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Fletcher Foti edited this page Jan 15, 2015 · 1 revision

This page contains the roadmap for UrbanSim as we are moving away from the use of Pivotal where this used to be hosted.

There are some models that are currently ad-hoc that might need to be generalized a bit

  • scheduled development events
  • scale-based job model
  • refinement model

And a few improvements that aren't mission critical but would be nice features

  • optionally remove insignificant columns from the model spec
  • don't write new coeffs unless they change significantly
  • add yaml storage of pro forma configuration
  • detect singular matrix (perfectly correlated columns)
  • reindex could be automatic based on the current broadcasts (you can find a field name somewhere else in the hierarchy and reindex it to the current dataframe)

And the constantly nagging modeling issue

  • required use of discretized choosers instead of sampling alts for all choosers
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