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Mobile First Dynamically Rendered By JS Restaurant Page

Restaurant Page

This is a simple restaurant page built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and bundled using webpack. The page is rendered dynamically by using JavaScript to manipulate DOM elements.

This project was built to demonstrate the skills and concepts of ES6 modules, webpack, and code organization. It was developed as part of The Odin Project's full-stack web development curriculum.




To run this project locally, you'll need to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine. Once you have those installed, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine using git clone.
  2. Navigate to the project directory in your terminal.
  3. Run npm install to install the project's dependencies.
  4. Run npm run build to bundle the project's JavaScript files using webpack.
  5. Open the index.html file in your web browser to view the restaurant page.

Alternatively, you can simply visit the live version of the page here ↗


This restaurant page is a simple, static website with no back-end functionality. It is intended to showcase the use of JavaScript to manipulate the DOM and render dynamic content.

The page consists of a header, a navigation menu, and four sections: Home, Menu, Reservation and Contact. The Home section displays a welcome message and a featured dish. The Menu section displays a list of menu items, the Reservation displays a form to book a table and the Contact section displays the restaurant's contact information.


This project was built as part of The Odin Project's JavaScript full-stack web development curriculum. The Odin Project is a free, open-source curriculum for learning web development. You can learn more about The Odin Project and their curriculum here ↗.

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