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Zhaba script - is a multi-paradigm, high-level, statically typed, interpreted or source to source compiled language, which focuses at minimizing programs size and maximizing development speed and comfort..


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Zhaba-script (Russian: ˈʐabə, жаба(toad)) - is a multi-paradigm, high-level, statically typed, interpreted or source to source compiled language, designed to be as performant as C, but as beautiful as Python.

The syntax of zhaba-script is the most interesting and different feature from other programming languages. It basically resembles python, which uses indents instead of curly brackets to declare code blocks. But zhaba-script takes a step forward by making many syntactic elements, such as commas, optional. For example, in the expression: print(1, 2, 4) it is obvious where the commas should be, and zhaba-script makes them optional in some places. Other syntactic elements, such as colons or semicolons, are also optional. In addition, the most common keywords in other languages, such as if or while, are reduced to simple characters, for example ? or @ to make the code shorter and more readable. Another very important syntactic feature is the ability to overload any operations and even create new ones.

Semantically, the language is similar to such system languages as C, C++ or Rust. Like C, zhaba-script provides low-level memory control and combines it with so-called zero-cost abstractions. For example, among them are references, function overloading, template types, constructors and destructors.

Combining its syntactic and semantic properties, zhaba-script strives to provide the developer with a language that is as fast and convenient as possible.

Zhaba-script was conceived as translatable in C, which allows you to achieve a theoretical maximum of performance and use its already existing ecosystem to create real applications right now. The compiler provides an easy way to import C code. The main part of the C standard library has also been ported. However, programs can also be executed directly by compiling them into bytecode, which makes the language free from C and allows it to be used without runtime dependencies, which allows, for example, to run programs in an online compiler, on the client side.

Also an important part of the language is the standard library, which complements and allows you to use it to solve real problems. In its relation, the C++ approach is used, which brings many basic elements of the language into it, for example, dynamic arrays, and does not include them in the “core” of the language, such as python. So, the standard library adds the ability to work with files, complex and random numbers, exceptions, contains containers such as a dynamic array (Vec<T>), sorted associative container (Map<K V>) or dynamic strings and adds many other objects and methods for solving various tasks.

Here is an example of a program written in zhaba-script:

use std

fn fizz_buzz int mx
  @ i 1..=mx
    ? i %% 15: < 'FizzBuzz' <
    | i %% 3: < 'Fizz' <
    | i %% 5: < 'Buzz' <
    \ < i <
fn main: fizz_buzz(20)

So, the main goal of zhaba-script is to make your programs smaller while also maintain readability and performance. To do this, zhaba-script is using C and C++ semantic concepts and bringing them with short python-like syntax.

The project itself, in addition to the language compiler, includes a web application with an online compiler and documentation. It also includes an extension for Visual Studio Code that adds syntax highlighting.

List of Zhaba-script features

Complier & dev environment:

  • Interpretation throw bytecode
  • Interpretation in web environment
  • Syntax highlighter VSCode extension
  • Web code editor
  • Docs website
  • C api


  • Basic types like int, bool or char
  • Variables (and local redefinition)
  • All C operators like (+ - * %)
  • If, else, elif
  • While loop
  • C-style for loop
  • Single and multi-line comments
  • Functions
  • Other files usage

More advanced features:

  • Foreach loop
  • Patten matching
  • Functions overloading
  • Any operator overloading
  • Subscript [] and call () overload
  • New operators creation
  • Local functions and operators definition
  • Pointers
  • Function pointers
  • References
  • Object & array destructuring
  • Custom types (classes/structs)
  • Member functions
  • Constructors
  • Copy constructors (and implicit calls)
  • Destructors (and implicit calls)
  • Generic types

Standard library:

  • Vec<T>, Str, Map<K V>, Pair<A B> Option - most common data containers
  • Result<T E> and panic - for error handling
  • Rng, V2, Out, File and more for other different use cases
  • c/std - most necessary parts of C library is also ported
  • And many other features!


Here is some of zhaba-script code examples:

Hello world

fn main: out 'Hi world'

File reading

use file
use c/std

/** Read file in pure C */
fn fileReadC
  name := 'file-reader.zh'
  f := fopen(name 'r')

  ? f == (0 as FILEP)
    out 'File read error'

  ch := fgetc(f)
  @ ch != -1 as char
    printf('%c', va ch)
    ch = fgetc(f)

/** Read file in Zhaba-script (single line!) */
fn fileReadZH
  out open('file-reader.zh').unwrap().read()

fn main
  // fileReadC()

Snake game:

/** Import Zhaba-script standart library */
use std
/** Import C standart library */
use c/std

fn main
  /** Initialize game data */
  sx := 20 sy := 40 tick := 100
  screen := Vec<Str>(sx ' ' * sy)
  head := Pair<int int>(10 20)
  snake := Vec<Pair<int int> >(1 head)
  rng := Rng()

  /** Lambda function to put x in range */
  mod := (int x int mx) -> (x % mx + mx) % mx

  /** Place 2 random items */
  screen[mod(rng() sx)][mod(rng() sy)] = chr('@')
  screen[mod(rng() sx)][mod(rng() sy)] = chr('@')

  ch := chr('d')
  @ ch != chr('x')
    /** Delay and input */
    start := clock()
    @ dif(clock() start) < tick
      ? ! !kbhit()
        t := getch()
        ? t in $'wasdx': ch = t

    /** Clear screen */
    /** Move head */
    ?? ch
      'w': head.a = mod(head.a - 1 sx)
      'a': head.b = mod(head.b - 1 sy)
      's': head.a = mod(head.a + 1 sx)
      'd': head.b = mod(head.b + 1 sy)

    ?? screen[head.a][head.b]
      /** Collide with self */
        ? ch == chr('x'): out 'Exit'
        \ out 'Game over('
        ch = chr('x')
      /** Just go */
      ' ':
        {a b} := snake[0]
        screen[a][b] = chr(' ')
      /** Eat item */
      '@': screen[mod(rng() sx)][mod(rng() sy)] = chr('@')

    /** Add new head position to snake */
    snake += head
    screen[head.a][head.b] = chr('o')


Brainfuck interpreter

use std

fn brainfuck Str s
  m := Vec<int>(s.size 0)
  stack := Vec<int>()

  @ i:=0, i<s.size, ++i
    ?? s[i]:
      '[': stack += i
        t := stack.pop()
        m[i] = t
        m[t] = i

  p := malloc(3000) as u8P

  @ i=0 i<s.size, ++i: ?? s[i]:
    '>': p = p + 1
    '<': p = p - 1
    '+': (*p) += 1u8
    '-': (*p) -= 1u8
    '.': put (*p as char)
    ',': > *(p as charP)
    '[': ? *p == 0u8: i = m[i]
    ']': ? *p != 0u8: i = m[i] - 1


The best way to feel zhaba-script is to use this playground, to play with examples right now! ->

Also there are docs with syntax highlighting ->

Code in your's favorite frog programming language in your favorite IDE ->

Zhaba-script project

This chapter is about zhaba-script as a project and tools, which was used to build it.


