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sstdref is the document files for SSTD (repository).

View the documents

Installation for development

In the case with docker

  1. update
    $ sudo apt-get update
  2. installing curl
    $ sudo apt-get install curl
  3. installing Docker
    1. installing Docker engine
      $ curl -fsSL | sh
    2. Creation of docker group and adding a user, in order not to required sudo.
      1. Creation of docker group
        $ sudo groupadd docker
      2. Adding a user who want to use docker. In this example, we will add login-user ($USER)
        $ sudo gpasswd -a $USER docker
      3. Rebooting PC
        $ reboot
    3. Building the Dockerfile
      $ cd docker
      $ sh

In the case without docker

  1. installing mkdocs
    $ pip install mkdocs
    $ pip install mkdocs-material
    $ pip install mkdocs-awesome-pages-plugin
  2. init mkdocs
    $ mkdocs new src


documents development cycle

  1. Running the local server
    $ ./ run  # with Docker
    $ make run  # without Docker
  2. Editting documentation under sstdref/docs_src
  3. Compiling files
    $ ./  # with Docker
    $ make -j  # without Docker
  4. Checking the local server (http://localhost:8000/).
  5. Adding the changes to git repository.
    $ git add .
    $ git commit -m 'comments'
    $ git push origin main
  6. Updating the
    $ ./ updateDocs  # with Docker
    $ make updateDocs # without Docker

docker image development cycle

  1. Entering the docker container
    $ docker run --rm -it --name run_sstdref -v $PWD:/home -w /home sstdref_gen:latest sh
  2. Testing the build process in the command line
  3. Dropping the build process into the dockerfile

Command descriptions

In the case with docker

$ ./ help
  $ ./            : Building the documents
  $ ./ clean      : Removing the temporary files
  $ ./ help       : Showing the help (This messages)
  $ ./ run        : Running the previewing server on a local machine
  $ ./ updateDocs : Updating the documents at

In the case without docker

$ make help
  make -j         : Building the documents
  make clean      : Removing the temporary files
  make help       : Showing the help (This messages)
  make run        : Running the previewing server on a local machine
  make updateDocs : Updating the documents at
  make updateLib  : Updating the SSTD at "./mdEx_cpp_example"

File and Directory descriptions

File or directory name Description Origin
docker/ Dockerfile and the other required files
docs/ Static files for
docs_src/ Markdown files for editing and generating static site
docs_src/docs/custom_dir/ Custom CSS and JavaScripts
mdEx_cpp_example/ Markdown expansion to run cpp example code by #mdEx: cpp example (in) and #mdEx: cpp example (out). under mdEx_cpp_example/ is used to generate the SSTD execution samples. To update SSTD to the latest version, run $ make updateLib.
mdEx_title/ Markdown extension to automatically generate titles
tmp/ Temporary files to generate docs/ files and previewing by httpd
.git/ git files
Makefile $ make run for running preview server. $ make for rebuild preview. $ make updateDocs for build under src and update pages on This file Makefile wrapper for running in Docker Template markdown file for docs_src/
.gitignore Registering files to ignore in order not to track files on git

Trouble shooting

Case1. Unable to find image 'sstdref_gen:latest' locally

You need to build dockerfile using below commands, if docker image is not found when running $ ./ run.

$ cd docker
$ sh