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Setting up the codebase:

git clone {github link}

npm run install-both to install npm dependencies for frontend and backend

    Alternatively, you can run npm i in the root directory and npm i in the my-app directory.

Running in dev

  • npm run dev to run both frontend and backend, access the site at http://localhost:3000

  • npm start to run just backend

  • npm run client to run just frontend

Running production build

  • First, run npm build in the my-app directory

  • Then, you can run the production build through npm start and visiting http://localhost:5000

Contact [email protected] for database and password encryption information to fill out envrionments variables

    Alternatively, you can access envrionment variables through GitHub repo Secrets

Style Guide:

npm run get-report to generate an html static code analysis report, saved in report-output.html

You can find a screenshot of the most updated report in the repo's GitHub wiki


Tests are run on a test database, seperate from the production database being used on the Heroku deployment

Unit tests are written using Jest, and stored in the __jest__ folder

Acceptance tests are written using Cypress and the Cucumber plugin, and are stored in the cypress/integration folder

npm run test:jest will run the jest tests in the proper folder and provide a coverage report

npm run test:cy will run launch the server and run the cypress acceptance tests

npm run test will run the above two commands

You can find a screenshot of the unit test coverage in the repo's GitHub wiki

Continuous Integration:

We are using Travis CI for this project


Deployed using heroku on:


System Architecture (Feb 7 Class Assignment)