Zhaba-script compiler is a C++ project, which uses CMake. Is also depends on nlohmann/json for json processing and parsing and CLIUtils/CLI11 for cli arguments parsing.


If you want to run/develop zhaba-script on your own machine here is instruction for you:

  • Set environment variable zhstd to repo_path/std
  • If you are using VSCode you can install this extension for syntax highlighting
  • To develop
    • This is a CMake project, so you need to check how to set up it in your IDE
      • VSCode: I am using vscode with CMake extension, so to set up project run command CMake: Configure, and to add run arguments add "cmake.debugConfig": { "args": [ your args here ] } to settings.json
      • CLion: You probably can just open it with none or some minimal configuration
    • use compiled binary to run your .zh files with ./zhaba <filename.zh>
  • To use zhaba-script

Compiling zhaba-script code

You can run zhaba-script programs in 3 ways:

  1. Translate to C and run C program.
  2. Run program directly throw bytecode.
  3. Use online complier without any installation and setup.

If you choose first 2 ways you can use zhaba binary to do that. By default zhaba will translate your program to C (to a temporary file zhaba_tmp.c) and run it with gcc, you can change compiler with -c option, if you don't want to do that you can set -b flag and run bytecode directly.

You can show help information with -h flag:

Zhaba-script compiler
Usage: zhaba.exe [OPTIONS] file

  file TEXT REQUIRED          input file to compile

  -h,--help                   Print this help message and exit
  -b,--B                      sets build target to bytecode, doesn't depend on external compiler
  --exp_parser_logs           shows logs from expression parser
  --show_ast                  shows ast
  --show_st                   shows syntax tree
  --show_c                    shows resulted C code
  --orig                      shows original source code
  --stack_trace               traces stack, if build target is bytecode
  --show_bytecode             shows resulted bytecode, if build target is bytecode
  --pure                      doesn't print logs
  -c,--compiler TEXT [gcc]    compiler, used to compile file, if target isn't bytecode



In most languages identifiers (variable names, function names, etc.) are litter followed by letter or number (_ counted as letter). Zhaba-script identifiers can be, in addition to the usual identifiers, also a sequence of these characters: ~,.+-*\%<>=^&:;|/!#$@?. Note, that you can choose on or another and cannot't mix them.


Zhaba-script doesn't have regular keywords. Instead, all keywords are context depended. For example fn is used to declare functions and ? for if statement, but you can use them as variables when them are not in expected context.

fn main
  int fn = 5 op = 4 ? = 1 @ = 7
  out(fn + op + ? + @) // 17

Code blocks

Unlike Rust, JS or C Zhaba-script uses both Python-style indentation to indicate blocks of code. A new block of code stats when the indentation is different from previous line, and closes when indentation of current line is less then previous line and matched indentation of some past opened block. In this case that like would go to the matching block. Here is some example of that:

fn test int mx
  ? mx > 50     // block 1 starts
    out 1       // block 2 starts
    out 2
    ? mx < 100  // block 3 starts
      out 3     // block 3 ends
    out 4
    ? mx > 100  // block 4 starts
      out 5     // block 4 ends
      out 6     // block 1, 2 and 4 ends

But also you can start new block with :. In this case content after will go to the next block. If the next line has same indentation as this line block will start and end at the same line.

fn test int mx
  ? mx > 50: out 1
    out 2
    ? mx < 100: out 3
    out 4
    ? mx > 100
      out 5
      out 6

If you want write multiple expressions at the same line you can use ; to separate them.

fn test int mx
  ? mx > 50
    out 1
    out 2
    ? mx < 100: out 3
    out 4
    ? mx > 100: out 5; out 6

You can also use ;; to close block for very short, but unreadable code.

fn test int mx: ?mx > 50:out 1;out 2; ?mx < 100:out 3;;out 4; ?mx>100:out 5; out 6

Here is some code to test examples from above:

fn test int mx
  ? mx > 50     // block 1 starts
    out 1       // block 2 starts
    out 2
    ? mx < 100  // block 3 starts
      out 3     // block 3 ends
    out 4
    ? mx > 100  // block 4 starts
      out 5     // block 4 ends
      out 6     // block 1, 2 and 4 ends

fn main
  // test(0)    // nothing
  test(200)  // 1 2 4 5 6
  // test(100)  // 1 2 4
  // test(60)   // 1 2 3 4

Implicit commas

One of the zhaba-script's interesting features is implicit commas. Implicit commas act like regular commas, but inserted implicitly into expressions between 2 tokens if this condition is met:

Left token is ), literal (for example string literal or int literal) or identifier. Right token is (, literal (for example string literal or int literal) or identifier.

Some examples:

a = 2   b = 3
a = 2 , b = 3
//    ^
// on left there is `2` and on right there is `b`, so `,` is inserted
// note that there is no implicit `,` between `b` and `=` because `=` is operator

Using other files

To use other files in your programs write use followed by 'filename path'. If you want to use file at the same directory you can remove '' and .zh. If there is no file with that name compiler will search in std directory for it.

use 'path/filename.zh'
use filename


use std
use 'std.zh'
use 'da/da'
use 'da/da.zh'


The concept of type is very important in zhaba-script. Every variable, function argument, and function return value must have a type in order to be compiled. Also, every expression (including literal values) is implicitly given a type by the compiler before it is evaluated. Some examples of types include int to store integer values, f64 to store floating-point values (also known as scalar data types). You can also create your own types. The type specifies the amount of memory that will be allocated for the variable (or expression result), the kinds of values that may be stored in that variable, how those values (as bit patterns) are interpreted, and the operations that can be performed on it.

Integer numbers

For signed integers there are i8, i16, i32 and i64. The number at the end of i represents the amount of bits allocated to one integer. Integers can also be unsigned, u8, u16, u32 and u64 are used for that. There is also int type which is alias for i64. To create int, write sequence of numbers, and if you want to specify it type, you can use i, i8, i16, i32, i64, u, u8, u16, u32 or u64 suffix. If you write number without any suffix the type will be i64 (not i32 like in most languages, for example C).

_u8 = 0u8 - 1u8
_u16 = 0u16 - 1u16
_u32 = 0u32 - 1u32
_u64 = 0u64 - 1u64

_i8 = 0i8 - 1i8
_i16 = 0i16 - 1i16
_i32 = 0i32 - 1i32
_i64 = 0i64 - 1i64

< 'Unsinged -1:' < < _u8 < _u16 < _u32 < _u64 <
< 'Singed -1:' < < _i8 < _i16 < _i32 < _i64 <
 * Unsinged -1:
 * 255 65535 4294967295 18446744073709551615
 * Singed -1:
 * -1 -1 -1 -1

Int literals are written in base-10 system by default, but you can also use binary or hexadecimal systems. To use them use 0x or 0b prefix for hexadecimal and binary systems respectively.

< 100 < // 100
< 0xff < // 255
< 0b101 < // 5

Floating point numbers

For floating point or scalar numbers zhaba-script have f32 and f64 types. f32 is equivalent to float in C and f64 is equivalent to double. You can create floating point numbers by putting . somewhere in number. You can also use f, f32 or f64 suffices to specify a type. If you write number without any suffix the type will be f64 (not f32 or float like in most languages, for example C).

