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Impact of COVID19 on the Indian Stock Market


To analyse the impact of COVID19 pandemic on the Indian Stock Mareket considering the BSE-500 Index Prices as reference

Datasets Used

COVID-19 Global Figures from

BSE-500 Index Prices from

Tools Used

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio - Data analysis Tableau - Data Visualisation

Important Inferences - COVID19 Figures

-> Andorra had the highest Infection Rate with the Infection Rate reaching a value of 28.95%.

-> India's Infection Rate was at 2.45% which much lower when compared with countries like the United States and the United Kingdom.

-> Peru reported the highest death rate by population at 0.59%. Death Rate by Population in India was 0.033% which was one of the lowest rates in the world owing to imposition of timely lockdown by the government.

-> Among Continents, South America had the highest infection rate at 9.12% and the highest death rate at 2.99%. Infection Rate in India was higher by almost 1% compared to the Asian average.

-> COVID19 vaccination programme started on January 16, 2021 in India with a total of 1,91,181 taking a shot on the first day.

Important Inferences - BSE500 Index Prices

-> In the initial days of the COVID19 pandemic in India which is before the First Lockdown was imposed, the Index prices had started to drop, reaching the lowest value recorded in March on March 23, 2020. The market opened positively even after the First Phase of the COVID19 lockdown was imposed by the government.

-> Even though with the cases on the rise in April 2020 and the Lockdown, the market was not affected significantly and recorded the highest closing index price on April 30, 2020 compared to March and May.

-> The effect of the first wave of COVID19 pandemic in India was not very signicant on the Stock Market.

-> During the Second Wave as the cases began to rise in April 2021, the market was affected significantly recording the lowest closing price on April 18, 2021 in the time period between April - September 2021. Once the cases began to decline with the most cases being recorded in first week of May, the market showed positive growth and the index price kept going higher and higher leading into September 2021.

-> Comparitively, the Second Wave of COVID19 in India had a much more significant effect than the First Wave.

-> Index Prices did not show a direct relationship with the rate of vaccinations in the India, however one can infer that due to increase in vaccination, the total cases went down which positively impacted the Stock Market with thing returning to normalcy.


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