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asyncio compatibility shim for TinyDB

Enables usage of TinyDB in asyncio-aware contexts without slow syncronous IO.

See documentation on compatible version of TinyDB.

Basically all API calls from TinyDB are supported in AIOTinyDB. With the following exceptions: you should not use basic with syntax and close functions. Instead, you should use async with.

import asyncio
from aiotinydb import AIOTinyDB

async def test():
    async with AIOTinyDB('test.json') as db:

loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()

CPU-bound operations like, db.update() etc. are executed synchronously and may block the event loop under heavy load. Use multiprocessing if that's an issue (see #6 and examples/ for an example).


Any middlewares you use should be async-aware. See example:

from tinydb.middlewares import CachingMiddleware as VanillaCachingMiddleware
from aiotinydb.middleware import AIOMiddleware

class CachingMiddleware(VanillaCachingMiddleware, AIOMiddlewareMixin):
        Async-aware CachingMiddleware. For more info read
        docstring for `tinydb.middlewares.CachingMiddleware`

If middleware requires some special handling on entry and exit, override __aenter__ and __aexit__.

Concurrent database access

Instances of AIOTinyDB support database access from multiple coroutines.

On unix-like systems, it's also possible to access one database concurrently from multiple processes when using AIOJSONStorage (the default) or AIOImmutableJSONStorage.


pip install aiotinydb