< 0.5 <    // 0.5
< 1f <     // 1.0
< 1. <     // 1.0
< .1 <     // 0.1
< 1.1 <    // 1.1
< 1.1f64 < // 1.1
< 1.1f32 < // 1.1

Other types

Zhaba-script string literals have str (Str from std is a different type) type which is equivalent to char*. For single characters we have char (wow). There is also bool type with true and false literals. But zhaba-script have more short tru and fls versions.

Custom types

You can also create your own types with custom logic. More information is here TODO.

Lval & rval semantics

Like C++ zhaba-script have lvalue (lval) and rvalue(rval) concept. The difference is that you can use address-of (&) operator and assign value to it a = b with lval and cannot with rval.

These expressions are concentered lval:

  • Variables
  • Object members a.b
  • Dereferenced expressions *a
  • References

All the others expressions are considered to be rval.

Rval to lval conversion

Zhaba-script can convert rval to lvar if you pass parameter which requires reference and is not lval. This conversion is also made if you try to access member of rval object.

fn testRef intR a
  a += 2

fn main
  a := 3
  out a

Read more about rval and lval in C++ to understand this concept more here.

Type casting

To cast one type to another use as operator and you can only cast types with the same size.

exp as TypeName


Expressions in Zhaba-script are very different from expressions in most other languages. They consist of operators and literals. Brackets () are used only to manipulate the operator's priorities and detect function calls. Here is some basic expression example:

// In this expression out is prefix operator and 'Hi frogs' is a str literal.
out 'Hi frogs'

Inline tuples

Any operator in Zhaba-script accepts inline tuple which in fact just a collection of other expressions separated by ,. So this expression

//  sum
//    \
//  (1, 2)
sum(1, 2)

is in fact a prefix operator that actepts inline tuple of 1 and 2. But the main goal of Zhaba-script is minimizing code size so in most cases , are optional. And because of that, it is possible to write expression above like that:

sum(1 2)

Inline tuples can also be empty, and to create one of those just use ():

// In this case `begin` is a prefix operator that accepts empty inline tuple
//   begin
//      \
//      ()

Binary (infix) operators

Binary operator is an operator that accepts 2 arguments from different sides:

//     +
//    / \
//   2   2
2 + 2

//     ..
//    / \
//   0  10

//       *
//      / \
//     +   3
//    / \
//   1   2
1 + 2 * 3

But binary operators can also accept more or less than 2 arguments. In this case, they have 1 argument on the left side and others on the right size. At first, it may seem useless, but in fact all member function calls are implicitly converted to binary operators:

// .push acts like binary operator

//   .push
//     /  \
//   vec   1

//   .reverse
//     /  \
//   vec  (1 2)
vec.reverse(1 2)

//   .pop
//     /  \
//   vec  ()

Operator precedence

Zhaba-script built-in operator precedence table:

Precedence Operator Description
2 a.b Member access
3 *a Dereference
&a Address-of
-a Unary minus
+a Unary plus
!a Logical NOT
4 a as T type cast
5 a*b a/b a%b Multiplication, division, and remainder
6 a+b a-b Addition and subtraction
9 < <= > >= For relational operators < and ≤ and > and ≥ respectively
10 == != For equality operators = and ≠ respectively
14 && Logical AND
15 || Logical OR
16 = Assignment
17 , Inline tuple comma, Implicit inline tuple comma

Zhaba-script std operator precedence table:

Precedence Operator Description
5 a%%b Is b an a divisor
9 a..b range creation
16 += -= Compound assignment by sum and difference
*= /= %= Compound assignment by product, quotient, and remainder


Variables are essential part of most of programming languages and zhaba-script is not an exception! They allow to access memory by variable name. All variables in zhaba-script are mutable.

Zhaba-script has multiple ways to declare a variable, but the preferred one is using := operator:

name := exp

This syntax is inspired by Go and variable type is inferred from exp type. But there are other ways for variable declaration which are more C-like:

TypeName name1[ = exp] [name2[ = exp] [...name3[ = exp]]]

If exp type is different you will get compile error:

int c = 37 d = 5i8

// 5 |   int c = 37 d = 5i8
//   |                ^
//   | Types (i64 i8) for '='(init) are different

You can also infer type automatically with auto:

auto name1 = exp [name2 = exp [...name3 = exp]]

Types can be different:

auto e = 6i8 f = 'aboba'

Note, that this syntax doesn't call any constructors, so use := when it's possible, but when you just need to get memory (for example in constructor definition), this is 100% valid way to do this.

valid := Vec<int>()
out(valid.size) // 0

Vec<int> wrong
out(wrong.size) // undefined (can be any value)

Object and array destructuring

You can also declare variables with destructuring using := operator. Zhaba-script provides 2 ways of destructuring: by names and by indexes.

To destructure value by names wrap variable names with {} like so:

{a b} := exp

This syntax is equivalent to this:

tmp := exp // `tmp` isn't public name and can be different
a := tmp.a
b := tmp.b

But when dealing with arrays destructuring by indexes might be more useful. To do that use [].

[a1 a2 a3] := exp

This syntax is equivalent to this:

tmp := exp // `tmp` isn't public name and can be different
a1 := tmp[0]
a2 := tmp[1]
a3 := tmp[2]

Note that with {} you must use valid variables identificators, but [] allows to put any expression inside them, so you can nest {} and [] inside []:

[a {b c} d] := exp

if, else, elif statements

In zhaba-script you can use ? to create if statements, | for elif(else if) and \ for else.


         ? <condition> <if block>
optional | <condition> <else if block>
optional | <condition> <else if block>
         | ...
optional \ <else block>


Regular style:

? 2 + 2 == 4
  out 'Seems'
  out 'legit'

One liner:

? 666 > 2: out '666 is greater then 2'

Nested also works:

? 1 < 2
  ? 2 > 1
    out 'Double check'

if else

? 2 + 2 == 4: out 'cool!'
\ out 'how?'

if elseif elseif else

? i %% 15: out 'FizzBuzz'
| i %% 3: out 'Fizz'
| i %% 5: out 'Buzz'
\ out i

other variant

? i %% 15
  out 'FizzBuzz'
| i %% 3
  out 'Fizz'
| i %% 5
  out 'Buzz'
\ out i


Zhaba-script has 3 types of loops: while, for and foreach. To create a loop, use the @ symbol and after that write your loop expression. Loop type is defined by a number of arguments, that have been passed to the loop: 1-while, 2-foreach, 3-for.


@ <exp>


While loop accepts 1 argument and runs while its body while the condition is still true.


@ i < 5: out 'infinite loop!!!'
@ i < 5
  out 'hi'


For loop is similar to the C for loop and accepts 3 argument: init, condition and loop expression.


