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db* CODECOP Validators

db* CODECOP supports custom validators. A validator must implement the PLSQLCopValidator Java interface and has to be a direct or indirect descendant of the PLSQLValidator class. Such a class can be used in the command line utility and the SQL Developer extension.

For SonarQube a ValidationConfig is required. A config defines the validator with its rules and quality profile for SonarQube. See GLPValidatorConfig. The referenced XML files are generated based on the validator and the optional sample guidelines.

You may use these validators as is or amend/extend them to suit your needs.

Provided Validators

This project provides the following four custom validators in the package com.trivadis.tvdcc.validators:

Class Description
TrivadisPlsqlNaming Checks Naming Conventions of the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines
GLP Checks naming of global and local variables and parameters
SQLInjection Looks for SQL injection vulnerabilities, e.g. unasserted parameters in dynamic SQL
Hint Looks for unknown hints and invalid table references
OverrideTrivadisGuidelines Extends TrivadisGuidelines3 and overrides check for G-1050.
TrivadisGuidelines3Plus Combines the validators TrivadisPlsqlNaming, SQLInjection and OverrideTrivadisGuidelines.


This validator implements 15 guidelines to cover the chapter 2.2 Naming Conventions of the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines.

Guideline Message
G-9101 Always name global variables to match '^g_.+$'.
G-9102 Always name local variables to match '^l_.+$'.
G-9103 Always name cursors to match '^c_.+$'.
G-9104 Always name records to match '^r_.+$'.
G-9105 Always name collection types (arrays/tables) to match '^t_.+$'.
G-9106 Always name objects to match '^o_.+$'.
G-9107 Always name cursor parameters to match '^p_.+$'.
G-9108 Always name in parameters to match '^in_.+$'.
G-9109 Always name out parameters to match '^out_.+$'.
G-9110 Always name in/out parameters to match '^io_.+$'.
G-9111 Always name record type definitions to match '^r_.+_type$'.
G-9112 Always name collection type definitions (arrays/tables) to match '^t_.+_type$'.
G-9113 Always name exceptions to match '^e_.+$'.
G-9114 Always name constants to match '^co_.+$'.
G-9115 Always name subtypes to match '^.+_type$'.

These regular expressions can be customized by using a file. This file must be placed in the user's home directory ($HOME for Linux or macOS and %HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH% for Windows). If a property is omitted it will fall back to the default value (see table above). Furthermore, you can use Java system properties to configure the naming conventions, e.g. -DREGEX_CONSTANT_NAME=^k_.+$. However, the file overrides system properties that where set when starting the JVM.

Here's an example of the file content using default values for all properties:

# Override default for TrivadisPlsqlNaming validator
# Override defaults for TrivadisGuidelines3 validator
cop.1050.threshold = 2
cop.2185.threshold = 4
cop.2410.boolean.strings = true,false,t,f,0,1,2,yes,no,y,n,ja,nein,j,si,s,oui,non,o,l_true,l_false,co_true,co_false,co_numeric_true,co_numeric_false
cop.5050.threshold.from = 20000 = 20999
cop.7210.threshold = 2000

If you are using the TrivadisGuidelines3Plus validator, the properties for the TrivadisGuidelines3 validator can also be configured in this properties file.


This is a simple validator to check the following naming convention guidelines:

Guideline Message
G-9001 Always prefix global variables with 'g_'.
G-9002 Always prefix local variables with 'l_'.
G-9003 Always prefix parameters with 'p_'.

This validator checks just these three guidelines. It does not extend the Trivadis PL/SQL & SQL Coding Guidelines.


This validator implements the following guideline:

Guideline Message
G-9501 Never use parameter in string expression of dynamic SQL. Use asserted local variable instead.

It looks for unasserted parameters used in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statements and OPEN FOR statements. All parameters used in these statements must be asserted with one of the subprograms provided by DBMS_ASSERT.

See example


This validator implements the following guidelines:

Guideline Message
G-9600 Never define more than one comment with hints.
G-9601 Never use unknown hints.
G-9602 Always use the alias name instead of the table name.
G-9603 Never reference an unknown table/alias.
G-9604 Never use an invalid stats method.
G-9605 Never use an invalid stats keyword.

Only the first comment containing hints is considered by the optimizer, therefore all hints violating G-9600 are treated as ordinary comments by the Oracle Database.

Using unknown hints might invalidate all subsequent hints. This happens when you use for example NOLOGGING. That's expected and not a bug. See MOS note 285285.1 or bug 8432870 for details. So, do not ignore G-9601 violations.

There are various hints that reference a table. The validator checks if the reference is valid. If an alias is defined for a table, but the table name is used in the hint then a G-9602 violation is reported. If the table reference in the hint is neither a table name nor an alias then a G-9603 violation is thrown. These violations should not be ignored either.

However, the vadiator ignores the optional query block in the hint and assumes that all table references belong to the current query block. As a result some false positives are possible. Furthermore references to a table in a query block (e.g. emp@qb1) are not checked. This might lead to some false negatives.

