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Wall Clock

Wall Clock is a live Clock frontend interface.

Live Link

Clock Live Wall Clock


Welcome abroad fellow developer, here you will find the details of my wall clock project story.

Motivation Motivation

When I saw this beautiful minimalist clock design , I encouraged myself to implement it with HTML, CSS and Javascript.

The Inspiring Design The result would be something like
Model Before Model After

What are the technologies you will use ?

HTML HTMLCSS CSSJavascript Javascript

Why wall clock project ?

To improve developer's skills in writing scripts and enhance CSS skills for better UI

What problem does clock project solve?

It provides a nice looking design for a live real time clock.

What did you learn?

As a frontend developer I put my HTML, CSS and Javascript skills in practice and learn new things about client built-in internationalization date time format and zone apis.

Features Features

  • Showing user real time within one's zone.
  • Showing user visiting from city.
  • Showing user real day date and day name.
  • Simulate a real life clock movement mechanism.
  • Simulating a real life clock tick sound.
  • Simulating a real life clock mignight 12 a.m. Sound.
  • Giving user option to turn on/off sound.
  • Great Responsive design for all devices.
  • Static asset cache via service workers which means less http requess and less loading cost.

Progressive Web App Progressive Web Application Feature

Wall Clock is PWA which means it has a progressive Web App Features. It can be installed from Desktop, IOS and Android broswers and working normally as a regular native app.

Give it a try and install it on your device : Install on Android
Install on IOS

Performance Performance




Performance Passed Performance
Accessibility Passed Accessibility
Best Practices Passed Best Practices
SEO Passed SEO
PWA Passed PWA

License License