@ i:=0 i<100 i+=1
  out i

The above syntax produces code equivalent to:

@ i<100
  out i


Foreach loop executes a for loop over a range and accepts 2 arguments: a variable name and range expression. Variable name must be identifier and range expression must have defined iter prefix operator, which produced expression that must have .begin() and .end() methods. Value provided by .begin() must be able to be compared with .end() value by != operator and also must be able to be incremented by prefix ++ operator. Produced code is equivalent to this:

__range := iter(<range-expression>)
__cur := __range.begin()
__end := __range.end()
@ __cur != __end
  exp := *__cur


use 'range.zh'
@ i 0..10
  out i
@ i some_vector
  out *i


Functions are the core of programming in zhaba-script. To define your function use the fn keyword followed by return type (don't write it if the function doesn't anything), then function_name and finally set of arguments which are pairs of type and name. Functions can be declared at the global level, but also in local scope (like variables). To return something from a function use <<< and to call if write its name followed by ().



fn [return-type(optional)] function-name [type name [type name [...type name]]]

Call with args:


Call without args:



/** int return type 2 args */
fn int plus int a int b
  <<< a + b // to return use <<<

/** char return type 1 argument */
fn char aschar str s: <<< *(s as charP) // body at the same line

/** No return type 1 argument */
fn fizz_buzz int mx
  auto r =
  @ r.nxt()
    auto i = r.cur
    ? i %% 3 && i %% 5: out 'FizzBuzz'
    | i %% 3: out 'Fizz'
    | i %% 5: out 'Buzz'
    \ out i

/** No return type 1 argument */
fn func1 int mx
  fn func2: <<< 5
  < (func2()  + func2()) <

/** No return type and no args */
fn main
  fizz_buzz(50) // call example

Return emergency exit

If your function has return type, but it reached it's end without returning anything zhaba-script will print reached function end without returning anything <function name> and then exit. This will happen not only in interpretation mode but in C translated program too.

fn int da
  res := 1 + 4
  // <<< res
fn main
  da() // reached function end without returning anything


While Zhaba-script is designed for fast development, but the other goal is to do this without sacrificing the performance. Unlike JS or python there is no garbage collector, and you need to manually manage memory like in C or C++. A pointer is a variable whose value is the address of another variable, i.e., direct address of the memory location. Under the hood pointer is just a 64-bit integer or i64 in zhaba-script.

Declaring pointers

Unlike C, in zhaba-script you can append P to the type to declare a pointer.

int var
intP ptr

In this example var is variable and ptr is a pointer.

Address-of operator &

The address of a variable can be obtained by preceding the name of a variable with an ampersand sign '&', known as address-of operator. You can use address-of operator only with lval expression, because getting address of rval expression can result in undefined behavior. Read more about rval/lval TODO here. For example:

ptr = &var;

This would assign the address of variable var to ptr; by preceding the name of the variable var with the address-of operator &, we are no longer assigning the content of the variable itself to foo, but its address.

Dereference operator *

As just seen, a variable which stores the address of another variable is called a pointer. Pointers are said to "point to" the variable whose address they store.

An interesting property of pointers is that they can be used to access the variable they point to directly. This is done by preceding the pointer name with the dereference operator *. The operator itself can be read as "value pointed to by".

Therefore, following with the values of the previous example, the following statement:

baz = *ptr;

This could be read as: "baz equal to value pointed to by ptr".


The heap is a large pool of memory that can be used dynamically. This is memory that is not automatically managed – you have to explicitly allocate (using malloc), and deallocate (e.g. free) the memory.



lop malloc int size


malloc is a built in operator that allocates the requested memory and returns a pointer to it.



lop free int ptr


free is a built in operator that deallocates the space previously allocated by malloc.

Heap in interpreter

Zhaba-script virtual machine tries to make work with pointers as safe as possible, and to achieve that it does some slow checks.

Pointer arithmetics

When dealing with continuos memory like array or string you can shift pointer forward and backward with + and -. Using this operators will shift pointer at the size of the underlying type multiplied by shift size.


size := 10
p := malloc(sizeof(int) * size) as intP
out 'ptr + x'
@ i 0..size: *(p + i) = i
@ i 0..size: out(*(p + i))

out 'x + ptr'
@ i 0..size: *(i + p) = i
@ i 0..size: out(*(i + p))

out 'ptr - x'
t := p + 5
t = t - 2

Custom data types

Zhaba-script custom data types are similar to rust structs. To define a data type, enter the keyword type and name the entire data type. Then, inside the next block, define the type and names of the pieces of data, which are called members. To access member use . operator.


type TypeName
  MemberType1 name [name[ name[]]]
  MemberType2 name [name[ name[]]]
  MemberType3 name [name[ name[]]]


This is an example of Vector data structure.

type VecInt
  int size
  int capacity
  intP head

fn main
  VecInt v
  < v.size <

Code style

In zhaba-script code style, you should name your custom types in PascalCase and members in snake_case.

Member functions

Zhaba-script support member functions call. To define some of these functions you can use the keyword impl and then enter the type for which you are writing implementation. Note that this type can be any type, even primitive (like int). Inside this block just write regular functions. To call member function write object.function_name(args)


impl TypeName
  fn func-header
  fn func-header
  fn func-header

To access the object for which you are writing implementation you can use slf who is the first argument that is provided implicitly to your function. slf has the type of a pointer to a type written after impl. Continuing the example about the Vector, this is some example of impl and slf usage.

impl VecInt // implementation block for VecInt
  fn intP begin
    <<< slf.head

  fn intP end
    <<< slf.atP(slf.size)

  fn push int val
    ? slf.size == slf.capacity: slf.double_capacity()
    *slf.atP(slf.size) = val
    &slf.size += 1

Incomplete types

When declaring type you sometimes need to reference itself in his body (in structures like trees for example). However it is not possible because this would mean that type need to include infinitely many copies of it.

| .--type------------.     |
| | .-type-----.     |     |
| | |  ...type |     |     |

To solve this problem you can use pointer or reference to type itself, because it's size is known and fixed.

| | ptr |            |

So, if you try to reference a type in it self, you will get Incomplete type error, but referencing pointer or reference is perfectly fine.

type Node
  NodeP lhs // Ok
  Node rhs /** error :( -> test.zh:5:2
            *  5 |   Node rhs
            *    |   ^^^^^
            *    | Incomplete type is not allowed here (you probably need to make it ref of ptr)

Generic types

Zhaba-script supports generic types. Generics is the idea to allow type (int, str, … etc and user-defined types) to be a parameter to types. For example Vec<T> allows to store dynamic array of any type without need to make new implementations every time. Note, that you don't have to name your type as T. Generics are implemented by replacing types, so, for example if you try so sort types for which comparison operator is not defined, compiler will give you an error.


type TypeName [TypeName1 [TypeName2 [TypeName3]]]
  MemberType1 [name1 [name2 [...name3]]]
  MemberType2 [name1 [name2 [...name3]]]
  MemberType3 [name1 [name2 [...name3]]]


type Vec T
  int size
  int capacity
  TP head
type Tp3 T1 T2 T3
  T1 v1
  T2 v2
  T3 v3

To use generic types use following syntax:

TypeName<T1[ T2[ ...T3]]>


Vec<char> data

Tp3<char i32 bool> data


When you are using generic type inside another generic type you need to separate closing >.

