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Releases: academico-sis/academico

RC 2

25 May 12:33
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RC 2 Pre-release

More features have been merged from other branches. This release contains some breaking changes. Current known users of this software and paying SaaS users will be provided with a full migration to the new version.

If you're using this software and hosting it on your own, and wish to migrate to the latest version, please get in touch and the migration notes will be shared with you.

This is RC2 version. The development process is still very active and each release needs a manual, thorough upgrade from the previous version.

A RC3 is scheduled in the upcoming weeks - again with some potentially breaking changes, to finalize the refactoring operations undertaken on the application structure.

After RC3, a stable version will be published and breaking changes will be avoided.

RC 1

01 Mar 17:12
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RC 1 Pre-release

Work from other branches has been merged into master. This introduces many breaking changes, especially in the DB structure.

The production branches of this application were, until now, stored in separate repositories.

The goal is to avoid forking the repository when customizing the application for a specific institution. Instead, we'll try to keep one codebase and allow specific overrides (features enable/disable, services binding, custom views...) through the .env file

This will allow to keep a production-ready application into the master branch of this repository at all times.

Current known users of this software (paying saas users) will be provided with a full migration to the new version.

If you're using this software and hosting it on your own, and wish to migrate to the latest version, please get in touch and the migration notes will be shared with you.

Some more minor features need to be merged from other branches, and some parts of the codebase still need to be hardened, tested and refactored before a "production" release can be out soon.

Beta 2

22 May 07:03
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Beta 2 Pre-release
  • Upgrade to Laravel 7 and Backpack 4.1
  • Numerous bug fixes
  • Architecture improvements, more tests, refactors

Beta 1

15 Apr 08:12
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Beta 1 Pre-release
