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Spide Network Docker

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Containerised docker image for Spide Network

Note: This is an unofficial build and comes with no warranty of any kind. By using this image you also agree to Spide Network's terms and conditions.

The aim is to containerise the standard Linux CLI version of the binary into a dockerised container.

This docker image comes pre-bundled with Income Generator. A tool which consolidates and earns passive income from multiple sources.

Usage 📃

Define the following environment variable to bootstrap the image.

Variable Description Optional
ID Require machine ID if reusing same device YES

For ARM Platforms Only

This section only applies to running on ARM platforms as the image and its underlying binary are originally compiled for x86_64 (64-bit) Intel/AMD-based architectures.

To run the docker image on ARM platforms such as Raspberry Pi, it needs to run on an emulation layer.

docker run --rm --privileged aptman/qus -s -- -p x86_64

However, on reboot, the emulation must be re-enabled again. Therefore, cron can be used so that the cron scheduler will start the emulation on reboot.

sudo crontab -e

Then add the entry and that's it.

@reboot docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all

or via (only adding x86_64)

@reboot docker run --rm --privileged aptman/qus -s -- -p x86_64

The non-native docker image will now run on ARM platforms such as arm64, arm64v8, arm32v7, aarch64 which previously wouldn't without first enabling the emulation layer.

Run Usage

Docker Compose

Via compose.yml

    container_name: spide
    image: xterna/spide-network
    restart: unless-stopped

If want to re-use an existing device key registration, obtain the machine ID from the logs first. Define an environment argument.

Using the machine ID will be able to revive the same Device Key.

    container_name: spide
    image: xterna/spide-network
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ID=<machine-id>
docker compose up -d

Docker run

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name spide xterna/spide-network

If want to reuse an existing device with its associated device key registered, use the machine ID from the logs to load an existing device on a new container.

docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name spide -e ID=<machine-id> xterna/spide-network

This will start the application in the background. The alias assigned is spide.

Register device

The device running the Spide application will need to be registered in the dashboard for the device to be linked to your earning account.

Device Key

To get the device key, you need to run the docker logs command to find the key for registering.

docker logs spide
Machine ID: 80838d00ba2331a6da3e007c15c97699

2024/02/07 00:34:47 Build version: 2022-07-12_11:08:44AM-LINUX
2024/02/07 00:34:47 ENV: prod
2024/02/07 00:34:47 Device Key:  c253589lk23j523jkhasf904124kj1as8512972215kljasd04asd9085124as3r
2024/02/07 00:34:48 get url content length 517
2024/02/07 00:34:48 Client version:  14
2024/02/07 00:34:48 connect to server
2024/02/07 00:34:48 Status: OK

To just get the device key

docker logs spide-test 2>&1 | grep "Device Key"
2024/02/07 00:34:47 Device Key:  c253589lk23j523jkhasf904124kj1as8512972215kljasd04asd9085124as3r

Machine ID

Unlike the Device Key, the machine ID is used to generate the device key. You can keep regenerating the same device key so long as you have the matching machine ID. You can't go the other away around.

⚠️ This is important because once the Device Key is registered on Spide in your account, you can't change, de-register or re-register.

Obtaining the machine ID can be done via the top of the logs or by running the following command to filter to just the ID.

docker logs spide-test 2>&1 | grep "Machine ID"

Then use the machine ID to redeploy the container with the -e ID<machine-id> argument.

Machine ID: 80838d00ba2331a6da3e007c15c97699

Lose track of the machine ID and you can no longer regenerate the same Device Key associated with a particular device registered on Spide.


If for any reason you can't locate the key, restart the container. Give it a second or two before fetching the logs again.

docker restart spide

Spide Dashboard

Register for an account if you haven't here.

You will benefit from $5 added to your account using my link to sign up.

Once you have an account head over to the dashboard, locate Register Device to register.


Give it a name for easy recognition and put in the device key that was obtained from the logs earlier.

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