Vec<Vec<char>> data // wrong
Vec<Vec<char> > data // correct

Generic types and member functions

Like a normal types, generic types can also have member functions. To define them create impl block followed by the type name, but without generic parameters.


impl TypeName
  fn func-header
  fn func-header
  fn func-header


impl Vec
  fn free_mem
    ? ! !(slf.head as int): free(slf.head as int)
    slf.size = 0
    slf.capacity = 0
    slf.head = 0 as TP

Generic types and operators overloading

Generic impl block allows you not only to create member function, but also to overload prefix, postfix or binary operators. They would behave like other overloaded operators and would not have implicit slf argument. The main difference and benefit is that you can use generic parameters in them.

impl Vec
  op 17 += Vec<T>R slf T val: slf.push(val)

  op 17 += Vec<T>R slf Vec<T> other
    @ i other: slf.push(*i)

  lop put Vec<T>R slf: slf.print()
  lop out Vec<T>R slf: slf.print(); out ''



A reference variable is an alias, that is, another name for an already existing variable. Once a reference is initialized with a variable, either the variable name or the reference name may be used to refer to the variable. Internally references are converted to pointers with & and * operators when needed.

Creating References in zhaba-script

Think of a variable name as a label attached to the variable's location in memory. You can then think of a reference as a second label attached to that memory location. Therefore, you can access the contents of the variable through either the original variable name or the reference. But zhaba-script doesn't allows to store them directly, only returning them or using them as function arguments. To create reference use R at the end of variable name.



Passing references as arguments

References are mostly used when you want to use some variable without copping it. Here is example of this:

use std

fn add_copy int a
fn add_ref intR a

fn main
  t := 5
  < t < // 5
  < t < // 6
  < t < // 6

Returning references

You can also return reference and then modify it's content. For example Vec<T> returns a reference when you call [] or .at().

/** From std/vec.zh */
impl Vec
  fn TP atP int pos: <<< (slf.head + pos) as TP
  fn TR at int pos: <<< *slf.atP(pos)

fn main
  v := Vec<int>(5)
  v[3] = 4
  < v < // [0 0 0 4 0]

References and lval & rval semantics

References are referring to some valid variable or object in memory. Because of that they cannot be created from rval expression. Read more about rval/lval TODO here.

use std

fn add_ref intR a

fn main
  a := 5
  add_ref(a) // Ok
  add_ref(5 + 5)
   *  error :( -> test.zh:9:12
   *  9 |   add_ref(5 + 5)
   *    |             ^
   *    | Expression must be lval to be able pass by reference

Objects lifetime

A lifetime is a construct the compiler uses to ensure create and destroy object. Specifically, a variable's lifetime begins when it is created and ends when it is destroyed. Later, more specific mechanisms and the time of creation and destruction of objects will be described.


fn main
  i := 0  // lifetime for `v` starts. ------.
  > i                                   //  |
                                        //  |
  ? i == 4:                             //  |
    a := 7  // `a` lifetime starts. -------.|
    < (a + i) <                         // │|
    // `a` lifetime ends. -----------------'|
                                        //  |
  // `i` lifetime ends. --------------------'


By default, newly created object is just contains uninitialized space for it's members, but you can initialize it with special function called ctor (constructor). Constructor is just a function with any args that returns 1 object of it's constructed type. To create constructor use impl block. To call constructor use type name as function and call it

impl Vec
  fn ctor int size // constructor for `Vec` that takes `int size` as argument
    Vec<T> slf
    slf.head = 0 as TP
    slf.size = 0
    slf.capacity = 0
    @ slf.capacity < size: slf.double_capacity()
    slf.size = size
    slf.capacity = size
    <<< slf // don't forget to return!

fn main
  v := Vec<int>(4) // calling `Vec<int>` constructor with `int size` = 4
  < v <

Note, that constructors does't have implicit slf argument so, for example you can use them like this:

impl Vec
  fn ctor: <<< Vec<T>(0)

Copy constructor

Copy constructor is a special constructor that used when compiler needs a copy of some other object, but you can use them by yourself. Copy constructors must have only 1 argument of reference to returning type.


impl Vec
  fn ctor Vec<T>R other
    out 'copy!'
    slf := Vec<T>(other.size)
    @ i 0..other.size: =
    <<< slf

When copy constructor is called?

  • Variable declaration with :=
  • Assignment with =
  • Passing arguments fo functions without P or R (by copy)


A dtor (destructor) is a special member function that is called when the lifetime of an object ends. The purpose of the destructor is to free the resources that the object may have acquired during its lifetime

impl Vec
  fn dtor
    ? ! !(slf.head as int): free(slf.head as int)
    slf.size = 0
    slf.capacity = 0
    slf.head = 0 as TP

When destructor is called?

  • Local scope variables at scope end
  • All accessible local variables and function args when function returns except return value
  • When expression return value is not used

Return and destruction

As follows from the description above local object is not destructed and not copied when it is used as function return value, but it can be reallocated in stack memory. So it is important to not store references or pointers to it's members or itself, but pointers to heap are 100% valid.

Operators overloading

Zhaba-script allows you to overload any prefix, postfix or infix operator. Remember about correct identifiers. You can read more about operators and expressions here. And here - C++ operators precedence table for reference.



// Infix (binary operators):
// put operator precedence instead of 5
op 5 [return-type(optional)] operator-name [type name [type name [...type name]]]

// Prefix operators:
lop [return-type(optional)] operator-name [type name [type name [...type name]]]

// Suffix operators:
rop [return-type(optional)] operator-name [type name [type name [...type name]]]


/** From operators.zh */
op 5  bool %% int a int b: <<< !(a % b);

op 17 += intR a int b: a = a + b
op 17 -= intR a int b: a = a - b
op 17 /= intR a int b: a = a / b
op 17 %= intR a int b: a = a % b
op 17 *= intR a int b: a = a * b

lop ++ intR val: val += 1
lop -- intR val: val -= 1
lop ++ u8R val: val = val + 1u8
lop -- u8R val: val = val - 1u8

/** From range.zh */
op 9 Range .. int begin int end
  Range slf
  slf.begin = begin
  slf.end = end
  <<< slf

rop Range .. int begin: <<< begin..9223372036854775807

lop Range .. int end: <<< -9223372036854775807..end

op 10 bool == int i Range r
  ? r.begin < r.end: <<< r.begin <= i && i < r.end
  \ <<< r.end <= i && i < r.begin

Advanced overloading

Zhaba-script also allows you to overload Function call () and Subscript [] operators. To do that you need to define member functions named call and sub respectively.

Note, that you can pass any number of arguments, even zero.


impl <Type>
  fn <ReturnType> sub <args>
  fn <ReturnType> call <args>


/** From vec.zh */

/** Vector subscript - v[id] */
impl Vec
  fn TR sub int id
    ? id < 0: id += slf.size

/** Generate array from Range */
impl Range
  fn Vec<int> call
    res := Vec<int>()
    @ i, *slf: res += i
    <<< res

Pattern matching

Zhaba-script has pattern matching feature which allows to compare some value with a number of different values and it is something between C switch-case and rust match. If you want to match any expression, use _, this branch will allays be matched.


?? <test-exp>


use std

fn main
  a := 4

  ?? a
    2: < '2' <
    0..2: < '0..2' <
    6..8: < '6..8' <
    -1..5: < '-1..5' <
    _: < '_' <

How it works?

