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Algorithmic Complexity

Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structure
Departamento de Ingeniería Informática
Universidad de Santiago de Chile
Score: 6.4/7.0

A resource is a source or supply from which produces a benefit, there are natural resources and artificial, which, depending on the context and the situation are classified as such. In the world of engineering, resource management is of great importance at the time of production, invention or innovation of a project. time is a limited resource, therefore optimizing a solution without changing its correct operation, it is the duty of an engineer. Through this experiment, where a real case is simulated, will carry out an analysis and implementation of a solution in a mid-level programming language (C language). The main objective is to perform and compare a complexity analysis of a algorithm. It is expected that the results obtained in a respective analysis time v/s input acquire a curve similar to the curve that represents the algorithmic complexity of the raised pseudocode.

A tower of pizza bases that are messy that have to be sorted smallest to largest, however, only a flat surface and a spatula. the basis of a pizza is one of the first stages before make your complete preparation, therefore, when a pizza base exists, it has no defined side for later stage. With this clear and with the tools provided, realizes that it is possible to make a return to a number n of pizza bases, that is, it is possible insert the spatula between two pizza bases and make a full turn, where the last base of pizza will be in the place from where the spatula and the pizza base where the spatula, it will be at the end. It is possible to apply for a tower of pizza bases, thus ordering from least to greater without the need to carry out a greater handling of pizza bases. Dividing the problem into small problems is what makes the algorithm possible. The first part that will be implemented is to perform only one somersault from a pivot position

        pizzaFlip(array array, num length, num): array
          tempPizza ← 0
          FOR i← (pivot – 1) TO length:
            tempPizza ← array[length-1]
            array[length-1] ← array[i]
            array[i] ← tempPizza
            length ← length-1

The algorithm describes a somersault to the pizzas with the spatula, what is being done is to invert the elements of an array from position n (which would be where the spatula is inserted) to the start. The flip function will allow swapping of positions. The function will receive a pivot like argument, which will be the same as will store in a new array for export where you did the flip from in a file exit. From a position 0 to a position n of a arrangement, the highest position must be evaluated in the arrangement to assess where to perform the somersault and so get a new sorted array correctly, for this, the following is done implementation.

          pizzaMayor(arreglo arreglo, num largo, num pivote): indiceMayor
            mayor ← arreglo[pivote]
            indiceMayor = pivote
              PARA i ← pivote HASTA largo:
                SI arreglo[i] > mayor:
                  mayor ← arreglo[i]
                  indiceMayor ← i

With these two functions it is possible to solve the problem at a pseudocode level

          pizzasSort(array array, num length):array
            FOR i ← 1 TO length:
              mayor ← pizzaMayor(array, length, i)
              IF (i = largo) THEN:
              SI NO
                SI (mayor = length) ENTONCES
                  voltearPizzas(arreglo, length, i)
                  cantidadVolteretas ← cantidadVolteretas+ 1
                  volteretas[cantidadVolteretas] ← i
                SI NO
                  voltearPizzas(arreglo ,length, mayor)
                  cantidadVolteretas ← cantidadVolteretas+ 1
                  volteretas[cantidadVolteretas] ← mayor
                  voltearPizzas(arreglo ,length, i)
                  cantidadVolteretas ← cantidadVolteretas+ 1
                  volteretas[cantidadVolteretas] ← i

At the pseudocode level, the implementation of these functions would correctly solve the issue.

For the analysis of the results, the time.h library to use the clock function. A comparative table is made with different inputs and with their respective execution time

Pizzas Amount Time
200 0.000880
400 0.001344
800 0.003345
1600 0.012181
3200 0.036682

Looking at the pseudocode, in the function pizzasSort shows a cycle and when inside, a call to a function that contains another cycle. There is only up to one loop nesting and the rest of the instructions are branches, assignments or operations. This will mean that they are constant, therefore, to simple view, the complexity of the algorithm is O(n2).

Classical sorting methods could solve this problem efficiently. In fact, a great example might be the method of quick sort (quick sort) that keeps a complexity curve O(n log(n)) or the method counting sort that maintains a curve of complexity O(n+k). However, the situation described and the specific problem to be solved, use a method similar to these, would be a utopia with the tools and conditions granted. The method ordering by inverting and reallocating without doubt it works and find the result expected. The sorting algorithm assigned to This problem remains complex algorithm similar to that which could be provided by the method bubble sort or insert method (insertion sort) that correspond to a complexity algorithmic O(n2).

        La ejecución y uso del programa dependerá del
        sistema operativo.

        a. Windows
        La primera parte es instalar mingw, añadiendo el
        compilador gcc al PATH.

        Se debe buscar en el botón de inicio el CMD
        (también es posible iniciar el CMD realizando la
        combinación de teclas WINDOWS + R y escribiendo

        Posteriormente se debe localizar en la carpeta
        contenedora del Torre.c, para esto puede hacerlo
        con los comandos de el CMD.

        Una vez en la carpeta deberá compilar con gcc
        escribiendo en el CMD la siguiente línea
        gcc Torre.c -o Torre

        Cuando ya se haya compilado, el programa está
        listo para ser ejecutado, para esto deberá ingresar la
        siguiente línea de código

        Torre {nombreEntrada} {nombreSalida}

        Donde nombreEntrada corresponde al nombre del
        archivo de entrada el cual se desea leer y el
        nombreSalida para el archivo a exportar con los

        Torre Salida.out

        b. Unix (macOS y Linux)

        En los sistemas basados en Unix, el compilador gcc
        viene por defecto en la terminal de cada sistema.
        Para compilar el código se debe localizar en la
        carpeta contenedora del archivo.c y ejecutar la
        siguiente línea:

        gcc Torre.c -o Torre

        Para ejecutar el programa debe ejecutar la siguiente

        ./Torre {nombreEntrada} {nombreSalida}

        Donde nombreEntrada corresponde al nombre del
        archivo de entrada el cual se desea leer y el
        nombreSalida para el archivo a exportar con los


        Torre Salida.out

        c. Clonación por GIT

        git clone


Algorithmic complexity of a rare type sort.





