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CS 5321 Project

Project Structure

The project is structured as follows:

  • the src directory for source files.
  • the tests directory for the test queries, database file, expected input and output directory.

For packages for the project source file is arranged by the following rational:

  • the client package is for top-level class.
  • the btree directory is a building B+ tree index file. It also contains serializer, deserializer classes for index searching purpose.
  • the operators package is for various Operator classes.
  • the optimizer package contains three major classes, JoinOptimizer, SelectionOptimizer, and VValue. These three classese are created for determining the best join order.
  • the test package contains unit tests, end-to-end test as well as the utilities and test test harness.
  • the util package contains various classes for dealing with queries, expressions, and trees as well as data-structures for storing query elements.
  • the visitors package contains generic visitor as well as different concrete visitors.

New Functionalities Added in

The Selection Pushing

In order to push selection to proper position in our logical plan, We implemented the union find data structure to group attributes with same range condition. The selection condition, which contains equalsTo, greaterThan, MinorThan expression between one relation and a number or between two attribute of the same relation would be pushed down after the join condition. Uneqality and other usable selection condtion would be pushed up to the join operator.

Selection Implementation

We created a class called selectionOptimizer to handle which selection method to use. We first check indexing availability for all the attributes of one relation involved in the selection. If there are no proper indexing for these attributes, we would choose the plain scan method. If there are indexing options on these attributes, we would compare the cost their costs, and choose the one with the lowest cost.

Join Order choice

We had some problems implenting the dynamic programing method to choose the best join order. The compromised solution we curretnly implemented is to choose join order based on each table size.

Join Implementation

Our logic is to use Sort Merg Join if it is applicable. If SMJ is not applicable, we choose to use Block Nested Loop Join.


The top-level entry of the program is at the client.SQLInterpreter.main().

The Interpreter is in charge of read the input file and transfer to the query evalutator, and finally output the result to a file.

Join Logic

We categorize conditions from the WHERE clause into: 1. Comparison between constants. 2. In-table select condition. 3. Cross-table join condition.

At the start of parsing, all conditions are extracted by recursively breaking up the AND expressions. Then for each table we record: 1) its select conditions, and 2) its join condition with all of the preceding tables. This way, we could move along the FROM tables, and focus only on relevant conditions when a new table needs to be joined with the current left sub-tree. And of course, constant conditions are handled before everything.


We implemented the SortOperator as per the instructions. If certain ordered elements are not projected (e.g., SELECT S.A FROM S ORDER BY S.B) and DISTINCT is required, we have another operator using HashSet to maintain the order.

B+ Tree Index File Builder

We provide a BPlusTree class, and its constructor is able to build a serialized index file on one perticular attribute from the given relation data. It also provides tree index deserialization functionality when user need to use index scan operator during the execution. This would shorten the tuple searching time.

Index Scan Operator

We implemented an index scan operator for index selection using B+ tree index. It evaluates expressions contains the index attribute, and would call deserilizer to fetch the first satified data entry from the leaf node of the B+ tree. After that, it would fetch tuples linearly if the file is clustered, other wise, it will continously fetch next satisfied data entry from the deserializer.

Selection Logic

In our previous design, we gave our logical selection operator a important constrain that the child of a logical selection operator must be a scan operator. Therefore, when we use the visitor pattern to build our physical plan, we only need to traverse down to the selection operator at most. And when the visitor traverse to the selection operator, the logic could decide whther the child of the selection operator should be full scan operator or index scan operator.

As we have stored the information from configuration file into the catalog. Firstly, if the database catalog shows that index query is on, we should check for availability of the index on this query.

We have a method called hasIdxAttr which checks if the index applies to the selection condition. That is, if the selection condition for the this table contians greater than, greater than equal to, equals, less than, less than equal to on the indexed attraibute, then we are good to build a index scan operator as the child. Then we calculate the lowKey and highKey depend on all the selection conditiions and then build the operator.

If the hasIdxAttr returns false, we should build the normal full scan operator.

Finally we return to the uppper level.


We make use of two testing strategies

  1. At the very beginning use the Unit Test for the basic function of the operators including ScanOperator and SelectOperator.
  2. At the later stage, we are highly dependent on the use of end-to-end tests to ensure well functioning of the whole system.

Unit Tests

For the basic test, we manually construct operators and dump the tuples to prove that the operator could work with regard to the iterator model.

End-to-End Tests

The end-to-end test is the test which takes the whole interpreter as the unit under test. The Test case will take the input query file and then execute the the query, finally print the result into the target file.


In order to better conduct the testing, we have written a bash script which dumps the result of the MySQL database as the expected output. Therefore, it is very easy for us to build relatively complex test cases.

Also, we have created the util class Diff for comparing two files which will automatically judge the correctness of the output.


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