Pattern matching statement converted to if statement like so:

switch := <test-exp>

? switch == <match1>
| switch == <match2>
| switch == <match3>

Because pattern matching uses == operator, you can overload it to match your custom types. For example you can match Range with int (declared at std/range):

/** int in range */
op 10 bool == int i Range r
  ? r.begin < r.end: <<< r.begin <= i && i < r.end
  \ <<< r.end <= i && i < r.begin

Advanced functions

Zhaba-script support first-class functions, and that means that you can pass functions as arguments to other functions, returning them as the values from other functions, and assigning them to variables or storing them in data structures. Zhaba-script has anonymous functions (function literals) as well.

Functions type

All functions have type of F<...>, inside < > there is return type and types of function arguments.

F<ReturnType [Arg1Type [Arg2Type [...]]]>

Referencing function

To do something with your functions you need to reference it. Just write function name like it is a variable. In function is overloaded, the last overload will be referenced.

Storing function:

fn int test int a int b: <<< a + b

fn main
  f := test
  out f(2 4)

Passing function as argument:

fn int test F<int int int> f
  <<< f(1 6)

fn int sum int a int b
  <<< a + b

fn main
  out test(sum)

Lambda function expressions

An lambda function expression is a compact alternative to a traditional function expression, but is limited and can't be used in all situations.

There are differences between lambda functions and traditional functions, as well as some limitations:

Lambda function return type is automatically inferred and cannot be explicitly set. Lambda function body can only be an expression, so, for example, ifs or loops cannot be inside lambda function body.


To create lambda function write arguments list wrapped in parentheses followed by -> and expression.

(Type1 arg1[, Type2 arg2[, ...]]) -> expression


/** Storing lambda */
f := (intR i) -> i*i // f type is `F<int intR>`

out iota(0 10).filter((intR i) -> i %% 2).map(f)
/**   Inline lambda   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^  */

sum := (int a int b) -> a + b
out sum(1 5)

Standard library

Some languages like python or javascript declare their functionality in their core, and others like C++ do this in standard library. For example Map in javascript is available at any moment without including or importing anything, and in C++ you need to #include <map> to use std::map. Zhaba-script takes C++ approach, so standard library is very important and contains many of cool zhaba-script features.

Using standard library

If you want to use all standard library at once, write use std at the top of your file, but if you only need one or two of it's features, it is good idea to use only needed modules, like use map or use vec.

Standard library content

File Description
std/avl.zh AVLTree<T>: avl binary search tree
std/complex.zh V2: complex numbers
std/err.zh Err: Str error wrapper
std/file.zh filesystem
std/frog.zh cool frog image
std/pair.zh Pair<A B>: pair container
std/result.zh Result<T E>: recoverable errors container type
std/map.zh Map<K V>: wrapper for avl tree
std/operators.zh some advanced operators like %% or +=
std/io.zh overloaded < and > operators for input/output
std/range.zh Range: int range
std/rng.zh Rng: random number generator
std/str.zh Str: dynamic string
std/util.zh utilities functions
std/vec.zh Vec<T>: dynamic generic array
std/std.zh Includes all standard library


type Range: int begin end

A (half-open) range bounded inclusively below and exclusively above [start..end).

The range start..end contains all values with start <= x < end. It is empty if start >= end. To create range which includes end you can use ..= operator.

Creating range

Range can be created using .. or ..= operator with it's prefix, postfix or infix overloads. Prefix and postfix operators create infinite (limited by i64 min/max values) ranges:

10..  // 10..9223372036854775807
..40  // -9223372036854775807..40
3..10 // 3..10
3..=10 // 3..11


Range can be used in foreach loops:

@ i 5..10 : < i
// 5 6 7 8 9

Range can be used in patter matching:

t := 5
?? t
  10.. : out '10..'
  15.. : out '15..'
  ..3: out '..3'
  3..10: out '3..10'
  0..2: out '0..2'
  5: out 5
  _: out 'any'

// 3..10

Range can be also used to index array, more about that at next chapter.


Inspired by Rust and Python!

Input and output

By default zhaba-script input system has out and put prefix operators for basic types. out will print your expression followed by newline character and put will just print without newline.

out 'hi'
out 2
put(5 - 2)

For input there are several functions, when called they will return inputted type:


However zhaba-script has different, more handy way for input and output. To achieve this there are overloaded < and > operators. To use them write use std at the top of your file.

Here is usage example:

< 1 // outputs ' ' at end
< 1
< 1 < 2 < 3 < 4 <  // you can chain `<`, last `<` will print newline character

v := 0
> v // user typed '54' for example
< v < // input items must be lval or ref

/** output:

1 1 1 2 3 4



An Iterator is an object that can be used to loop through collections, like Vec<T> or Map<K V>. It is called an "iterator" because "iterating" is the technical term for looping.

Iterators isn't a part of zhaba-script, but they are rather implemented throw standard library.

Using iterators

When using iterators we have begin and end, begin is included in collection and end isn't.

Zhaba-script iterators has this convention:

First, get iterator range with iter() function. Then, get begin and end iterators from it. And finally increment iterator using prefix ++ operator, while you didn't reach the end. You can check if iterator reached end using != binary operator. To get content of iterator use overloaded prefix operator *.

Here is example if doing that:

use std

fn main
  v := iota(0 10)

  iters := iter(v)
  begin := iters.begin()
  end := iters.end()
  cur := begin
  @ cur != end
    val := *cur
    out val

Iterators + foreach

Using iterators like that isn't cool, so zhaba-script has foreach loop for that:

use std

fn main
  v := iota(0 10)

  @ cur v
    out cur 

Vec<T> type


type Vec T
  int size
  int cap
  TP head

The elements are stored contiguously, which means that elements can be accessed not only through iterators, but also using offsets to regular pointers to elements. This means that a pointer to an element of a vector may be passed to any function that expects a pointer to an element of an array.

The storage of the vector is handled automatically, being expanded and contracted as needed. Vectors usually occupy more space than static arrays, because more memory is allocated to handle future growth. This way a vector does not need to reallocate each time an element is inserted, but only when the additional memory is exhausted.

