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Python script that automates the process of creating a Django project. It sets up a base project directory, creates a dedicated virtual environment, initializes your Django project with the preferred name, and generates the necessary files and folders for a Django project.

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Automated Django Project Creation Code:

This repository contains a Python script that automates the process of creating a Django project. It sets up a base project directory, creates a dedicated virtual environment, initializes your Django project with the preferred name, and generates the necessary files and folders for a Django project.

What the Script Does:

  • Sets up a base project directory.
  • Creates a dedicated virtual environment.
  • Creates your Django project with a preferred name.
  • Generates the necessary apps, files and folders for a Django project.
  • Run django database migrations
  • Automatically run the server in 8000 port


Before using this script, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:

  • Python is installed on your system.


1. Clone this repository or download the repository to your local machine.

git clone

2. Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory where the script is located.

  • Run the following command:

    python <project_name>

    Replace <project_name> with the desired name for your Django project. Make sure to provide a project name without any spaces

  • Example:

    python Ecommerce

3. Selecting Project Directory:

You can specify where you want to save the project by providing the path location:

  • The script will prompt you with the following message:

    Please select your project directory and enter one of the following options:
    'c' to create the project in the current directory
    'p' to create project with your custom path: 
  • Select 'c' : The script automatically creates the project in your current directory.

  • Select 'p' : If you choose to specify a custom path:

    • Navigate to the root folder of the script.

    • Locate a file named and open it.

    • Set the path location in the BASE_DIR variable.

      Example configurations:

      • For Windows:

        BASE_DIR = r"C:/your/path/to/project/folder"
      • For Linux / Mac:

        BASE_DIR = r"/your/path/to/project/folder"

4. Enter your desired apps:

  • After that script will prompt you with the following message:

    Please enter your app names separated by space or Press 'Enter' to leave app creation:
  • Example:-

    Please enter your app names separated by space or Press 'Enter' to leave app creation: Seller Customer Admin_panel
  • Hit enter

Project Creation process in detail:

  • The script will create a base project directory and set up a dedicated virtual environment.

  • Django will be installed in the virtual environment, and a new Django project with the specified name will be created.

  • Additionally, your preferred apps will be created within the project, and all apps configuration added to the INSTALLED_APPS section in the file.

  • Two folders, static and template, will be generated in the project directory to handle static files and templates, respectively. Their configurations will be added to the file, and media configuration will also be added.

  • The Django development server will be started automatically, and the project will be accessible at

  • Your default web browser will open automatically to display the Django project.

Pro tip:

When executing Python code as "python " becomes tedious, follow these pro tips to streamline your workflow with "create ".

Feedback and Contributions:

Your feedback and contributions are highly appreciated! If you find this project helpful, please consider supporting it in the following ways:

  • Star the Repository: Show your appreciation by starring the repository.
  • Fork: Fork the repository to contribute your own enhancements.
  • Share: Spread the word! Share this repository with your friends and colleagues.

Feel free to customize the script further to meet your specific project requirements.

Thank you for your support!


Python script that automates the process of creating a Django project. It sets up a base project directory, creates a dedicated virtual environment, initializes your Django project with the preferred name, and generates the necessary files and folders for a Django project.







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