The guidelines G-9604 and G-9605 check the validity of the method and keyword in the table_stats hint.


This validator shows how existing guideline checks can be overridden.

The following guideline is overriden:

Guideline Message
G-1050 Avoid using literals in your code.

Literals as part of a Logger package call are not reported (see also issue 8).


This validator combines the validators

This way you can deal with an unbound number of validators without comproming the maintainablity.

Use in db* CODECOP

  1. Download db* CODECOP Command Line

    Download db* CODECOP Command Line from here.

  2. Install db* CODECOP Command Line

    • Uncompress the distributed db* CODECOP archive file (e.g. into a folder of your choice (hereinafter referred to as TVDCC_HOME). I use $HOME/tvdcc for TVDCC_HOME on my MacBook Pro.

    • For Windows platforms only: Amend the settings for JAVA_HOME in the tvdcc.cmd file to meet your environment settings. Use at least a Java 8 runtime environment (JRE) or development kit (JDK).

    • Include TVDCC_HOME in your PATH environment variable for handy interactive usage.

    • Optionally copy your commercial license file into the TVDCC_HOME directory. For simplicity name the file tvdcc.lic.

  3. Download Custom Validators

    Download sonar-plsql-cop-custom-validators-plugin-4.x.x.jar from here.

  4. Install Custom Validators

    Copy the previously downloaded jar file into the plugin folder of your TVDCC_HOME folder.

  5. Run db* CODECOP with a Custom Validator

    Open a terminal window, change to the TVDCC_HOME directory and run the following command to all files in $HOME/github/utPLSQL/source with the custom validator com.trivadis.tvdcc.validators.TrivadisGuidelines3Plus:

    ./ path=$HOME/github/utPLSQL/source validator=com.trivadis.tvdcc.validators.TrivadisGuidelines3Plus

    The tvdcc_report.html file contain the results. Here's an excerpt:

    db* CODECOP Report - File Issues

Use in db* CODECOP for SQL Developer

  1. Install db* CODECOP Command Line

    As explained above.

  2. Download db* CODECOP for SQL Developer

    Download db* CODECOP for SQL Developer from here.

  3. Install db* CODECOP for SQL Developer

    • Start SQL Developer
    • Select Check for Updates… in the help menu.
    • Use the Install From Local File(s) option to install the previously downloaded TVDCC_for_SQLDev-*.zip file.
    • Restart SQL Developer
  4. Configure Validator

    Configure the validator in SQL Developer as shown in the following screenshot:


  5. Check Code

    Open the code to be checked in an editor and select Check from the context menu.


    The check result is shown by default at the bottom of your SQL Developer workspace.


Use in db* CODECOP for SonarQube

  1. Install SonarQube

    See documentation.

  2. Install Standalone or Secondary Plugin

    See documentation.

  3. Install Child Plugin (Custom Validator Plugin)

    Download the sonar-plsql-cop-custom-validators-plugin-x.x.x.jar from releases. Then copy it to the extensions/plugins folder of your SonarQube installation and restart the SonarQube server.

  4. Configure Validator Config Class

    Login as Administrator in SonarQube. Go to Administration. Select General Settings from Configuration and click on db* CODECOP. Type one of the following into the Validator Config class field:

    • com.trivadis.sonar.plugin.GLPValidatorConfig
    • com.trivadis.sonar.plugin.TrivadisGuidelines3PlusValidatorConfig
  5. Restart SonarQube

    Select System in the Administration menu and click on Restart Server.

    Important: Starting with SonarQube 9.1, rules and quality profiles are cached to improve the startup time (see SONAR-15237). To apply changes to Language Key and Validator Config class, the PL/SQL specific plugins must be uninstalled and then reinstalled. Configuration changes are not affected by this process.

  6. Run Analysis

    Start an analysis from the command line as follows (see docs for more information):

    cd $HOME/github/trivadis/plsql-cop-validators/src/main/resources
    sonar-scanner -Dsonar.projectKey="plsql-cop-validators"

    By default the source code in the current directory is analyzed. Here's the result:

    SonarQube Issues in Code

How to Build

  1. Install db* CODECOP Command Line

    As explained above.

  2. Install Maven

    Download and install Apache Maven 3.8.6

  3. Clone the cop-validators repository

    Clone or download this repository.

  4. Install the required db* CODECOP libraries

    These libraries are not available in public Maven repositories. However, they are part of the db* CODECOP Command Line installed in step 1. You need to install these libraries into your local Maven repository.

    Open a terminal window in the cop-validators root folder and run Run the following shell script:


    The shell script expects to find the library tvdcc.jar in $HOME/tvdcc. If it is not there, pass the path to the directory as parameter to this script. For example

    ./ $HOME/tvdcc

  5. Build validator jar file

    Open a terminal window in the cop-validators root folder and run the Maven build by the following command

     mvn clean package


The db* CODECOP Validators are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. You may obtain a copy of the License at