Vec member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor int size Constructor, creates vector with given size
fn ctor int size T default Constructor, creates vector with given size initialized with given value
fn ctor Constructor, creates empty vector
fn ctor Vec<T>R other Copy constructor
fn dtor Destructor
fn TP atP int pos Access pointer to specified element
fn TR at int pos Access specified element
fn print Prints vector content in this form: [0 1 3 4]
fn println Prints every vector element from new line, doesn't print []
fn double_cap Doubles vector's capacity
fn push T val Adds an element to the end
fn T pop Removes the last element and returns it
fn VecIter<T> begin Returns an iterator to the beginning
fn VecIter<T> end Returns an iterator to the end
lop VecIterRange<T> iter Vec<T>R slf Returns iterator range
fn TR front Access the first element
fn TR back Access the last element
op 17 += Vec<T>R slf T val Append single item to vector
op 17 += Vec<T>R slf Vec<T>R other Append other vector item to given vector
op 2 Vec<T> ,, T a T b Short syntax for creating vector from multiple items: 0,,1,,2,,3
op 2 Vec<T>R ,, Vec<T>R v T a Short syntax for creating vector from multiple items: 0,,1,,2,,3
lop out Vec<T>R slf Outputs vector with '\n'
lop put Vec<T>R slf Outputs vector
rop Out < Vec<T>R i Outputs vector
lop Out < Vec<T>R i Outputs vector
op 9 Out < Out o Vec<T>R i Outputs vector
fn TR sub int id Access specified element
fn Vec<T> sub int begin int end Get subvector from indexes [begin, end)
fn Vec<T> sub Range<int> r Get subvector from indexes [begin, end), from range
fn Vec<T> sub Get subvector from 0..size
op 9 bool < Vec<T>R a Vec<T>R b Lexicographically compares the values in the vector
lop TP partition TP lo TP hi Partitions vector
lop qsort TP lhs TP rhs Qsort algorithm
fn sort Sort vector's content
lop sort Vec<T>R slf Sort vector's content
fn Vec<T> map F<T TR> f Creates a new vector with all elements that pass the provided function
fn Vec<T> filter F<bool TR> f Creates a new vector populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element

Vec non-member functions

Functions Description
fn Vec<int> iota int begin int end Fills the range [begin end) with sequentially increasing values
fn<T O> Vec<O> mp Vec<T>R v F<O TR> f Pseudo-generic function, same as map call:mp<T O>(vec fn)


Vector also has iterators, which can be used as random access iterators. After push iterators may be invalid.

type VecIter T: TP ptr
type VecIterRange T: VecIter<T> begin end

VecIter<T> member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor TP ptr: Constructor
lop ++ VecIter<T>R slf Next iterator
op 6 VecIter<T> + VecIter<T> slf int i Sum 2 pointers
op 10 bool != VecIter<T> a VecIter<T> b Check unequal
lop TR * VecIter<T> slf Dereference

VecIterRange<T> member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor VecIter<T> begin VecIter<T> end Constructor
fn VecIter<T> begin begin getter
fn VecIter<T> end end getter

Str type


type Str
  Vec<char> data
  int size

Strings are objects that represent sequences of characters ending with null ('\0').

The standard string provides support for such objects with an interface similar to Vec<T>, but adding features specifically designed to operate with strings of single-byte characters.

Note that this class handles bytes independently of the encoding used: If used to handle sequences of multi-byte or variable-length characters (such as UTF-8), all members of this class (such as length or size), as well as its iterators, will still operate in terms of bytes (not actual encoded characters).


Str rely on Vec<T>, so it uses it's iterators.

str member functions

Functions Description
fn char sub int pos
fn ctor

str non-member functions

Functions Description
op 10 bool == char ch str s
lop char chr str s
fn int len str s Return s

Str member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor Default constructor
fn ctor str s Constructor from str
fn ctor StrR s Copy constructor
fn dtor Destructor
fn str cstr Returns str
lop VecIterRange<char> iter StrR s Returns iterator range
fn charR at int pos Get character in string
fn charR sub int pos Get character in string
fn charP atP int pos Get pointer to character in string
fn push_back char ch Append character to string
fn char pop Delete last character and return it
fn sort Sorts string

Str non-member functions

Functions Description
lop out StrR s Outputs string with '\n'
lop put StrR s Outputs string
op 17 += StrR a char ch Append to string
op 17 += StrR a StrR b Append to string
op 17 += StrR a str b Append to string
op 6 Str + StrR a StrR b Concatenate strings
op 6 Str + str a str b Concatenate strings
rop Out < StrR i Outputs string
lop Out < StrR i Outputs string
op 9 Out < Out o StrR i Outputs string
op 9 bool < StrR a StrR b Compare strings
op 5 Str * str s int i Python-like string multiplication
lop Str $ str s Short syntax for str to Str conversion
lop up StrR s Converts string to uppercase
lop low StrR s Converts string to lowercase
lop VecIterRange<char> iter str s Returns iterator range

Avl Tree


type AVLNode T
  int h
  T val
  AVLNode<T>P lhs rhs par
type AVLTree T: AVLNode<T>P root

Avl tree in zhaba-script standard library is an associative container that contains a sorted set of unique objects of type T. Sorting is done using the key comparison operator <. Search, removal, and insertion operations have logarithmic complexity. AVLTree<T> is very similar to std::set in C++.

Type AVLTree<T> is a wrapper for AVLNode<T> and AVLNode<T> functions aren't presented here, because they are concentered to be private.

AVLTree<T> member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor Default constructor
fn dtor Destructor
fn AVLIter<T> begin Returns an iterator to the beginning
fn AVLIter<T> end Returns an iterator to the end
lop AVLIterRange<T> iter AVLTree<T>R slf Returns iterator range
fn insert T val Inserts element
fn TR sub T val Access specified element
op 17 += AVLTree<T>R slf T val Inserts single item
fn Vec<T> call Converts tree content to vector via inorder traversal
fn show Pretty prints tree structure


AVLTree<T> iterators provide inorder access to tree elements and aren't random access, so you can't jump any number of elements, only one at a time.

type AVLIter T: AVLNode<T>P next
type AVLIterRange T: AVLIter<T> begin end

AVLIter<T> member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor AVLNode<T>P root Constructor
lop AVLNode<T>P ++ AVLIter<T>R slf Next iterator
op 10 bool != AVLIter<T> a AVLIter<T> b Check unequal
lop TR * AVLIter<T> it Dereference

AVLIterRange<T> member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor AVLIter<T> begin AVLIter<T> end Constructor
fn AVLIter<T> begin begin getter
fn AVLIter<T> end end getter



type MapNode K V
  K key
  V val
type Map K V
  AVLTree<MapNode<K V> > tree

Map<K V> is a sorted associative container that contains key-value pairs with unique keys. Keys are sorted by using the comparison operator <. Search, removal, and insertion operations have logarithmic complexity. Maps wraps AVLTree<T> and uses MapNode<K V> for data storage. Map iterators are also AVLTree<MapNode<K V> > iterators.

MapNode<K V> member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor Default constructor
fn ctor KR key VR val Constructor
fn dtor Destructor
op 4 bool < MapNode<K V>R a MapNode<K V>R b Comparator compares by key value
lop put MapNode<K V>R slf Outputs content with '\n`
lop out MapNode<K V>R node Outputs content
rop Out < MapNode<K V>R i Outputs content
lop Out < MapNode<K V>R i Outputs content
op 9 Out < Out o MapNode<K V>R i Outputs content

Map<K V> member functions

Functions Description
fn ctor Default constructor
fn dtor Destructor
fn VR sub KR key Access specified element by key
fn insert KR key VR val Inserts element
fn Vec<MapNode<K V> > call Converts content to vector
fn print Prints content
lop put Map<K V>R slf Outputs content
lop out Map<K V>R slf Outputs content
rop Out < Map<K V>R i Outputs content
lop Out < Map<K V>R i Outputs content
op 9 Out < Out o Map<K V>R i Outputs content
lop AVLIterRange<MapNode<K V> > iter Map<K V>R m Returns iterator range

Error handling

Errors are a fact of life in software, so Zhaba-script has a number of features for handling situations in which something goes wrong. Zhaba-script takes similar approach to Rust is this topic.

