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Releases: Totem-gdn/TotemGeneratorUnity

Totem Core v5.4.0

09 Aug 22:31
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This update is a critical one. We've moved to a different RTC blockchain server, now all of the asset reqeusts will go through.

Change log:

  • New RTC blockchain server
  • Added asset purchase
  • Added Exp values retrieval from assets DNA

Totem Core v5.3.0

02 Jun 11:49
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This update brings the support for WebGL builds with a completely rewritten authentication system. Android login issues are addressed as well.

Change log:

  • WebGL platform support.
  • New authentication system. Handling of user closing the login page.
  • Android login issue fix.

API changes:

  • Removed onLogin even from TotemCore. Now use of the callback for LoginUser is required.
  • TotemUser can be null as a result of LoginUser. This indicates that the login was canceled.

Totem Core v5.2.0

20 Feb 19:30
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This is an IMPORTANT update that changes the smart-contract addresses to the most recent ones, so the new assets bought on the explorer will be pulled properly. In addition, the official "Remember me" functionality is also here.


  • Updated smart contract addresses.
  • Added "Remember me" functionality. Call AutheticateLastUser method to instantly login last user (if possible).
  • Added an optional command line argument: token. If this argument is present during AutheticateLastUser call, value of this argument will be used as a user login token.
  • Improved analytics.

Totem Core v5.1.0

08 Feb 18:16
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This update brings long awaited support for IL2CPP builds for Android and IOS support.


  • IL2CPP build support added
  • IOS build support added


  • Changed the gameID in the sample to a valid address
  • Fixed plugin interference with WebGL builds. (Platform is not yet supported)

Totem Core v5.0.1

26 Jan 13:30
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This minor update makes a move from gameId to gameAddress for games identification. If you are encountering an error while managing legacy records, this is the update you need

Change log:

- Updated legacy records. gameId changed to gameAddress
- Updated secondary_color rule for the default filters

Totem Core v5.0.0

08 Jan 20:18
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- Legacy Records are now stored on the blockchain
- Custom Legacy Record data. Now it is possible to save a JSON string to the record, no limititaions to int
- New Authentiofication model. Now using `` instead of Web3Auth inside the plugin

API Changes:

- Order of the retrieved legacy records is reversed. Now the first entry in the List is the latest record.
- TotemCore.GetLegacyRecords and TotemCore.AddLegacyRecord now require a TotemAssetType as a parameter.
- TotemCore.AuthenticateCurrentUser no longer requires a Provider parameter since it will be chosen on the login page.
- Added timestamp of creation to the Legacy Record model


- Changed the destrebution of item materials in default filter
- Added a secondary color field for the default avatar and item.


- Web3Auth removed. This solves some compatability issues for mobile devices
- Sample scene update to reflect the changes

Totem Core v4.1.0

01 Dec 16:23
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-Google login fix. Some Google profiles were failing to login.
-Updated the web3Auth clientID. Now users assets are properly correlated to the totem-explorer assets.
-Improved memory handling. Possible fix for memory leak errors in the editor.
-Moved totem-common-file to the package resources folder. This solves the filter disappearence issues.
-Updated default item filter. Weapon Material values: Bone, Flint, Obsidian, Wood
-Sample improvements and bug fixes.

-TotemDNADefaultItem- int to uint
-TotemDNADefaultAvatar - removed weapon_type property
-TotemDNADefaultAvatar - removed weapon_material property

Totem Core v4.0.0

17 Oct 14:00
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In this major version we are officially moving-out to use actual NFT's on the blockchain! And with this change we are introducing a concept of DNA and filters. Now you can decide yourself how to interpret avatars and items in your game.

Totem Generator V1.0.1

02 Apr 12:14
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This version includes the small DefaultNamespace fix that @Nirlah suggested