defaults to root.


This flag manages the root user password of the database. It is used in the create-user-mysql and create-database-mysql actions. If this flag is not set in the actions, it defaults to empty string.


This flag manages the user name of the mysql database user that we create for managing the database of the drupal site. It is used in the create-user-mysql and create-database-mysql actions. If this flag is not set, the actions will fail.


This flag manages the password of the mysql database user that we create for managing the database of the drupal site. It is used in the create-user-mysql action. If this flag is not set, the action will fail.


This flag manages the name of the mysql database that we create for the drupal site. It is used in the create-database-mysql action. If this flag is not set, it defaults to drupal.


This flag manages the host name of the mysql database that we create for the drupal site. It is used in the ci-build, run-drush-install actions. If this flag is not set, it defaults to localhost.


This flag manages the port of the mysql database that we create for the drupal site. It is used in the ci-build, run-drush-install actions. If this flag is not set, it defaults to 3306.


This flag manages the path of the directory where we have the main directory of the drupal site. It is used in the create-composer-project install-drush run-drush-install run-cv-install run-drush-config-set composer-require composer-require-with-deps composer-config local-deploy remove-project install-civicrm-l10n actions. If this flag is not set, the actions will fail.


This flag manages the name of the main directory of the drupal site. It is used in the create-composer-project install-drush run-drush-install run-cv-install run-drush-config-set composer-require composer-require-with-deps composer-config local-deploy apache-config remove-project install-civicrm-l10n actions. If this flag is not set, the actions will fail.


This flag manages the config name for the drush config-set command. It is used in the run-drush-config-set action. If this flag is not set, the action will fail.


This flag manages the config key for the drush config-set command. It is used in the run-drush-config-set action. If this flag is not set, the action will fail.


This flag manages the config value for the drush config-set command. It is used in the run-drush-config-set action. If this flag is not set, it defaults to empy string.


This flag manages the name of the composer project that we want to require. It is used in the composer-require composer-require-with-deps actions. If this flag is not set, the actions will fail.


This flag manages the key name for the composer config command. It is used in the composer-config action. If this flag is not set, the action will fail.


This flag manages the value for the composer config command. It is used in the composer-config action. If this flag is not set, it defaults to empy string.


This flag manages the target directory of the local deploy, that supposed to be the www directory (eg: /var/www/html). It is used in the local-deploy remove-project actions. If this flag is not set, the actions will fail.


This flag manages the target directory of the apache configuration (eg: /etc/apache2). It is used in the local-deploy remove-project actions. If this flag is not set, the actions will fail.


This flag manages the version string that we are using for installing the civicrm. The l10n file installation needs this. It is used in the install-civicrm-l10n action. If this flag is not set, the action will fail.


This flag manages the name of the administrator user that is created during the site installation. It is used in the run-drush-install action. If this flag is not set, the action will fail.


This flag manages the password of the administrator user that is created during the site installation. It is used in the run-drush-install action. If this flag is not set, the action will fail.

TODO list

  • Naming convention for the action names.

Make targets

I have implemented a make tool. It was written for gathering the necessary variables into one file.

Installation steps - local install.

First of all we have to install the system dependencies with the make environment_dependencies target. It wraps the following steps / actions:

  • install-php
  • install-mysql
  • configure-mysql
  • secure-install-mysql
  • create-user-mysql
  • install-composer

The next step is the build process, and the make build target is given for this. It does the followings:

  • create-database-mysql
  • create-composer-project
  • local-deploy
  • install-drush
  • run-drush-install
  • run-drush-config-set
  • run-drush-config-set
  • apache-config

After the first installation, where the system deps. are installed, we can skip a couple of steps from the build process. The make rebuild target wraps the necessary steps.

Alternative make target for the local installation: make build-drupal. It is similar to the build target, but it uses only one script action and all the parameters are passed to this action. It was inspired by the ci-build action.

Uninstall - local machine.

Just run the make cleanup_generated_project command. It deletes the stuff from the www directory, from the current directory, and also removes the apache config.


That tool installation could be executed with the make build-drupal-civicrm. It is a similar process as the drupal-build, but includes the necessary setup for the CRM installation also.


The v1.0.0 version was implemented to support the test executions for CI.

The v2.0.0 version was implemented to support the local development workflows. The scripts and workflow steps are updated to use the latest ubuntu image, php 7.4. If you need the v1 for your test executions, check out to the release tag in your checkout action.


A drupal site generator tool written for myself for playing around with drupal sites.







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