Zhaba-script groups errors into two major categories: recoverable and unrecoverable errors. For a recoverable error, such as a file not found error, we most likely just want to report the problem to the user and retry the operation. Unrecoverable errors are always symptoms of bugs, and so we want to immediately stop the program.

Most languages don’t distinguish between these two kinds of errors and handle both in the same way, using mechanisms such as exceptions. Zhaba-script doesn’t have exceptions. Instead, it has the type Result<T E> for recoverable errors and the panic function that stops execution when the program encounters an unrecoverable error. Note, that you can can't use this in bytecode, because of dependence to stdlib.h. To use panic import c/std or c/stdlib.c (more about C api in next chapter) and to use Result import result.

Recoverable errors with Result<T E>

type Result T E
  bool is_err
  T val
  E err

Essentially this type allows you to combine 2 types: good type T, in which case all went OK, and bad type E, in which you might want to put some info about your error. Result is most handy for function return value. Here is an example from zhaba-script standard library (more about Err type later):

fn Result<File Err> open Str s Str mode
  f := fopen(s.cstr() mode.cstr())
  ? f != (0 as FILEP): <<< Result<File Err>(File(f))
  <<< Result<File Err>(Err('canno\'t open ' + s))

This function tries to open file using C api. If C function fopen returned valid pointer, we return Result<File Err>(File(f)), but if pointer is null, we return Result<File Err>(Err('canno\'t open ' + s)).

And then, to use file you can do look at is_err value:

f := open('file.txt')
? f.is_err: out 'everything is bad'
\ out

Another way to process recoverable errors is with unwrap function:

f := open('file.txt').unwrap()

This function will return good value, and otherwise will raise unrecoverable error.

Simple errors with Err type

type Err: Str val

In most cases, when error is accrued, you don't need to have some fancy information about the error itself and for that purposes zhaba-script has Err type, which simply wraps Str.

Unrecoverable errors with panic

Sometimes, when something very bad happened or when you unwrap Result value, you may want to immediately exit program execution. To do that zhaba-script has panic function which will print what went wrong end then stop program execution:

Program panic at zhaba_tmp.c:3782:
can't open some-invalid-file.txt

Interacting with C

Zhaba-script is a new language, and what if somebody want to write web server in it? How can that person do that? Of course, it is not possible to put everything in the language itself or it's standard library. To achieve this goal zhaba-script use the power and simplicity of C to be able to do anything. It means that almost everything you can do in C, you can do in zhaba-script.

Using json to import C

Zhaba-script uses json as universal bridge to C, however you can embed json into C directly, more about that later. To use this json file you can just use file.json to import it. Here is it's shape, written as typescript type:

type extern_c_def = {
  c_path: String
  types: ({ zh_def: String; c_name: String } | [String, String])[]
  functions: ({ zh_def: String; c_name: String } | [String, String])[]
  • c_path is a path to C file, what will be imported
  • types imported array of C types (structs), zh_def is type definition, written in zhaba-script without type TypeName and c_name is a name of a type from C.
  • functions imported array of C functions, zh_def is function definition (or even operator), written in zhaba-script and c_name is a name of a C function.

Alternatively, you can express types and functions not like an object, but like a tuple array, where zh_def is a first element, and c_name is second element.

Here is an example that json file (suppose we want to import stdio.h):

  "c_path": "stdio.h",
  "types": [
      "zh_def": "bool _", // In C standard File implementations is't defined,
      "c_name": "FILE" // so we can leave some useless value here
  "functions": [
      "zh_def": "fn FILEP fopen str filename str mode",
      "c_name": "fopen"
    ["fn i32 fclose FILEP f", "fclose"] // Alternative array syntax

Importing C code directly

Writing this huge json files isn't cool, and zhaba-script is also about minimalism, so we can import C files directly! Comments are used to do that. Begin your comment with @zh-type or @zh-fn and follow it with type or function definition respectively. When importing files this way, you can think of imaginary json object with c_path equal to file path, and every time @zh-... found, content after that appended to types and functions arrays. // or /* */ can be used for comments, but each comment can be used for only one definition. Any file extension like .c, .h, .cpp, .cxx is valid (other from .zh and .json). Here is the same example as above, but with this syntax:

#include <stdio.h>

// @zh-type ["bool _", "FILE"]

// @zh-fn ["fn FILEP fopen str filename str mode", "fopen"]
// @zh-fn ["fn i32 fclose FILEP f", "fclose"]

Advanced C api


Zhaba-script doesn't support macros, but it is possible to trick compiler into thinking that macro is a function and use it:

/** `panic` definition */

// @zh-fn ["fn panic str s", "panic_macro"]

#define panic_macro(s) panic_c(s, __FILE__, __LINE__)

void panic_c(const char* s, const char* file, int line) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Program panic at %s:%d:\n%s\n", file, line, s);


Another similar approach can be taking with global objects and constants, by defining getter-like macro, that expands to desirable value:


Cross platform definitions

Another ability is to make cross platform definitions, because for zhaba-script compiler only the shape of function or type matters:

/** From `c/screen.c` */

// @zh-fn ["fn clrscr", "clrscr"]
void clrscr() {
#ifdef _WIN32
  COORD coord = {0, 0};
  DWORD count;
  GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(hStdOut, &csbi);
  FillConsoleOutputCharacter(hStdOut, ' ', csbi.dwSize.X * csbi.dwSize.Y, coord,
  SetConsoleCursorPosition(hStdOut, coord);
  printf("\033[2J\033[1; 1H");

Variadic functions

Many C functions like printf are variadic, but zhaba-script doesn't support them, but we c/valist.c provides va operators, that acts like Vec<T>'s operator ,, but you need to put va in front of sequence too:

use c/std

fn main
  printf('number: %d, string: %s\n', va 55 va 'frog')

Note, that because va is operator, you need to put , in front of it.


Zhaba-script isn't designed to target C++, but you can do that by changing C compiler to the C++ one with -c flag. You will probably also need to create some kind of wrappers for you C++ code.

Zhaba-script C library

Zhaba-script standard library defines most of necessary C functions and type like FILE or printf, in c/std module, and also has other cross-platform defined functions like clrscr.

Using C standard library

The best way to use C standard library is to import c/std module, but you can also import only needed modules, but some of them are depend on others, so it is recommended to simply use c/std module.

C Standard library content

File Description
std/c/keyboard.c Cross platform keyboard functions
std/c/math.c Defines <math.h> for f64
std/c/preprocessor.c Common preprocessor macros like __FILE__ or __LINE__
std/c/screen.c Cross platform terminal functions
std/c/stdio.c <stdio.h>
std/c/stdlib.c <stdlib.h>
std/c/time.c Different time functions
std/c/valist.c Definitions for working with C variadic functions
std/c/panic.c Defined panic
std/c/std.zh All C standard library


Zhaba script - is a multi-paradigm, high-level, statically typed, interpreted or source to source compiled language, which focuses at minimizing programs size and maximizing development speed and comfort..





