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Personal website where I write some articles about modern front-end web development.

Getting Started

Make sure you are using Node v16 LTS:

# Install if not already done.
nvm install 16
# Use if already installed.
nvm use 16

Create .env.local for environment variables inside the Next.js server:

# Connect Prisma to PlanetScale database MySQL.
# Use a local domain to route using `pscale connect` proxy.
# $ pscale connect <DATABASE_NAME> <BRANCH_NAME> --port 3309
DATABASE_URL='mysql://[email protected]:3309/<DATABASE_NAME>'

# Generate refresh token here:
# Scopes required for this website: user-top-read, user-read-currently-playing

Create .env for environment variables inside Prisma CLI (like npx prisma db push):

# Prisma PlanetScale database proxy.
# Should be used only in local development with PlanetScale proxy:
# $ npx prisma db push
# See:
DATABASE_URL='mysql://[email protected]:3309/<DATABASE_NAME>'

You may want to run a the pscale connect proxy command in parallel of the Next.js server, in order to point to a development database environment for your development needs:

pscale connect <DATABASE_NAME> <DATABASE_BRANCH> --port 3309

Run the Next.js development server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.