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Filter 3D Transform

Xaymar edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 30 revisions

3D Transform Filter 🟢 Windows Linux MacOS

The '3D Transform' filter allows you to freely rotate, move, scale and shear a source in its own 3D coordinate system. Note that due to the way OBS Studio works it is not possible to have the 3D coordinate system match the one used to render the scene, that would require modification in OBS Studio itself.

Version Information
Status Version
🔴Added 0.1
🟠Unstable 0.8
🟢Stable 0.11
⚠️Deprecated N/A
❌Removed N/A




How should the mesh for transformation be generated and rendered?

Mode Description Camera Origin
Corner Pin Directly define the mesh to render. (0, 0, 0)
Orthographic Used for 2D Rendering. This generates a mesh based on given Parameters and renders it using Orthographic projection. (0, 0, 0)
Perspective Used for 3D Rendering. This generates a mesh based on given Parameters and renders it using Perspective projection. (0, 0, -1)

Field of View

Horizontal FOV for the Perspective Camera in ° (Degrees). A Field of View of 90° will fit the original mesh perfectly.


Available with Perspective or Orthographic projection. Parameters are applied in the order shown here.


The position of the generated mesh center in World Space. X is Left/Right, Y is Up/Down, Z is Forward/Backward.


The scale of the generated mesh, relative to the original size. The default of (100%, 100%) is the same size as the original input.


The shear factor of the generated mesh, relative to the unscaled size of the input. X controls horizontal shear, Y controls vertical shear.


The rotation of the generated mesh in ° (Degrees). The default of (0°, 0°, 0°) will face the Camera.


Available with Corner Pin.

Top Left

Relative coordinates of the Top Left corner in % (Percent). The default of (-100%, -100%) is the top left corner of the filter.

Top Right

Relative coordinates of the Top Right corner in % (Percent). The default of (100%, -100%) is the top right corner of the filter.

Bottom Left

Relative coordinates of the Bottom Left corner in % (Percent). The default of (-100%, 100%) is the bottom left corner of the filter.

Bottom Right

Relative coordinates of the Bottom Right corner in % (Percent). The default of (100%, 100%) is the bottom right corner of the filter.



Mip-mapping smoothes out texture aliasing by producing smaller sized textures, at the cost of some additional render time. While it drastically improves visual quality, it should be used sparingly due to the high overhead it has.

Rotation Order

The order in which the rotation matrices are applied to the mesh. Can have drastic effects on the result of the rotation settings.


Everything you need to know to control this with Scripts.


  • int Camera.Mode
    0: Orthographic
    1: Perspective
    2: Corner Pin
  • float Camera.FieldOfView
  • float Position.X
  • float Position.Y
  • float Position.Z
  • float Scale.X
  • float Scale.Y
  • float Shear.X
  • float Shear.Y
  • float Rotation.X
  • float Rotation.Y
  • float Rotation.Z
  • int Rotation.Order
    0: X, then Y, then Z
    1: X, then Z, then Y
    2: Y, then X, then Z
    3: Y, then Z, then X
    4: Z, then X, then Y
    5: Z, then Y, then X
  • float Corners.TopLeft.X
  • float Corners.TopLeft.Y
  • float Corners.TopRight.X
  • float Corners.TopRight.Y
  • float Corners.BottomLeft.X
  • float Corners.BottomLeft.Y
  • float Corners.BottomRight.X
  • float Corners.BottomRight.Y
  • bool Mipmapping



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